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HURRICANE DRUNK / HPR Related Litter Rehoming - Printable Version

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HURRICANE DRUNK / HPR Related Litter Rehoming - Una. - 09-26-2018

So my character, Lunafreya, had a litter a few months back and both roleplayers are no longer active with either of the spots, so the children are being rehomed!
These are the only requirements I have for them:
-Not a requirement, but you may remake all of your character if you want
-They are six months old
-They must carry the Nox Fleuret-Ignibus surnames
-They will be going to the Ascendants
-Please stay active with your character, if you are inactive over a month, your slot will be rehomed
-The kids are half Serval, half Domestic Feline
-This is first-come first serve
-The roleplayer of each kit must track this thread


Re: HURRICANE DRUNK / HPR Related Litter Rehoming - KITTY-KAT | AKLM - 10-05-2018

if this is still open then:

NAME: Toybox Nox Fleuret-Ignibus
GENDER: female
APPEARANCE: tall, long legged she-cat with a long lemur like tail, small 'demon-like' goat horns sticking out from her head, a forked tongue, and non-retractable claws. her short pelt is marked like a seal-lynx-point cat, but with faint splashes, spots, and streaks along her flanks resembling the normal serval markings. the most unique thing about her pelt is that it is colored a soft creamy off white, with pale pastel yellow and orange markings. her eyes, her tongue, and her horns are a sickly neon yellow-green in color. the base of her tail sit two leather bands adorned with feathers - each one representing a specific event in her life, a specific person in her life, or an emotion. as she grows older, more of these bands will be added to her tail, as well as her fore-paws and neck.
PERSONALITY: social, cheerful, over-eager, kind, loving, childish well meaning | naive, overly trusting, clingy, obedient, cuddly, tearful, needy, selfish
OTHER: has a slight mental impairment in that she often reverts to a child-like state - often forgetting things that the 'normal' or 'older' her knows, and regressing to a drastically different person compared to her normal self.