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BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - Printable Version

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BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - ONISION. - 09-26-2018




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//faceclaim: cole sprouse

Oni had made sure he was dressed up for such an occasion. A nightclub? Fuck yeah. He hoped no bar fights happened, but he was pretty sure he was gonna end up punching someone anyways. Besides, if Alex showed up, Oni knew he would punch someone if they looked at his boyfriend wrong.

He had decided to settle on a black button-up shirt and black denim jeans with vans. He wasn't much for dressing up, he just decided to stick with his usual punk-angsty teenager vibe he always had going on. But now he was going to make himself look a little better than usual. His hair had been styled, combed. So his soft brown waves only fell into the view of his single blue eye. His covered eye, scarred and hidden by his eyepatch, ached to be used despite not having any vision in the body part.

"Let's get this fuckin' party started!" Yelled the male loudly above the music, grabbing his glass of vodka and downing it quickly before heading over to the dance floor to dance.

Until Alex got here, of course.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - MirrorEdge - 09-26-2018

Thea was never one to be too formal, the young woman making her way into the club, strappy dark blue and gold top and and light blue jeans going well with her dark, pale skin and almost purple-ish looking hair that was usually kept in a messy ponytail or down now curled, and swept to one side of her head, though it didn't make much of a difference as soon as she entered, the dim lighting barely making her recognizable, until she grinned. That grin was something that made it easy for her friends to recognize her. Or enemies, in this case, a hand raising to wave at Oni, before heading straight to the bar, ordering a beer to start off, and sipping it carefully. She tended to start with something like beer, or wine, even, it depended on what she was in the mood for, before transitioning to harder stuff as the night progressed, leaving her a mess in the morning.

Red eyes watched the dancers carefully, the loud music, swaying bodies, the feeling of people pushing past her, and the alcohol finally beginning to enter her system putting her in an odd state of both calm and happiness, and she gripped the rails of the stairs that led to the dance floor, yelling over the music, "ONI! You call that dancing? Shame on you!"

When it was stated that either way, Thea would be a mess in the morning, it wasn't because she always drank too much, no: she did, and was usually fine minus the inevitable hangover, always muttering something about a 'titanium liver' and 'has baffled medical researchers for decades', while drinking, it was any amount of alcohol only fueled her already overly-competitive, slightly violent behavior, and while the alcohol was still in her system, it only made her hyper, like a child on a sugar high, and even more competitive and prone to getting thrown out of nightclubs. That was the reason she didn't drink much. This also made it very unfortunate for Oni, who was usually the target of her, uh, violence and competitiveness.
Template by Quill

Re: BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - ONISION. - 09-26-2018




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"Haah!? You wanna show me better, bird-face!?" Oni called back out to her, trying his best to keep the grinding women off of him. They seemed to be a group of friends, and he didn't seem like a strict gay man with what he was wearing or how he looked. He just looked like a young twink, but apparently he had to dress up more if he wanted to keep the women at bay.

Speaking of women, one he particularly didn't like had come down the stairs, and Oni had already began to make his way over to her when she had called out to him. Shame on him? No. "Shame on you for drinking beer first. Beer before liquor never sicker, dude? Ever heard of it?" He chirped up, the alcohol in his system allowing him to relax and be just a bit nicer to the dark-haired girl for once.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - tori - 09-27-2018

He didn't really want to be here. Alex, after all, disliked normal social situations let alone a room full of crowds, lights, sound...all of the above threw him off balance and made him ill to an extent. So why was he here? Simple, Oni was here. Onision was here and he wanted to try and socialize for him, and deep down he was somewhat insecure with the idea of Oni getting drunk with a bunch of people he didn't know. Insecure enough to allow a small frown to cross his face as he entered the chaos, avoiding the alcohol for now. Not that he had a problem, he just figured he'd pass out somewhere, secretly cursed with the inability to drink without immediately getting tipsy. A poor, poor lightweight. And that would have been a nasty combination with what he was already feeling.

He tied his black hair up in a bun atop his head, a few missed strands hanging over his olive toned face. He'd managed to scrounge up a red flannel shirt for the event, the sleeves rolled up his arms, complimented by a choice of jean shorts and a small collection of leather bracelets up his wrist. It was the best he could do, one had a difficult time knowing how to dress formally when they never had anything formal to begin with, a side effect of never being social.

"Drunk is drunk, love." Alexander said in response, before Thea could answer. He felt some sort of distrust when he saw her, she intimidated him to hell and back. But he was not opposed to trying and getting himself over this negative feeling, he didn't like feeling negative after all. And so he offered her one of his small smiles, wondering if she could even see it in the dark. "You look lovely, Thea."

After someone had stumbled too close to him, Alexander gently threw one arm around Onision's shoulders, planting a small kiss on his cheek. "I hope neither of you have gotten in bar fights already before I arrived."


Re: BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - MirrorEdge - 09-27-2018

Thea blinked, a bit confused, but taking a large sip of beer anyways, as if that would solve her problems. "No. What's that mean?" Beer before liquor never sicker? What the hell did that mean? "You end up barfing in some toilet at the end of the night either way, so I don't see the issue." She finally spoke, the grin growing on her face and she chugged the rest of the beverage, the empty bottle set on the table she had been occupying, a glint in her eyes. "Are you challenging me to a competition?" Hopefully, it wouldn't be something that gets them thrown out of this fine establishment as well. She was already liking this place.

Alexander's arrival and opinion on the whole matter on what she was drinking had her nodding in agreement. "See? Even your boyfriend agrees with me on this one, at least. You get drunk either way." She sounded like she had won or something, just a tiny bit, and was quick to order another beer at the bar near them, the bartender nodding, and a few moments later, she had another, the cool glass against her hands a welcome feeling. "And really? Thank you, then! You look nice as well."

To be honest, she didn't see Oni as anything more than a rival, whether it be drinking or fighting, and Alexander as somebody who made it clear that he didn't completely trust her, but at least was still polite to her, and in an odd way, that had earned the quieter man a bit of respect from her. So the compliment was simply that: a compliment in an attempt to be nice. It had taken her quite a bit of time to realize that the way she had gone about things with her friends had ended up pushing many of them away, even if they were too polite to say so, and Thea had remained quiet and doing her best to be subtle on the fact that she was now scrambling to repair the friendships she had before it was too late. "And I think it's safe to say we haven't, otherwise we would've been kicked out already. And this place is too nice to destroy." That, and she was still busy paying for the damages she caused last time, and she didn't need another bill sent to her house for some display being broken or expensive booze being spilled because she got too careless.
Template by Quill

Re: BUY YOU A DRINK && human nightclub au. - ONISION. - 09-27-2018




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The dressed up Onision was much different than the normal Oni, his attitude was more laid back and chill, but still short-tempered. He was known for bar fights, for club fights, and fights in general. With Thea, in particular. Why? She could keep up with him, she had actually laid him out once and Oni had never held back ever since. Was that bad? Who knew.

"Sorry to have dragged you here, love." Oni's voice was softened as the slightly buzzed male leaned down into the kiss that was placed upon his cheek. His arm snuck around his boyfriend's waist, yanking him closer with a scowl towards the idiot whom had stumbled too close. Brown hair was brushed back with slender fingers as Oni turned back to grin at Thea. The sneaky bitch. "You're just worried that I'll lay you out." He snarked cockily, rolling his eyes as he moved over to a booth, where he held his hand out for Alex to take so he could try to pull the other into his lap.

This was what really pissed Oni off. When people gave Alex stares, weird glances, anything, really. Who cared what he looked like? Oni loved him either way. "I like this place too, but that doesn't mean we can't ruin a few tables if someone gives my boyfriend or you a ugly stare." He grumbled over the music, his cheeks sticking out more in a pout.

With a wave of his hand, he had another shot of vodka delivered to him, where he pulled it back quickly, downing it as fast as possible. "Drunk by beer and drunk by liquor is two different drunks- hic." He croaked out, laying his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "-And I don't puke, you shithead!" Oni squeaked out in complaint, grinding his teeth.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh