Beasts of Beyond
DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME && return + body shift. - Printable Version

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DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME && return + body shift. - ONISION. - 09-25-2018




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They had beat him until he couldn't feel anything anymore, Oni noticed. In his brain, he had told Aloysius to stay away, to not get hurt for his sake, and although sadly, the god of mischief let the boy get beat to the near death. His injuries were gruesome; so gruesome that he didn't know that Moon had even brought him back to his home, where he belonged.

He could faintly remember Aloysius pulling him out of consciousness, before everything else blacked out.

Aloysius was free to roam, but he didn't want to disrespect the Host's choice to stay in this place. He knew how the Host had a lover, had family, and even had an enemy in this group, and Aloysius respected that. Somewhat.

Aloysius was sure that he had been sleeping for a long time, but when cold blue eyes opened up to view his surroundings, he found himself in the familiar dark brown wolf body that he normally had when he took over. Oni wouldn't be coming out for a while, he needed to recover from the trauma and pain, so Aloysius would take over.

Slowly, the lupine creature sat up, rubbing his temple with a paw in annoyance. Was this a headache? Must have been from sleeping for so long.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME && return + body shift. - MirrorEdge - 09-25-2018

Thea had gone through some changes of her own, the guilt of what she'd done clinging to her, haunting her every moment of every day, though as she approached, smile on her face, the sadness behind it was undetectable.

She was in no mood to challenge Oni, especially when he looked like he got run over by a lawnmower. That, and she had her broken paw to worry about. "So you're back, huh? I would challenge you to a fight, but I don't think either of us are up for it." With these words, an ear flicked to her bandaged paw. No 'Are you okay?' or 'God, what did they do to you?' That was Alexander's job, she was pretty sure, as she limped forward, eventually giving up and teleporting the last couple of yards to conserve energy, and prevent the sharp pain traveling up her leg each time she moved.

It had taken her awhile to realize that what Oni felt towards her wasn't friendly rivalry, a challenge to overcome, like she had felt. He just felt hatred towards her, and now? She accepted that. She probably actually deserved it, if she was being honest with herself. She had taken his eye. Thea had taken so much from so many people and not paid the price for it. These conflicting emotions were still confusing the hell out of her, and the nightmares of her reliving those deaths, both at her paw and at others, weren't really helping with her sorting them.

Maybe it was impossible for her to mend these broken and messed up bonds she had formed with others. She didn't even know how to act towards these people she'd hurt.
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