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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]/ tl;dr he set himself on fire and contemplated some of his life choices this thread is a mess idk what i'm doing

He had heard somewhere before that third degree burns hurt less than second. That there was a point when someone's body could go through so much that suddenly it would stop registering part of it. But to get past it, you had to go through it — the way that burns would heighten senses, the agonizing sensation of it all. Laz had been burned a few times before, but never to the point that he would lose sensation. A paw on hot coals and a wordless howl as he immediately stepped back, or scrambling for the exits as a building burned around him. He would feel ashes on his skin, in his throat. Smoke inhalation was always worse than the fire itself in scenarios like the second. Choking on thick black smoke, eyes watering, unable to see more than a few feet in front of him. But he had staggered out and rolled to the ground with a steady recovery only moments away. Fire had never been that bad, he's just aware that it could always be worse. He's seen it before, sort of like this.

The dog looks like an oil spill. It's early morning and the world is still mostly sleeping through a hazy pink sunrise, but he hasn't slept well for a week now. With the fevers that burned him from the inside out, he could never get in anything more than a few restless hours before he would wake up panting and near hallucinations. He had done everything he could to figure out why it was happening, but Lazarus was never one for asking for help. It'd probably be his downfall one day, even though there are a few people here who have bothered. For that, he's grateful. Gabe — he'd always bothered, but it was a process to understand that others could do the same, that someone else could care. He'd spent his childhood as another cog in a violent machine, and then several more months unlearning it. The process was slow, the lessons hard to learn.

In this case, he's learning it a little too late. There was always some sort of waiting. For them to be disappointed or scared or freaked out, for his awkwardness and hair-trigger temper to be too much. Now oranges and yellows lick up an inky black pelt and he thinks that he's put too much thought into most of this, because if his mouth had been capable of forming words, he would have called out. Instead his teeth are gritted to cope with a heat that still boils from the inside out as flames build higher around him. It starts at his paws as a bright yellow-white and reaches the middle of his leg as a deep, flickering red. He expects pain, something to flinch from as it curls to his stomach and between his teeth, lights a line down his spine and flares higher and dies down low — and it does hurt, but it's the pain of standing in the desert or on hot concrete, and those are both far more tolerable than the fever that had left him sweating.

For a moment, he looks every bit like the nickname he'd never fully managed to shake. The deep black and flickering reds, pouring out of his mouth, off of his back. It catches on strands of grass instead of short fur, and the lines march outwards like people fleeing a battlefield, leaving only burned earth behind. It was instinct that drove Laz to the ground, a primal panic seizing his heart as he hits with a thud and immediately rolls, antlers sticking in the dirt  that doesn't kill it. The whole thing is over quickly. Through the fire and into some uncertain numbness. There are no visible burns to color the Cane Corso's fur, but his limbs are shaking with the effort to hold up his own body and his head is low to the ground. The aching fever is gone, sure, and he still wonders if it was some hallucination, some joke his mind came up with. If it weren't for the circle of burned grass, Laz might actually believe that.


Hazel is no stranger to power discoveries. Some lucky few are gifted softly, while most have the misfortune of a violent savvy. She recalled her discovery of clairvoyance wasn't something she just happened to notice one day; it came on so gradually in her childhood that she never considered the fact that other people didn't see them.

It seems that Lazarus is one of the unlucky souls with a turbulent discovery, and Hazel can't say that she quite understands the absolute intensity he experiences. Then again, she doesn't even witness the entire thing - she's startled into leading a panicked Arion out of the observatory to which he'd come running. She doesn't want to move, too busy with the task of completely distracting her mind enough so that the memory of a few days ago didn't bubble to the surface. Avoiding her colt's clumsy hooves required her to lunge over her string and unfinished bracelets, tail puffing out in surprise.

Upon her arrival outside, Hazel blinked, taken aback by the scene of Lazarus writhing on the ground. She didn't recognize him immediately, but felt a faint impression that she might've met him once or twice. Regardless, she wasn't sure what a small feline was supposed to do when a canine that size with antlers had spontaneously (supposedly) burst into flames. What did you do in this situation? She couldn't just turn around and leave - that would be insensitive. But she wasn't exactly sure how she could help, either. Then, in a blink, the flames dissapated, leaving Laz a mess on charred ground.

Hazel, now much more confident in her ability to not get burned, started for him, expression furrowed with concern. "Hey," She greeted, gentler than usual. "That was...quite an ordeal. Are you alright?" She combed over his aura, fearful of finding a fading life source, but found nothing. Just the shudder of the canine's heartbeat, which was...faster than normal. "Can I get you anything? Water?" She suggested, pinching her lips. "I'm Hazel, by the way - that's probably the last thing on your mind right now, but I don't think we've met, so...I figured...never mind." She abruptly cut off her own rambling, grimacing. "Moon or Peri should be here soon to check you over."

Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O. POWER DISCOVERY - MirrorEdge - 09-26-2018

"Is he actually on fire?" A mixture of awe and shock could be heard in Thea's voice as the Arabian leopard made her way over, tempted to reach out and touch it, to see if it was real or not. "I've never seen anybody be burned alive. Do you think he'll be okay?"

Of course, while Thea had realized that her actions were wrong in killing Roy and her mother, it didn't mean she had turned into a completely normal and sane person. She had been raised to be twisted, and she still was, a bit, the fact clear through her morbid curiousity as to whether what it would look like if Lazarus burned alive in front of her.
Template by Quill


[size=9pt]"Already here." Comes Moon's voice, airy and distant as he stands from where he'd been sprawled on the ground only a couple of feet away. He approaches slowly, frowning and with his lips raised in a an expression that read, loud and clear, what the fuck? Lazarus was an enigma in himself-- or maybe he wasn't and Moon was just confused and slightly frustrated with why he'd known him longer than he'd known a lot of the current Ascendants, and yet he still didn't actually know him. Too aware of Lazarus' tendancies and surprisingly respectful of the Cane Corso, his overbearing charm had never had the chance to take Lazarus in its suffocating hold and force them to be friends. And Moon was a simple creature. Intrigued by someone his antics didn't work on.

And intrigued by someone who just burst into flames. "These fucking powers aren't doing any of us any favors." He recalls Fey's bewilderment and his own snapped bones as he starts a step or two forward to get a better look at Lazarus, gaze calculating. But not too close. He takes a moment, and then gives a deciding nod. "Alright. Unless you just sweated that fever out, Doctor's orders are you come to the Cleric's Hide and don't step a paw outside until we have you figured out. That, or you bunk in with Feathers and me or Peri visit hourly. Pick your poison, but either way, you're getting fixed. Not gonna' have you spreading whatever fiery bullshit you got going on, Laz."