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godless + asc, poisoning water supply - Printable Version

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godless + asc, poisoning water supply - MOONMADE - 09-25-2018

[size=9pt]See, he was a Warlord's son.

Though he seemed anything but, with his lanky, feeble physique and painfully nonchalant and joking behavior, Moon'd grown up with violence on his doorstep and dried blood caking in his fur. He knew all to well of bloodlust, battle and revenge. And, Today, he was on Pittian territory with the latter in mind.

He'd crushed deathberries under his paws until the pads were left stained, and robbed the Ascendant's territory for all its Nettles. Foxglove seeds and Nightshade. Its Water Hemlock, its Deathberries. Everything the Clerics warned against, anything he could get his ruthless, desperate paws on to deliver to the Pitts doorstep and watch them collapse into  foaming, feverish wrecks. Like they'd left Har.

He'd spent nights figuring out their territory. Hours of sitting up under the black of the sky, fretting over where their water supply was, how he'd find Onision, how he'd get the hell out of there. But when the day finally came, it proved a quick and flawless operation. Silent and deadly like he'd never been before, the lion made a twisted tea of any oasis he could find, and, with and unconscious Onision on his back and an empty Cleric's bag, disappeared from the territory just as quick as he'd came.

/ drinking will cause vomiting, pain, shakes, severe sickness, or possibly death. feel free to have your character spot the herbs in the water!

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - EROS - 09-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Strange things happened all the time and most of the time the sha creature didn't drink anything at all. Water didn't satisfy him and drinking from the cacti that were around also didn't do much to help settle his thirst so he didn't at all. The most that he did with such water sources that he came across was bathe in them and this was no different. He was making his way to one now, almost listless as he walked forward. The former slave allowed his gaze to shiver over the still waters and he tilted his gaze slightly, long ears raised forward. There was an ominous thing here, something different about the water but the male didn't open his muzzle to say anything. There was no need and pink marble hues shifted up from the stagnant oasis to look around the area. Jaws parted slowly and he allowed his sense to range forward and he listened, huffing in deep breaths of the area around him. The bitter tinge of herbs smacked him and he looked down at the water again. When he saw the herbs he became quiet and he knew of what they were and what they could do but still he said nothing. Nothing at all. Perhaps it was because he wanted to see what would happen if someone drank from the water or maybe he pushed the Pitt mentality harsher than he should but if they didn't see it before they drank then why bother saving them? Most of these creatures had oppressed him during his slave year, not caring. Most of them but there were some that had been kind and he winced a bit as he took a step back from the water already feeling consciously bad about his own choice in the matter. Yet, his head just lowered as he lightly took a paw and dabbed a paw into the warm liquid.

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - ONISION. - 09-25-2018

//permission was given to powerplay onision's rescue! track!

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - guts - 09-26-2018

Naturally, water was a rare resource in the desert. They had once lived in an oasis, but because of some thievery by another clan, they had ended up moving. Sometimes she wondered what they had been thinking, moving further into the desert where water would be so much scarcer. They would be well protected, as most people couldn't stand the heat, but it was still rough for them. She wished they could just go back to the oasis, where everything was alright and they had everything they needed. But that was wishful thinking.

It was common for her to make stops at their one body of water, as she always ended up pricking her paws on cacti whenever she tried to drink from them. It was a much easier alternative. On her way today, however, she quickly spots Valkyr and pauses, forcing a smile onto her muzzle. She was once fond of the sha, but now that he had done all these things--ripping a leader's heart out of their chest, capturing and forcing a child to stay with them--it made her a lot less sure of how to feel towards him. Still, she tried to appear friendly when she approached.

"Good afternoon." Cosette says, keeping it short before she turned to the water, quickly catching the odd smell. Her face twists at it, eyes narrowing and studying the waters. Then she spotted the herbs, too. But, with her lack of knowledge, she just shrugged it off. For all she knew they had just improved the water's taste. She was quickly proven wrong, though, spitting it back out the second she took a drink.

It tasted bitter, softly burning her tongue. It was awful, and only then did she realize what she had done, her eyes growing wide. "Wh-" is all she can get out, turning sharply before vomiting onto the sand, the bile tinted with red. It left a horrible taste in her mouth, body shaking all over. She quickly tried to throw up again, but all that she managed was dry heaving, her stomach emptied. Then she collapsed.

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - COSMIIX - 09-29-2018

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - EROS - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]His jaws parted and he was about to speak a warning, a telling of what had happened to this water and possibly other sources but there was no time. She was already drinking after speaking to him and he bit his tongue. Much too late. Already the signs of tainted water hit her and so quickly too. That was odd by itself and he had to wonder what exactly was in the water. Vomit gushed forth from her mouth and she collapsed to the ground with so much as a word, the red tint to her water logged bile making his stomach turn. That wasn't good and he huffed softly before looking up at Quill. Concern fluttered in his chest and frankly that all can be resolved. Right now Cosette needed help and thank goodness she already vomited up the contents of her stomach. "I think it would be best if we take Cosette back to the fortress. She drank the tainted water and we need to warn Esklav of what has happened. It appears that someone has tampered with it and with all the captures going on it'll be hard to figure out who. But for now you are right we can not drink from these watering sources."

Moving he aimed to pick Cosette up in his jaws and he flicked his thick forked tail, gaze lingering on the water before he turned to leave for the fortress. Cosette needed medicine and someone to look after her while she recuperated from the bad water she had drank. He glanced toward Quill as he left off, not knowing if the canine would come or not.

Re: godless + asc, poisoning water supply - B. DELORIA - 09-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify;font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]They fucked up the water. Were these people just not aware of the poor bastards like Butch, walking around with a collar chafing their necks? He didn't even know how to get cacti fruit without stabbing himself thirty-six times, so whoever did this really screwed the pooch. As far as Butch was concerned, they could get bent- them, and everyone else who wasn't Val. Wasn't like that mattered a penny, and he knew he should leave before somebody told him to do something, but he gravitated over to the river, staring into it. Maybe if he stored some, slipped Tsuyu a bit- but no, he had nothing beyond his name and a stupid collar. Could he bathe in it still? Or was it just a thing that had to be ingested? Another question for Val, whenever he saw him again. Can I take a dip in some raunchy water or will I die? That went right under, what is sand?

Shuffling his paws, the collie watched as some guy picked up the puking lady. He wished he'd walk faster, instead of looking like he was waiting for What's-His-Face. Could he make a break for it in all this commotion? Wasn't like Tsuyu was around to use her goopy tongue.