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CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Printable Version

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CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - PINCHER - 04-09-2018

the devil's backbone
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. and more fucking shit. He couldn't fucking believe that guru had done something so foolish when he had specifically demanded to focus their attention to harassing tanglewood and not the others. He had known there could have been a small sliver of possibility of things going wrong but the Captain had never expected the percentage to crash everything down when he had spotted Jacob and noticed the mental torture that the cinnamon colored caracal had decided to put down on the young Snowbound member. The pirate had quickly put an end to it and knowing if he didn't show his ability to control his crewmates, he was going to fail at convincing for a tied bond with the others. So, he had quickly gotten to work. He had allowed Jacob to stay in the Typhoon with easy freedom to do whatever he pleased on Paradis Island as long as he didn't leave for Pincher had ideas bubbling inside his head when he had met the kind canine. Normal creatures would have felt guilt for planning to use someone as some sort of token in politics but Pincher was Pincher, his mind was filled with ideas that had been created on pillars of ambition and hunger. He wanted to win, to gain connections that would be beneficial. And by the looks of it, he had rather enjoyed Leigh. The unicorn seemed like a decent creature that focused on the good of his group, something that the cursed male found admirable. He wasn't entirely selfish but he did have tendencies to forget about his crewmates when he thought of the future, of all the possibilities and risks of what would happen in any sort of given situations. Brainstorming was perhaps Pinch's greatest asset but at the same time, the thing that would be his doom. He thought too much and felt too little. The emotions that he only allowed to show was charismatic charm and twisted humor here and there, pulling a facade that many others did so it wasn't so "bad".

A small grunt escaped his coffee brown colored muzzle as he stepped into the beginning outskirts of the Snowbound territory, the freezing snow forcing heavy chills to roll down his muscular back. God, who the fuck wanted to live here? It was so damn cold and for someone that lived in a tropical island for the majority of his life, Pincher's body was not used to it at all. A tiny spark of white electricity bounced off his twitching pointed left ear as the obsidian male glanced over his scarred shoulder towards the ones he had decided to bring. Jacob, Guru, and Argus. He had forced Guru to come along even with her injuries (at least he allowed her to get patched up), Jacob came obviously, and Argus...he wasn't entirely sure why she had come along but she had offered to join and besides, he knew it was better to bring someone if things decided to go south. The doberman wrinkled his nose as he glanced up at the bleak gray sky, noticing a gentle snowstorm was coming, tiny unique bone-white snowflakes parting ways with the sky to meet his inky black coat. Pincher muttered long string of curses in Romanian under his breath as he halted at the border, piercing blue cobalt eyes locked forward as he waited for someone to notice the group.

( please wait for [member=112]jacob w.c.[/member] / [member=118]Guru[/member]  to post. [member=218]ARGUS[/member] )

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - ARGUS - 04-09-2018

Argus was actually strategic about the visit. Bringing the skin of... something to drape across her back and cleverly hide the gaping hole in her front. It clipped along the collum of her throat, dark brown a glaring difference in her white fur that would've eased her blending into the terrain. She wasn't here to sneak in though, as much as she probably would after all the wish-wash was done to go talk with a few people. For now though- ughhh Politics.

Pincher was right in that Argus had no real reason to come here from a bystander's perspective. One could argue it was her rank as a striker. Acting as the policing force meant she had to be there to actually apologize and punish the person. It just so happened that guru had gone under all of their noses- enough to bring on her the wrath of the captain himself. Which was interesting- if Argus wasn't so invested in keeping snowbound at least neutral she would go off to push the captain's buttons herself. It was clear to the rest of the typhoon at least- that Argus had little care for the leader's rules unless it was to piss him off. Just because she hasn't done it yet was more with the lack of time too and not enough boredom to push buttons.

But Argus actually had a reason. The last traces of Kanito's killer- Gunstar's apprentice- Killua lived here. And he didn't remember- something was wrong with the assassin that she had met at that border, and while she had moved on from Kanitp's death if there was something she could do to help make amends with his ghost then she would. If not for Kanito- if not for Herself, then for Killua, who had obviously seemed to suffer memory lost.

She only knew this because of the broken way that killua had acted- trying to get information out of her on the border. He left too quickly for Argus to come up with anything concrete, but when he dropped guru off at the border- it left a clearer image. Whoever had tampered with his memories still had his claws in the other. Argus was nothing if not a puzzle solver. Killing two birds with one stone: Indulging in her own curiosity and helping put her old life's hate to rest- it made all the sense to come to along on the journey. Even if Pincher only saw her as extra muscle for the moment.
if you find this u are awesome

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - jacob w.c. - 04-09-2018

Jacob trailed a bit behind the pirates that brought him here. He'd been terrified when he first got there, understandably. He'd been surrounded by flames and the smoke had threatened to suffocate him. No, not the smoke. Guru. She may not have said anything but he could still smell it, it's tendrils wrapping themselves around his body, forcing him to take breaths of smoke. He knew none of it was real but the memory of all that'd occurred stung, even if he'd been convinced the Typhoon wasn't so bad. Pincher, their captain, had saved him. He'd arrived just at the right time, before Guru could do anything physically to Jacob. Sort of like a guardian angel. No, not a guardian angel. He was just a captain of a bunch of pirates. But he was a nice captain of a bunch of pirates. At least, Jacob assumed he was nice. He'd given him free range of the island but Jacob had just asked for things to bake with. He'd made a ridiculous amount of cookies, then apologized for using so much and packaged them for Pincher to keep as a gift. Plus he knew he'd eat all of them if he didn't get them away. He'd still had more than a few but he had enough self control to put them away, which he thought was quite the accomplishment considering how anxious he was after the whole ordeal. They'd had some small, somewhat awkward conversations, one of which consisted of Jacob thanking him for not letting him die and giving him the ridiculous amount of cookies he'd baked.

All in all, the boy determined they weren't so bad. On the trip here, he'd told a lot of pasta jokes to try and break the silence as he traveled with his three companions. He usually saved them for when Jersey was drunk. Usually his big brother's reaction was just to yell at him or he laughed hysterically. His favorite one had been when he asked what someone would call a worm in a bowl of spaghetti noodles and then, as the punchline, said it'd be called an impasta. It was perfect. He'd at least gotten Pincher to smile a few times, which he considered a success and they'd had some other conversation that were equally forced and awkward.

Despite his seemingly pleasant mood, he was still clearly uneasy around Guru and did his best to stick with the other two, though his bad leg led him to slow down on occasion. While he was convinced the rest of the Typhoon hadn't condoned her actions and hadn't supported her at all, he still didn't seem to forgive her specifically, though it'd be hard to expect him to. The other Typhoon members had been nothing but kind to him but she'd intentionally taken him and told him that she only wanted to hurt him for her own enjoyment. That lead to what was going on now.

While he seemed to chat openly with any other Typhoon member, he couldn't even bring himself to look at her. Every time he did, he just remembered how disgusted she looked when she saw him without his bandages and his sweater. That was the other thing about their captain. He hadn't looked at Jacob like that when he saw him. Guru had forced him to take everything off, revealing the skin he'd hidden for months now but Pincher hadn't so much as let his eyes linger on the marred skin. They'd offered something clean to put over all of it but he'd insisted on just wrapping his bandages and putting his sweater back on. Thankfully, nothing was damaged and his scars were covered once again, even the one that stretched to his face.

He took a deep breath as they arrived in Snowbound, glad for the cold air that moved in and out of his lungs, reminding him that the fire threatening to burn around him wasn't real. He took notice of how the pirates, particularly Pincher, didn't seem to care much for the cold. "Um, I have more sweaters. When we get ta' Snowbound,  I could get ya' one, if ya' need it for the way back," he offered. While he knew he was still technically captive, he didn't see why this would end with anything but a positive relationship between their groups. Besides, even if he didn't like someone, he wouldn't let them just freeze in the cold. Not to mention it'd likely be even later in the day when they had to turn back and make the journey to the Typhoon, at which point it'd be even colder than it was currently.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Leigh - 04-11-2018

Dittoing! Track for now.

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Guru - 04-13-2018


Boy howdy! Look like she had some work to do today. After receiving the oh-so 'pleasing' invite to join Pincher on a walk to return her prisoner, well damn, she was pleased. Guru was practically grinning ear to ear. Yes, she knew she had caused trouble, but she did not know she would be punished in front of her enemies today. Instead, she just assumed this was a flaunting session where she had to say 'sorry' and then shake paws like nothing happened, but no. There was much more that was to come.

But dear lord, was the walk a hell of a ride. Jacob made some dumbass jokes and somehow got Pincher to fucking laugh over them, which was a rarity for her baby-daddy. The uncomfortableness was very much present also. Unlike her usual self, she just walked in silence. Not like she could(more like should) ditch them and run off to the nearest clan without a warning anyways, so she might as well take it like a man. So she continued to walk nevertheless.

Finally, when they were here, she paused at the border with a slight sigh. Her green gaze turned to Jacob momentarily, a mischievous glare appearing within her irises. "Oh boy, would I love a sweater," the caracal enthused sarcastically. "Can I have yours, sweetie? I enjoyed it's warmth." Guru's grin spread wide. "Must of been some heat left from the fire reminiscing on your burns that made it so warm..." A light 'mmm' left her and she gave a dramatic shake of her body like she was shivering. The sweater offer definitely sounded nice. Though, sadly (and reasonably), her offered would be presumably denied by Jacob.

With that said, her gaze turned to Pincher, who didn't seem to be in a wonderful mood either. "Too much?" she cackled towards her leader. Despite the situation, she still found her joke genuinely funny, even if the environment was tense and rather serious. Sometimes she was too into her own world to care.

//apologies for the lateness, been super busy with exams and stuff

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-14-2018

Killua had done a good amount of exploring when it came to the different territories and clans that lived in the same area. He had no reason to constantly stay in Snowbound when he had nothing else to do with himself. Indeed his adopted sister lived in the clan with him, but they didn't interact as much as he would have liked out of consideration that she had moved from her own calico body to that of a robot. Killua still had no idea how something like that could ever just up and happen without the original body dying. He knew little to nothing when it came to souls, but he at least knew that animals could transfer from one body to next even if they did end up getting themselves killed. Which had made his job as an assassin a little bit difficult because he couldn't guarantee those that he killed were going to stay dead. There were too many factors that could keep anyone alive if they tried hard enough and had others willing to actually attempt to bring them back. Either way, Killua knew about all the different groups that were around here and was able to devise whether or not he liked said groups. Considering that he hadn't met someone that he considered to be all that strong in all of the groups except for the Typhoon, he didn't consider any of them as a threat. Killua had visited the Tanglewood at one point, and there were some interesting faces that were there. Killua even noticed that one seemed to be interested in candy and he was willing to at least entertain the other male with that fact. The other animal that had approached him had been a simple female domestic cat and she even seemed respectful in his eyes. The assassin wasn't there to cause any trouble as he had no idea what any of the groups were really about. Then of course there had to be someone that seemed to have a stick up their ass when he just wanted to talk to others. He didn't know the name of the male feline that just immediately became aggressive toward him despite him not doing anything against the other. To Killua it had almost been entertaining to get on the other's nerves, as the other didn't seem to realize how ridiculous the other was actually being. Killua anticipated that they were going to fight one another, but this wasn't the case as instead the aggressive male decided to force Killua into a kiss. He had never kissed anyone before, but whatever liquid excreted from the other's mouth nearly made him vomit. It pissed him off, and if it had been him a couple months earlier, he most likely would have tried to kill the other for such an action against him. It was his own fault not trying to avoid the other's attack in the first place. But, someone else approached the scene, that being a female that was actually a mosaic. A very rare genetic mutation that he thought that he would never see again. Killua knew a lot about genetics since he was an albino and everything.

His attention had immediately turned toward the female who didn't seem at all pissed about him being there. Which was practically all of Tanglewood's reaction except for one that just had to be the killjoy in the end. The next place he ended up visiting was the Ascendants. He wasn't really sure what to think of that group since most of the animals that he had come across were fairly chill in his mind. However, there had been one that approached him with nothing but aggression, around his age maybe a little bit older. He had told the Ascendants member that he was just seeking to have a chat with anyone to figure out what all the clans were. He didn't have to ask what clan it was because as soon as the apprentice had approached him, he already said the clans name. Then there was another domestic cat that had approached him, a lot nicer than the first, and she seemed like someone that could come from Snowbound since basically everyone from this place was nice. The assassin was then given the offer of exploring the observatory, which he hadn't even known was inside of the territory. Killua wasn't going to pass up that moment knowing how big observatories actually could end up being. He wasn't disappointed when he actually found the place. He told himself that he was going to end up visiting them again so that he could actually look through the telescope while it was night out. London was interested in stars too from what he could remember when she was looking up at the stars that one night with Melantha. Maybe he could take her a long? Or would that be too weird? He would get to it when the time came though. Next obviously was the Typhoon. He wasn't sure what to think of the group other than the fact that he wasn't willing to trust those that came from such a place. Why should he? There was one animal there that somehow knew who he was, and his emotions went insane to the point where he ran away from the female in fear. The only animal he had come to fear was his brother and no one else. He shouldn't have been afraid of the white canine, and yet something had set him off. Killua only ended up visiting Argus on the border as no one had bothered to approach him after that. Then more and more problems happened with the Typhoon. Next came the accident that happened with London where the caracal female attacked her, nearly killing her if he wasn't there. He doubted that the crow that lived in the clan was capable of stopping bleeding from that extent unless she had powers that he didn't know about. Killua had gone after the caracal and practically destroyed her. He didn't kill her though, which had been a big leap for Killua as it would have been so easy to kill the female as she was under his mercy. Killua had delivered Guru without any remorse in his body as he threw her back onto Typhoon territory.

The tendon on her back leg wasn't about to heal anytime soon, as that was one of the slowest healing parts of a body, just like a bone. Besides, she was obviously full grown and didn't have the healing capacity of someone that was young like himself. Even if Killua didn't heal all that fast compared to others. Even after what he had done to Guru, the female had managed to take Jacob. How did he know this? It wasn't hard to familiarize a scent the first time after smelling it. What didn't piss him off was that the female had captured Jacob, it was that she was making a mockery of him. As soon as he found out, the assassin had wanted more than to kill the character. With someone of his skill it certainly wouldn't be hard for him to do so. He had done it before and he could do it again. Before interacting with another Typhoon member though, horror struck him when he did end up killing two animals that were ten times his own size. It was a slaughter that was made to look like an accident, and it just showed how dangerous he was to those that were in Snowbound. Yet, despite that and his young age he had been promoted to be their deputy. Which just caused further confusion in the male because he had blood on his paws that others thought wasn't his fault. It had been played out like an accident and he probably scarred Ivylee for life. There was nothing he could do against his brother's influence it seemed. Killua hadn't hoped to see Argus or really any Typhoon member for a while. He had gotten the killing instinct and the itch that he had when he hadn't killed someone in a while a couple days ago. His wounds were still healing, which he would say were inflicted by the animals that he had killed by means of self-defense but were self-inflicted. A lie that everyone believed. He had been nervous interacting with other animals this time around, making sure to keep even more distance from them in case his brother tried to take control of his body again. The albino serval had bandages that wrapped around his left shoulder and around his torso to hide the stitches that he had given himself. He had no one to talk to at the moment for his own problems and wasn't about to start either. He didn't trust anyone here in Snowbound or anywhere else. He had no friends after all. Like usual, Killua was around the edges of the territory to make that nothing bad happened. The air elementals that wrapped around his entire body making it impossible to smell his scent and muffling each movement he made. Unless someone had a serval's hearing there was no way someone could hear his movements. Right now though, Killua wasn't one for trying to deal with anyone's games. As far as he knew, the Typhoon was the enemy and was going to remain that way until further notice. He technically had power over clan politics, which he could use for his benefit in the future if he wanted to cause some issues with the clans around them. That wasn't his intention though, as he hadn't wanted to be picked for deputy but now he seemed to be stuck with the position. The assassin was sitting on a branch that was in the deep portion of the territory, snow beginning to fall. His large rounded ears perked at the top of his head though as he heard voices off in the distance. Then the familiar salty smell of the Typhoon filtered into his nostrils.

His mood was immediately ruined. A scowl spread across his facial features as he got up onto his paws, and turned his head in the direction that the scent was coming from. This better be damn good. He lashed his tail behind him, and soon he was leaping from branch to branch toward where the group had stopped. He didn't expect Argus to be on the border, but he had anticipated that the caracal could end up coming back for thirds if she wanted to. His approach would have been well hidden if others weren't bothered to look up as he was high up in the treetops. He stopped on a branch that was high up above the group, counting the animals that were there. A domestic cat that he had never seen before, a red tabby that stood out against the white snow. Killua nearly felt his heart skip a beat though at the sight of the white female, his throat clenching for a couple seconds. Then to his surprise, Jacob was there. The hell? The other was coming back? Or were they trying to bargain Jacob off to get something off in return? When Killua noticed Guru though, all gloves were off, and the temperature of the entire area dropped several degrees, which those that weren't used to the cold would probably shiver. He was always used to the cold though. From his perch, Killua dropped down in front of the group, obviously looking pissed like he always was. Instead of looking at Pincher though, his entire attention was drawn back toward Guru, his metal claws sinking into the ground again. "Back again huh? Want to get your ass kicked or did me ripping through the tendon in your back leg wasn't enough?" Killua could easily take on the female without any issue, and he was pretty sure the other knew that as well. His sapphire blue eyes grew almost dangerously dark as he looked at the female as if begging her to cross the border so that he could take his frustration on something. Yet, despite the way that he spoke, his body language showed that he was completely calm. The deputy wasn't an idiot and kept a good distance between him and the patrol to make sure he would have enough reaction time if this was an ambush. His large ears were on a swivel, tracking every one of their movements almost in a dangerous manner. A light pink hue covered the front of his paw thanks to his recent kill, but then his attention turned toward Jacob. "Jacob? Are you okay? Jersey seems practically ready to burn down all of Typhoon. What happened and what do they want?" If they wanted to use Jacob as a bargaining chip, he would have to be careful. He wanted the side of the Snowbounder's story first before talking to the rest. He was trying his damn hardest not to look in Argus's direction, but he was going to have to address her sooner or later. His dark gaze turned to look at the rest of those that were gathered, having a couple ideas as to why they would be there. "What do you want?" Killua growled low in his throat. The assassin wasn't one to beat around the bush. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. It wouldn't be surprised if he was going to be the only snowbounder around to approach them. He really wanted to sink his claws in Guru again for mocking him when she took Jacob. He could feel pain starting to bubble up in the back of his head. He needed to calm down.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - london r. - 04-14-2018

Despite the bandages on her chest and the hesitance in her step as the salty sea scent hit her senses, the albino wore a smile. After all, this meant that London could finally apologize to the female that had attacked her, if she were to be within the group approaching Snowbound's border. It seemed rather likely, seeing as she had caused trouble here on more than one occasion. It would probably seem odd that London did not appear to be afraid, but that was not the case at all. Fear ran through her veins, and her fluid steps stiffened as she approached, but there was this strange, joyous feeling in her chest as well, one that allowed her to keep smiling. She could apologize for doing whatever it was that had made the caracal attack. That in itself was enough to keep the fright at bay. Besides, it was very plausible that she would not be alone.

Despite her slight nervousness, the girl found herself humming as she approached. A simple, quiet tune, for just herself to hear. However this melody would die away once the girl was able to make out the shape of the visitors through the trees. As she had guessed, Killua was already there, appearing to be rather angered by those who he had greeted. It was quite easy to make out the shapes of Jacob and Guru, and the girl would find herself relieved to see them. Though there was also an increased unease. Why were there many of them, surely they weren't planning to attack? Leigh had been gracious and left them as neutrals, at least after Guru had inflicted that scar upon her chest, so there was little need for such hostilities.

"Welcome home Jacob, and welcome to the Snowbound Typhoon members." the young leopard would greet, her accent coating her words, tone evidently more friendly than that of the Snowseeker who had already greeted them. The albino would stand next to Killua, doing her best to remain docile and unaffected by the obvious tension in the air. She allowed her muscles to relax, when all she wanted to do was tense up. Brilliant blue hues would land on each visitor, shooting them each a friendly smile, before landing on Guru. "I would like to apologize to you once again, miss, though I haven't quite figured out what about me made you react so aggressively." the girl would say, remaining as kind as she could, though perhaps one might sense the rise in her heart rate. At least she had managed to say what she believed to be necessary.

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - jacob w.c. - 04-14-2018

"No," the word was unusually cold as his eyes traveled to Guru. Even when he looked in her direction, he couldn't bear to meet her face. "I thought ya' said it was ugly anyway," he muttered, his ears pressed against his head as he walked and his eyes drifting back to Pincher. At least he was here. The captain of these pirates wouldn't let Guru hurt him, he was sure of it. Then he heard the second half of the woman's statement and his ears flattened against his head, anger flaring in his gaze. Still, he simply took a deep breath and released it through his teeth. "You can lie in the snow n' freeze your culo off for all I care," he snapped, anger coating his tone.

Finally, they came to the border and Killua arrived. They didn't know each other well but at this point he could've thrown himself at the feline and gave him the biggest hug he could. He would contain himself, though. He had to save that for Jersey. While it was hard to tell if the serval harbored real concern for him, he wasn't sure if he cared. It was just good to be home. "'M fine, Killua n' I 'aven't seen Jersey but 'm sure he was. What happened is Guru took me n' put me in a cell n' uh-" his calm tone broke for a moment but he cleared his throat and soon continued, "Well, there ere a couple moments that, uh, weren' so pleasant but then , uh, Pincher 'ere came n' got me out. He was real mad at Guru for takin' me n' for hurtin' London n' all tha', I guess. He made sure the rest ah' my stay in the Typhoon was proper. Ya' know, not in a cell n' all that. He- they jus' wanted ta' visit n' straighten things out, ya' know? Ta' explain wha's really goin' on n' all this misunderstandin'." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "N' ta' negotiate, I think." Jacob wasn't a fool. He knew he was being used but he thought this would all turn out favorable in the end, but he'd also seen plenty of these sorts of things before to know what could go wrong.

Then there came London and a light smile came to his maw as the gentle girl greeted him and the pirates. "'S good ta' be back. How were things while I was gone? I hope no one got hurt too bad," he asked, concern suddenly coming to his light eyes. However, his expression changed again when he spoke to Guru. "Trust me, London, ya' don' gotta' apologize ta' her," he spat the last word. Jacob didn't consider himself a vengeful or hateful person but there was no denying the animosity in his gaze and voice now.

[color=white]★ though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Leigh - 04-14-2018

Like the rest, the salty scent breaking the cold icy scent of Snowbound was what had alerted Leigh to the little gathering, the unicorn having approached soon after London, catching her apology. Why was she apologizing? Hadn't they attacked her? She hadn't done anything to warrant her injuries as far as the male was aware. As far as he was concerned, they didn't deserve such kindness from London. His heart only twisted more once he locked his gaze on Jacob who looked rather worse for wear. "Oh Gods... Jacob- I'm so sorry we hadn't come for you right when we knew you'd been taken from us. It was a stupid mistake on my part- I'm- fuck- I'll- I'll make it up to you-" He stumbled over his words as he spoke, body shaking with a flurry of emotions- relief that Jacob was intact, angry at Typhoon, angry at Guru, frustrated with himself, grief at the mere thought that the male could have died in whatever hole he'd been in and a chance that he would be unable prevent that. He felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes and cursed himself for being so vulnerable in front Killua and the others. He couldn't help that he had grown to love his tribemates more than anything in the world. The moment Jacob spoke of the person who captured him, his gaze shot to Guru, his blood boiling as he caught that shit eating grin on her face. "Why would you do this...?" he spoke, voice nothing more than a cold harsh whisper.

ic opinions//


Re: CADILLAC CARJACK — open / typhoon - Guru - 04-15-2018

Well shit. Jacob wasn't so polite after all! Guru just shrugged it off and kept shivering in the cold by herself while trying to figure out what 'culo' meant. Her assumption was a slur in his language. Ass or shit preferably. That thought strayed soon enough as many others, including the leader himself approached in fright.

As Killua began to talk, she immediately rolled her eyes. He kicked her ass once. Not twice, not three times, only once. She would beat his ass later on, but for new she was here on Pincher's request and she would bring herself to ignore his words until there was some form of hostility from his side of things. Though she loved a good fight, win or lose, she didn't want to mess this neutrality further. "I don't think we should ignite the fire-" Her gaze traveled over towards Jacob, a smirk appearing across her lips as she spoke. "-again, dear. This is a neutral visit." Or so she thought.

As for London, she only held in a cackle. Boy, was this one an innocent lil child that didn't know the difference between an act of hostility based on their actions or just a random thirst for blood. Nevertheless, Guru shook her head approvingly. "Apology accepted," she cooed sarcastically. There wasn't any reason for London to apologize, but that was the beauty of child-like innocence! Lord, did she wish she could go back to those days. "Though... Nothing really prompted me to get you in particular." Jacob, though, was more of a curiosity pick. "You just happened to be the first to walk out and catch me eye, sweets." Guru smiled back, mimicking London's own. Despite being pregnant, she was never exactly good with children. Pincher would learn that soon.

Jacob's words towards London flew past her as Leigh caught her attention. This guy was a leader? The caracal let out a laugh as he stumbled across his words and tried to 'make it up to Jacob'. She doubted that would ever happen. What was done, was done. Then he countered towards her and asked what exactly was her motive behind her actions. While she did love talking about herself, she did not want to go into detail about her past love life and how she destroyed it all with one thought of curiosity, along with the swipe of her claws. Instead, she just stood there and craned her head. "Why not?" she countered back, challenging him to do something about her actions.