Beasts of Beyond
in your wasteland — weekly tasks - Printable Version

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in your wasteland — weekly tasks - guts - 09-24-2018

Why was she doing this? At the time, when she had volunteered to hold weekly tasks, she thought she could easily do it. It sounded easy enough: just give out a task to whoever wanted them. But now that she was standing there, watching as her clan mates bustled about around her, she felt a lot more unsure than before. Nevertheless, she tried to shake it off and hold her head high.

"Um, everyone! Gather around for a weekly task, please," that definitely sounded too polite for a Pitt member, but it was hard to put on a hard tone like everyone else did. She wasn't used to being the one demanding things.

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - EROS - 09-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]To the large beast tasks were just tasks. There was nothing special about them and he used to get many upon many of them tossed on to his back till he broke. It was necessary for the continuation of the Pitt to have workers that labored for nothing and some that wouldn't get any sort of reward for it. Perhaps scraps for a meager meal or not to be lashed. Either or was such an astonishing reward for one who was a slave. Hearing the call it seemed like second nature for the male to come forward until he realized he was coming for the wrong reasons. His ears pressed a bit more firmly against his head as he took in a breath to steady himself as he looked upon Cosette's form. His thick forked tail waved back and forth slowly as he allowed himself to calm down and focus more on what orders he would be given. Work was something he could so and the stamina in which he had now because of forced labor proved that he could handle nearly anything that was tossed at him. "I'll take one..."

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - MORIBUND - 09-25-2018

put it simply, moribund did not get weekly tasks.

they were a slave. they were supposed to be a useful slave. they could do it; adapt and prove their worth. and surely that meant demonstrating their ability to carry out whatever unorthodox tasks were to be ushered upon them. gaining their own competence, despite their lack of apparent ability.

personal strength; it was a foreign concept to the twins. power meant... agency. something they never possesed before. but the pitt was a new world. it offered an opportunity. what opportunity, they did not know. their world was a limited. two one tracked minds. the irony. to be exposed to something new was inconceivable. it shattered their world. change was new and scary.

but this type of change wasnt-- it was offered on a premise they could understand. agency seemed unachievable. but if others had grabbed hold of the thing the juvenile thought to be most distant, then perhaps there was hope for them.

hope. a fickle thing. never, ever put your trust in hope.

the polycephaly slave announced their arrival with a quiet kick of hooves across sand; saw this... offering of weekly tasks as something of obligation rather than an optional occurrence.

their inhibitions were slowly draining; no longer were they so afraid as to speak. loosening. the stiff tone of feigned politeness, shifted.

"what do you have for us?"
[glow=grey,2,300]・゚✦ —— tags[/glow]

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - guts - 09-27-2018

She's slightly relieved when people begin to flock over, though her anxiety quickly flares back up when she realizes she'll actually have to give them things to do. Oh boy.

Cosette looks to [member=2031]VALKYR[/member] first, pausing before she manages to think of something for the sha. "Gather up some people and host a competition of some sort. Be creative, but make it productive."

Then there was [member=2277]MORIBUND[/member]. This one she wasn't so sure of. Should she give them two tasks? How did that even work? Either way, she didn't know much about the slave, so she just randomly chose something. "Do something for the clan. Decorate the fortress, tidy things up, stuff like that." they were probably used to doing tasks like that, and she wasn't sure if they had limitations on tasks because of their rank. But she had given them something to do, so that was good enough for her.

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - ; albion - 09-27-2018

"alright girlie, give ben-man the best you got!" the fox grinned up at the savannah cat with a playful wink her way.

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - COSMIIX - 09-29-2018

Trotting over, the direhound would stand beside Benny with his ears angled forward and blinked both of his eyes with a grin on his maw "I'd like one too, Cos. Make it cooler than Benboy's task, He was joking, of course, being a cocky son of a bitch per usual. He would sit down blinking as his ferret, Matthew, would wiggle and squirm within his mane.

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - guts - 09-30-2018

Cosette would smile at the sight of [member=1555]benny g.[/member], her face growing warm under her fur. She didn't want to give him something he wouldn't like, so she decided to give him something more light-hearted, even if it wasn't as productive. "Host some sort of game, just something to raise everyone's spirits. It can be anything you'd like." hopefully that would be entertaining enough for him.

Then there was [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member]. He was a bit of a troublemaker from what she had seen, so maybe something along those lines. "Pull a prank on some of your clan-mates, or on some people from other clans, your choice."

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - SÉAMUS - 10-01-2018

Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden
No matter where, one could always find someone issuing out tasks.  It was benefitial after all, and the faerie was unsurprised to hear the familiar call of 'weekly tasks'.  When he'd been a pirate with his own crew, out on the open waters, he'd done most of the delegating himself, along with his first mate.  Overall however, Seamus tended to enjoy taking a step back and working from behind the scenes.  It fit his nature.  So he did not envy Pittian standing front and center, giving out orders.

The endfield flicked an ear as he approached.  He had a goal, a mission to accomplish by being in the Pitt, but it did not make sense to sit idly around.  That was not way to be a 'productive member' of society, now was it?  "If you please," the Irishman piped from the crowd, dipping his head towards Cosette.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - guts - 10-01-2018

Here was a face she didn't recognize. That was a little worrying, but hopefully she could give them something good, even if she didn't know them. She turns to face [member=483]SÉAMUS[/member] and after a short pause speaks. "Uh, gather up some people and discuss ways to fortify camp. People are getting in and out too easily while we're distracted," he seemed like he could handle that.

Re: in your wasteland — weekly tasks - Stryker - 10-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  Approaching, the lion offered a quick click of his tongue to signal that he wanted a task to do.