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SPIRAL OF TRUTH | RETURN - Printable Version

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SPIRAL OF TRUTH | RETURN - Roy Mustang - 09-24-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
"Hey Roy, how strong are your beliefs?"

When Roy was asked that question from Thea, Roy had zero time to think on the matter. His train of thought had been lost the moment she disappeared, and then materialized right before him. He barely had time to react to the sudden teleportation, and by the time he noticed her claws- it was too late. Roy remembered the skin on his neck piercing open, blood instantly spewing everywhere. He remembered collapsing to the ground as he struggled to breath, beginning to choke on his very own blood. He can't die- he couldn't! He's suppose to spend the rest of his life with Riza, he can't suddenly leave her like this! As he continued to struggle, barely hanging onto the thread with each droplet of blood, his attempt to snap his claws failed, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. no, I can’t let this happen— I don’t want Riza to break again! One final thought ran through his skull, before everything went quiet.

Suddenly his light blue eyes snapped open to complete, eerie silence. Everywhere Roy looked was white, and when he looked over his shoulder- he saw [i]his gate. Oh no, is he here again?

"Long time no see, Flame Alchemist!" Roy heard that high pitched, creepy, familiar voice that the bobcat only heard once before- the moment he got himself and Riza sent to that world. Roy slowly looked away from his gate, his widened eyes landing on a white silhouette that was an exact replica of him. It looked like the shape of a bobcat, and it was even missing a back right leg. It's outlined by dark, ebony circle blotches, and it had a large grin on it's muzzle. This is who Roy learned was 'Truth'- who's essentially a deity being. One who regulates over gates of Alchemists and punishes them if they commit the greatest taboo. Even as an entirely different species than what he used to be, Truth is still looking over him, and even seems glad to see him.

"So, I'm dead now, correct?" Roy questioned, as he found his eyes slowing drifting down to look at his neck wound, blood dripping onto the ground. Roy wasn't expecting any other answer- he knew what happened back there. His throat was ripped out, and there was so, so much blood. Despite how many people came back to life in Ascendants, the way of an Alchemist is still drilled into his skull. It's not possible for him to come back.

"Well, Flame Alchemist technically you are, but..."

Wait a minute, but?

He didn't get to think very long on it, Truth continued speaking.

"When I sent you to this world, I wasn't expecting you to go out so quickly. I think it will be a real shame if you stay dead, so I will make an exception."

Roy froze at those words, eyes not blinking once as he kept his gaze locked on Truth. Was Truth offering to send him back? Roy couldn't believe it, Truth wouldn't just offer something like this! There has to be a catch!

"But, if I were to send you back to your body, with that wound scarred up, it will cost you a toll."

There's the catch. Roy gave a nod to these words- what would he loose in order to get back? Maybe a few internal organs? A limb or two?

"Of course, you can always stay dead and wait for your beloved to join you. It's your choice, Flame Alchemist."

There was no way in hell Roy was going to let Riza live there on her own. Roy knew Riza was strong, even as a lioness, but he knows what it's like to feel alone. It doesn't help considering Riza is a world away from the people she loves and cares about. He also remembered hearing Riza's cries when she thought he was dead months back as a human- it must be way worse for her now that it's the real deal.

He'll go back, whatever the toll is. He'll learn to adjust to another missing limb, or a few internal organs. It will be worth seeing Riza again. "I'll go back," He decided, with a firm nod.

That grin on Truth's face only grew. "As you wish, Flame Alchemist!" It said, as Roy heard his gate behind him open up, and while getting dragged out, everything turned black.[/i]

Suddenly with a gasp, Roy was alive in the real world again. Except... It already felt different. As Roy slowly got up onto his paws, he knew he didn't loose another limb. Okay, Truth didn't take his limbs as a toll, maybe some internal organs? He probably wouldn't know if he lost those until later- he should head back to the observatory. But when he opened his blue eyes- everything was pitch-black. I'm not buried underground, am I? No no- he can breath and he feels the light breeze against his fur. It's probably the middle of the night, yeah! But that thought was quickly tossed out the window the moment he heard some birds sing in the trees. It's the middle of the day, Roy thought to himself, as the sudden realization began to hit him, his ears flattening to his skull, My sight! Truth took my sight as a toll! His cloudy, blue eyes widened, as he took a shaky step forward, unsure of where he was going. Roy knew he was in Ascendants territory, he didn't need sight to pick up that scent.

"Riza!" The now blind male suddenly called out, continuing to take steps without a clue as to where he's heading. He knew that the Lieutenant must be hurting, and shocked by his death. She was the first person that came to his mind, he has to let her know he's alive! "Riza! I'm alive!-" He continued to yowl out, before he lost his voice to a yelp as he suddenly tripped on a tree root, bruising up his chin on the ground.

He grunted slightly as he forced himself back on his paws, as a single thought ran through his mind. Who killed me? As he began to look through his head for an answer, he should be able to remember who attacked him. Besides seeing Truth again, it's his last memory. But to his shock, he could only remember how he died. He couldn't remember the face of his murderer, or what kind of animal even attacked him. "Fucking Truth took the memory too!" He muttered with frustration, sniffing the air for any familiar scents.

Re: SPIRAL OF TRUTH | RETURN - MirrorEdge - 09-24-2018

Thea could only stare in shock, the leopard stopping in her tracks as a familiar form stood in front of her. A form that shouldn't be there. No. No. Yet, the panic and relief that shot through her, both strong feelings causing her to flinch, as if she was in actual pain, as she limped forward a few steps, as if to confirm this was who it was. "You were dead." Wow, way to be blunt. Go cause the guy to have a heart attack, and explain how the hell you managed to kill a guy twice, now, will you? "I saw you. That was too much blood for anybody to survive losing. So how?" Correction: she hadn't just seen him, it had been her claws that ripped his throat open.

If this had been a week ago, she would've sprung for the male, kill him again and make sure this time, he wouldn't come back. Not to cover up her crime, but to make sure her beliefs stayed strong. Now? She could only look, wondering when he would rat her out. Like she deserved. She didn't deserve to be allowed to stay here. Hell, she didn't deserve to be living after what she had done. Not just to Roy. To so many people.

He was back, somehow, and Thea was too conflicted with all these new emotions to do anything. Should she be begging for forgiveness? Killing him? Running?

How strong are your beliefs?

The question she had asked him that short time ago came to mind, and now? She didn't even have an answer to that anymore. The thing she had killed him over. He hadn't even died for a good cause. He had died because of her mistakes. Even if he was back, it still wasn't alright. Before, she just would've assumed everything would be fine, not a care in the world.

Now? She couldn't forgive herself, and she closed her eyes, waiting for Roy to say the inevitable.

Murderer. Liar. Monster. Anything along those lines.
Template by Quill





♦ -
If Oni had a choice in the matter, he would have gotten Thea thrown out if he knew she had killed a clanmate. But after the trial, things just weren't the same. And even.. After he had awakened, Oni had noticed how Thea changed, too. She had become more.. Gentle? No, that wasn't it. She was never one to be gentle, she was blunt, rude at times, thoughtless. Brainless.

But now she had changed.

And Onision didn't like change.

When Oni had heard the sound of Roy's voice, the Lieutenant had rushed over as quick as his heavily scarred body could, giving a neutral expression to Thea before speaking. "Mustang? Wow, man.. Your eyes.. Look kinda fucked up." He meowed, noting the cloudy appearance of his ex-buddy member leader. He was now the leader of the group, but that didn't mean he didn't still respect the bobcat.

"I thought you were dead."
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh