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SUMMERTIME BLUES / O, GUITAR - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Jerseyboy was good at a lot of things. He was good at throwing punches. He was good of thinking up insults on the fly. He was even good at betting on poker games. He always had a knack for something else, however, and that was music. It came as a surprise to most people to see that the scrappy, street rat had any skills other than lighting a smoke or making trouble. Jerseyboy always had a passion for this stuff, though — singing and playing guitar. Music had always helped him cope with life, whether it was shutting his parents out or unwinding after a long day or even playing tunes with his brothers. Even when Jerseyboy had left home, he had taken his guitar with him. Even when he was far, far away living in a valley chock-full of powdery snow and weird-looking animals, he still had his music to remind him of his youth.

The tom situated himself in a corner of the cave, propping himself against the wall and balancing his guitar against his body as well. He carefully lined his paw toes on the frets and began to strum the opening chords to "Summertime Blues". "I'm gonna raise a fuss, I'm gonna raise a holler." Jerseyboy began to sing. "About-a workin' all summer just to try to earn a dollar." His voice wasn't too shabby for someone who had never been coached or teached in the art of singing. He had always been a natural at picking it up. "Every time I call my baby, try to get a date, my boss says, 'no dice, son, you gotta work late.'" This was the first time Jersey had played in public since he and Jacob first arrived here, and it felt great. He really didn't give a shit if these uncultured hard-asses disapproved; he was doing what he loved.

Re: summertime blues — o, guitar - Dragon- - 04-09-2018

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[size=7pt]made by cafuné
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Gon was still rather damp from swimming, his heat manipulation kept him warm while he swam, and he had been relaxing by the front of the cave when something caught his attention. He wasn't really sure where the noise was coming from but he thought that it was coming from further in the cave?
He wasn't doing much right now and he was pretty curious about it, cause it sounded pretty nice y'know, so he'd immediately trot on into the cave, tail wagging excitedly.

The german pointer puppy would slow as he began to approach the source of the singing and guitar-ing, a delighted smile blooming upon his face. He didn't really know this song or even what instrument was being used but it sounded amazing!
He would settle down near the unknown tom and listen intently, ears perked. This was fantastic!

Re: summertime blues — o, guitar - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-10-2018

Music wasn't something that Killua ended up getting a lot of growing up. He was pretty sure the majority of his family didn't even really realize what music was half of the time. The assassin didn't really care for it all that much, especially if the music ended up being too loud. He was a serval after all, and his sensitive hearing could also mean that it could make certain interactions with others a little bit difficult for him if he wasn't careful enough. Either way, he just spent most of his childhood eating candy and just doing the usual trainng that he was tasked with as a Zoldyck member and nothing else. Unlike Jersey, Killua had no reason to try and show his skills to others. He knew a couple yo-yo tricks, although his yo-yo's were primarily weapons instead of the likes of toys that someone would think. He had to be careful when he lifted them because if he dropped one on any of his appendages it would probably snap them in half in a matter of seconds. Killua had no intention of really sharing anything about himself with others that he was currently living around. He technically was their deputy right now, but the young male had no intention of trying to do his job while Leigh was around. If the other left and he was forced with the decision of becoming leader or not, he would simply give the responsibility to someone else. Becoming leader would mean that he would have a chance of his brother figuring out what he was since new leaders usually spread pretty quickly when it came to the news aspect of it. Besides, he didn't want to worry about doing meager tasks over and over again. that was just boring to him. He'd rather go on any sort of adventure instead. It was rare that Killua actually decided to visit the camp, as he had his own cave. He had been avoiding others since he had killed those two animals a couple days ago and others didn't really seem to blame him for what had happened. After all, he had made it seem like it was self defense, which was a complete lie but the clanners weren't tough enough to see through the illusion that he had placed.

He had bandages across his torso and around his shoulder, still no scent of blood coming from him as he walked silently. He did however though, have a lollipop in his mouth. He felt like it had been forever since he tasted candy, he didn't know why. It was usually his go too when he wanted to snack on anything. He was almost passed the cave that was Snowbound camp when he heard the sound of a guitar. He wasn't uncultured to the point that he didn't know what the instrument was. Killua paused for a moment, debating whether or not to investigate what was happening. Sighing to himself, he might as well do something, even if he had a killer headache right now. As he approached the back portion of the cave, he recognized two familiar faces. Jersey. The old man he didn't quite enjoy the company of. And Gon. He wasn't sure what to think of the other male just yet, but he was still somewhat curious about what other powers the other had. His sapphire blue eyes looked calmly at the domestic cat that had his guitar and was seeing. The serval guessed that he wasn't all that bad Killua took a seat at least five feet away from the others. Out of his own consideration of his personal space. He swirled the piece of candy that was in his mouth. "I guess you aren't that bad old man." Killua said with a shrug of his shoulders. It was an honest comment, and the other could take it however he wanted to. His attention turned to Gon who seemed to be enjoying the music right now. "I didn't think you would know what music was." Killua said in almost the same tone, but there was a hint of teasing for what he said. He said this out of consideration that the other wasn't from the clans. And that most that weren't from the clans didn't know a lot about human objects that existed.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: summertime blues — o, guitar - jacob w.c. - 04-10-2018

//retro to capture

Jacob had heard Jersey sing many times before. He'd taught him everything he knew, after all, including how to play the guitar. The boy approached his big brother with a smile spread across his maw and his tail wagging lightly behind him. He settled down and listened silently among the Snowbounders. This was the first time he'd seen him play in their new home and he felt some pride swell in him. They could do well here, he thought. He hadn't really made a lot of close friends yet but many of his clanmates were nice enough, he supposed, and he could stay here for awhile longer. There was a part of him that thought it was good he hadn't gotten close to anyone. If someone found him, if he had to leave, if they tried to hurt anyone... it was easy to protect Jersey but an entire group of people? That was impossible. No, no, no. He couldn't think that way. He was safe here. All the paranoia was supposed to be left behind in the city, but he supposed one couldn't get rid of a way of life overnight.

Still, it'd been nearly a month and he wasn't sleeping and it almost felt as though the paranoia was worse some days than it'd been, even on the way here. But he knew he couldn't use any of that as an excuse to brush everyone to the side. He'd never done that. After the fire, it'd been hard to trust anyone or maintain his cheery disposition but he'd learned how to, overtime. This was just another adjustment period, that was all. He'd learn again. "I guess ya' sound alrigh'," the boy stated with a light smile on his maw. He paused a moment and then added, in a more genuine tone, "Ya' sound good, Jersey. You'll have ta' teach me how ta' play that one."

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: summertime blues — o, guitar - london r. - 04-10-2018

One might not believe it from her quiet demeanor, but London was actually somewhat of an amateur musician herself. She hadn't had a teacher, preferring to learn from books as they had always been readily available to her. Her love for the activity came from the songs she'd heard on the gas station radio. Mum and her heard the songs so many times, they would occasionally begin to sing along. It wasn't too difficult to memorize something if it had a catchy melody, and when new songs were added to the playlist, they would compete to see who could learn it the fastest. Seeing as she had less to do, it usually happened to be London, although on some occasions it had been her mother. The clouded leopard was really starting to miss it, but she supposed she could just start singing if she really wanted to.

The girl had been taking a walk, just making her way back to the cave when she heard the guitar strums. The albino's blue eyes went wide, quickly making her way inside so she could fully enjoy the performance. Her steps were light and fluttery, the girl relaxing at the familiar sensation of notes and rhythms filling her head. It was quite a surprise to see Jerseyboy being the source of this welcome sensation,but she supposed it made sense. He had a weird way with words, she should have guessed it was because of some influence, and the only ones she knew that would change that were books and music. The girl somehow doubted he was a bookworm, despite not exactly knowing the older man well, so music it was.

He did have a nice voice, she would have to agree with her clanmates on that. This style was not one she had listened to much though, perhaps Maria would have liked it better had she still been alive and here. The thought brought that oh so familiar heartache back to the girl's chest, but this time it didn't make her as sad as usual. Coming to a stop a little ways away from Killua as he was the one she was the most familiar with, the girl would rock side to side with the beats. "Lovely." the quiet murmur of the girl's voice could hardly be heard over the guitar, but from the pleasant expression on her visage one might be able to guess what she had said.

Re: summertime blues — o, guitar - JERSEYBOY - 04-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Jerseyboy wasn't thrown off when other people showed up to spectate. In fact, he was used to playing in front of other people, and he liked the attention. He cracked a smile at the unfamiliar puppy and he continued to sing, "Sometimes I wonder what I'm-a gonna do, but there ain't no cure for the summertime blues."

He had still continued to strum the guitar when the albino serval showed up, and when he finished the main riff, he stopped to let the chord ring out. Jersey raised his gaze to Killua when he commented on his playing, and he snorted, gesturing to the instrument, "Are you kiddin'? This, right here, is basically all I do." Well, besides smoking and drinking (and being a downright asshole), of course. It was true that Jerseyboy hadn't hailed from a clan, but he had grown up in the city. The east-coast, specifically, where a lot of humans were condensed into large cities. Everywhere he went, there was food, clothing stores, apartments, you name it. Although Jerseyboy couldn't exactly indulge in the same things that humans did, he had observed their nature and what the culture was like. They especially seemed to enjoy pop music, pizza, and football. Sometimes, when he hung out near the bars and pubs, there was a combination of all three.

His gaze then traveled to none other than Jacob, who had shown up to compliment him on his playing. He had always taken a liking to music, ever since he was a kid. Jersey was glad that they shared a passion for it. "This one's easy, Jake. It's just a chord progression — three chords." He told his little brother before slowly plucking at the individual notes.

Jerseyboy lightly began to strum, though not loud enough for it to drown anyone out. In fact, he had heard the familiar clouded leopard make her own input, and he responded, “Rock ‘n Roll ain’t just lovely, sweetheart. It’s kick-ass. He managed a devious smirk at the reply, hoping that it would somewhat confuse or throw the other off. Jersey lived for messing with people or getting a reaction out of them.