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Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - Printable Version

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Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - HISOKA - 09-23-2018

Hisoka’s fickle nature had retained true for as long as he has. Carefully sly and prideful at his parent’s distain- spite, as it were, was a good enough reason to abandon everything you know. thankfully like most of his kind. Hisoka’s cunning came up in – as you say, spades. it made up the rest of the slack of his impulsive childish nature. He moved from place to place as child, learning about himself as much as he did about their world, to say he was still learning was not a lie, to say he was done traveling was.

As it were, snowbound was a clever little clan that held quite a bit of interest to him- but like most things to him it Is fleeting as he is. With the small takeover hisoka simply felt disappointed, and  the amount of fear and ostracization the fox had gotten from his “clanmates” was getting well enough on his Neves. when he returned “home” he merely packed his few belongings and left without a trace. No love lost for either the group and him.

Every step hisoka takes is careful and calculated. Every ounce the predator he was, never trying to hide who he was- living previous years as a subject of interest and not so polite conversation made him callous in their opinions as much as their lives. A fox does not concern himself with the opinions of fleeting prey. Even if it was fun to intimidate, everything eventually got boring- and in his long life fear wasn’t as appetizing.

But from what he learned of the pitt, a group of ruthless killers- bound to hold some potential. Hold some interest that will last longer than a few months as it had for the snowbound. Savage little creatures- monsters on the battle, already it sounded exiting to a fault. Much better than the civil little community of sleepy snow-clan creatures.

Pin-coin depths watched the terrain with a detached sort of look. Emotionless beside the sly curve along his expression. Three tails tied to a golden and red obi concealed a bright red starball- the only possession that the kitsune really kept- his greedy nature demand he hoard his own power, and the orb held enough to make his winds a fine tuned blade of destruction. To say he was armed wasn’t wrong- but wasn’t every predator?

He had stepped over the border, his white form was’t so much a beacon as the scent of his old home that clung to him. It was used mostly as a mean to get other’s here quicker- a little test per se. His own winds bringing the scent outwards to catch someone’s attention- in it’s own way a call to attention without words.

Re: Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - ; albion - 09-24-2018

the scent of snowbound was enough to make benny grimace. it carried briefly on a short-lived gust in his direction and for a moment the warlord pondered if they decided they were big and bad enough for an attack. just because they managed to kick stryker out, perhaps? the marbled fox didn't wait to sit and guess. instead he pushed on forward to it's source, losing it every now and then. getting distracted by a not-so-dead carcass beating in the sun and taking a quick bite.

eventually he found hisoka, though. benny's initial thought was to ask questions; pester the guy a little. it was a brief moment of his old thinking when he was chief. though pestering and questioning. not taking enough action. that's what got everyone killed. the intrusive though buzzed in his head and he leaped forward.

the warlord aimed to push all his weight into hisoka's flank to unbalance him. then aimed to bite down on his hind leg and sink his teeth as far as they could go.

Re: Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - HISOKA - 09-24-2018

it was leasure, and hisoka would have found it amuseing if he wasnt so bothered from it. An anti-clan with a knack for raiding other clans takeing so long to respond to an enemey scent. Then again, snowclan knew they had themself beat, and he wasn't sure even their recovery time was so quick after a takeover. It wasn't here or there anyway though, since hisoka wasn't actually on some self serving revenge when he stalked past the border- nor was he here to hunt. and that was definately to the benifit of the first stranger that stalked his way.

dark coined eyes zeroed in on the patchwork fox, a static grin filtering into place, eyes zeroed in on the smaller cousin to the kitsune. While- yes there were those of similar size and stature, hisoka had been of a bigger age than most- and has grown to fit his tails. THree curled to fit his power and he was the size of a small pony. Maybe around five feet at most, but far too big for the other- his cousin to push easily, and benny's own size was easier to retaliate. A gust of slightly stronger wind- not to hurt but merely- get into his eyes so hisoka could dodge easier from the would-be opponent, would be clanmate.

"while i wouldn't mind a good, bloody match, I'm afraid it may look a little bad on the both of us, hnn?" SUch a brute- acting without thinking. without assessing the situation, to him, it was rather clumsy- even if he had his own motives. He didn't seem the type for brute strength either- foxes were usually quicker and nimble then they were strong, but already hisoka could see his own mistake in making quick assumptions. First impressions so far- of the clan- of this... benny were not good- but the kitsune was in for the long game- as he always were. Even for a clan without too interesting people, at least here he wouldn't have to hide who he was- wouldn't get ostracized for it.

Call it wishfull thinking, but hisoka was an optamist when the time suited him. Hisoka did not retreat far away, takeing to tilt his head curiosuly towards the chief. " I am sure you have your own reasons for attacking me, but would you like to know mine?" Hisoka did not look down on other foxes- as it were they all had their chanc to grow more tails- if only takeing a matter of time and power. if anything were common in this world- it would be power- the very earth seemed to come alive with it. It was only a matter of time before everyone found their place with it.

"I actually came to join the place, after i heard what this little group did to my old home. Point one for you all, I'm sure they had it comming." At this, hisoka finealy found the comfort to sit down. Creating a small little monolouge by his own- at least he was't talking to himself this time, hmm? "it was nice to hear of it, cathartic news for how they treated me."

Re: Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - guts - 09-25-2018

Cosette hadn't heard much about the whole Snowbound take-over, or the rebellion, even. She had only heard snippets, especially when they started an uprising against them. But that was about the extent of it. Hell, she hardly knew anything about any of the other clans, though she never felt the need to learn since she hardly ever left the Pitt in all it's desert glory. It was too tiring to make the trek to other places and then back. She wasn't lacking in interest, so she could only hope that one day she would get to go out and see more of the world--if only to sate her curiosity.

When a sudden new smell invaded her nose, she'd turn her head, searching for the source. She hated being out in the heat, but hunger had come calling, a low growl in her stomach she couldn't ignore. Her original mission was momentarily forgotten, though, distracted by the scent as she resorted to warily following it. She didn't trust strangers much nowadays, mostly out of fear it was her former masters come back to take her again. But lately she had begun to doubt such things. Who would go through all that trouble for a slave? They'd probably just go find a replacement, which she wasn't sure how to feel about.

But in the end, at least it wasn't her.

The scene definitely didn't look good. The serval had been expecting just another joiner, or maybe some traveler passing through. But she hadn't expected to see Benny charging towards some stranger, who in all honesty looked pretty sketchy. That kind of look would fit right in here. Luckily, before she rushed to them and tried to be all noble by breaking them up, the newcomer seemed to throw off the attack, which both relieved and puzzled her. She was expecting some fight, her clan-mate's sudden attempt at an attack worrying her.

Nevertheless, she carefully padded up to them, stopping beside Benny to make sure he was alright. "Well, I'm sorry for the, uh, unpleasant start. Welcome to the Pitt, then. I'm Cosette," she introduces herself to this figure, still uncertain of how to feel about them, her eyes darting toward the other Pittian for a split second. "and you are?"

Re: Certain of who you want to be // Trespasser, Joining - ; albion - 09-27-2018

the size of the kitsune didn't budge benny's determination to take hisoka down. at least in the beginning. his instinct took over his rational thinking at the worst of times, all on the off chance that he might be a danger to them. hisoka was trespassing, anyhow. esklav made it clear they were not to behave hospitably. the warlord took the assumption it accounted for able-bodied beings as well. no less one's the smelled distinctly of enemies.

still, his attempt to take down the kitsune had failed. the wind kicked up and he let out a bitter, frustrated growl as it deterred his snapping jaws from their target. if it hadn't been for cosette to appear beside him, scenting her before feeling his fur prick up in embarrassment, he might have gone again in a relentless effort. it brought his rational mind to return, and the fox shook himself from the violent haze that had overcome him.

hisoka's first words had benny looking at him like an idiot. if he had known what this place was, shouldn't he know the reasons for any sort of approach similar to that? however he wasn't quite in the mood to retort back anything in a snarky manner.

"when y'scent a bad cat sniffin' 'round, only makes sense to make sure they stay the fuck away. right?" if what hisoka said was true, and he really was leaving snowbound to join their enemy, then he had some guts to do so. "they didn't treat you all right? I thought politeness was all they knew of, yeah?" they sounded too friendly to do anything that could hurt their reputation as a nice cozy little place.

"m'benny, by the way. if you're lookin' to join you can keep headin' west and you'll find th' castle. figure out where you wanna sleep in th' caves and find some food to keep ya alive."