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I AM BEA, I DRINK TEA / stealing - Printable Version

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I AM BEA, I DRINK TEA / stealing - COSMIIX - 09-23-2018

Re: I AM BEA, I DRINK TEA / stealing - FELIKS - 09-24-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Being completely honest, even with how temperamental the gryphon's eyesight tended to be it wasn't challenging spotting a hulking figure who didn't belong there. His opinions on such creatures hadn't changed throughout the course of a five year life - big body, little brain - and whilst that may have had no scientific correlation, it was certainly a good way to make Feliks feel better about his own stunted form. The signs of strangers had been around long before the ugly beast had reared it's head, the hybrid had noticed the almost 'ransacked' appearance of some of the houses as he padded along the lands, choosing to believe that it wasn't the crabs back for round two of 'ruin everyone's day'. Crabs were viscous animals, but they didn't cause that much of a mess, nor did they leave particularly large imprints in the sand, paws (all the better to feel you with? Wasn't that how Little Red Riding Hood went?) that size wouldn't have come from the snippy bastards. The male wasn't worried, those who hid in the shadows like rats posed no true threat to him, if they had anything to show off they wouldn't be so modest about it. With such pride, Feliks' reactions to everything he'd seen so far were fairly tame, certainly a step above those who'd be fuming about their houses being broken into. The yell of a clanmate caused his ear tufts to almost flicker instinctively, the lion sized hybrid slowly making his way over towards the sound, careful not to habitually clack his beak and give himself away.

Murder. The sight was as clear as day, and now that he'd closed in on the scene brief lingers of the Pitt entered his nostrils. Of course, trust a Slaver to hide in the dark... well, he didn't have to take such a lax Assclown doing things like that. Conserving his energy during the raid hadn't been such a bad idea after all. Hardly sympathetic towards the loss of a life, Feliks figured it'd at least be worth teaching this d-bag a lesson so that he didn't steal Daryl off of him. Life wasn't a bad thing to lose, but pride and resources were and Feliks wasn't about to let the group become a laughing stock because the ArmPitts were trying to step all over them. Surprisingly calm, as if dealing with this situation was something he'd done before (it was, when he'd been a leader he'd made sure he was the one to shoo off pests), the male pushed himself forwards. Wings tucked uncomfortably close to his body so they'd seem like less of a target, Feliks would give a little leap once he got close enough to Quill, attempting to latch his knife-like talons into the other's side as he tried to tackle the other. Whether or not his attack was successful, the pirate had no qualms making his opinions known once he'd properly revealed himself. "Look at the big tough guy trying his luck on animals much smaller than him, you're totally such a badass, gimme your autograph so I can spit on it and give it back to ya you half-baked Slaver,".

Re: I AM BEA, I DRINK TEA / stealing - Luciferr - 09-24-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"I detest slavers" anther voice spoke up from behind the battling pair, smooth and deep and rumbling like the low threat of a far off storm before the inevitable as a wall of vantablack scales blocked off a majority of the pittian's escape routes.

"we used to string them up by their entrails for the crows to feed off, their corpses served adequate warnings - maybe its an idea that needs to come back into fashion" he mused idly, the cold chill that followed his aura practically now a severe iciness to the calm he seemed to be exuding - cold fury banked by the dark glint in mismatched eyes.

a nasty smile and something eerie hidden in the corners of it, red-bone and shadows "thank you for volunteering" before a surge of blackened icy stalagmites raced forward around Feliks and heading straight for the pittian in the hopes of impaling [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member] or causing wounds of some severity or size.

he didn't tolerate scum