Beasts of Beyond
BURNING - open; intruder/joining - Printable Version

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BURNING - open; intruder/joining - rhosmari - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Like a moth to flame he would always find him. Even as darkness consumed the land there could not be enough of it to snuff out that guiding light. The male wouldn't and he couldn't allow for his brother to fall to disgusting hands of other creatures not after everything that had happened to him. It was his fault. He understood that and now his mandate had changed. If he couldn't be the king that his people needed then he would be the protector that his brother needed. The canine had not stopped walking, had not stopped traveling over the long distances that had taken him through vast lands. Even as tiredness clung to his limbs, as wind buffeted his body he did not stop to rest. There was no time to as the more time they spent separated the more time things could happen. If his brother was harmed he did not think he could forgive himself. Heat pressed on his back, oppressive and ever present as his paws pressed upon the shifting sands of a new land. His yellow gaze shifted over the ever changing landscape and he allowed a sigh to part his lips, gold toned tongue peaking through for just a moment. Wherever he was he smelled blood in the air and he curled his muzzle in a mild amount of distaste.

This place, whatever it was, might be a challenge for him yet but he had a feeling that what he was looking for was here. One twitch of his bobbed tail and the canine moved forward with ease, slipping along a sand dune that rose up to silhouette his form in the rays of the sun. Not a day went by that he didn't think of what had happened and that witch. Fragments of memory spiraling in his mind that eventually led to slavery, led to dethroning. A dry smile pulled at his muzzle as he slipped down the other side, sand raining down behind him. There was not much that he knew about this land and so he was mentally preparing himself for anything as he went forward through the desolate territory. There were cacti in the distance and even more so a large structure. What that structure was he didn't know and he frowned just a bit before starting to head that way. After all this was perhaps his only shot at finding whom he was looking for and upon the steps of the fortress he looked around, gaze narrowed as he eyed the ramparts. It didn't remind him of home, perhaps too savage but it was close enough and so he spoke up, calling out to those that were near. "Hails!" Someone would surely hear him and if not then he would go in regardless of an invitation or not.

Re: BURNING - open; intruder/joining - GRIMNYTE - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 6px; font-family:times new roman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Not many managed to brave the rest of the desert terrain by themselves, and those that did only managed a few miles north of the border before stuttering to a thirsty halt. Much of it was due to the unbearable heat and the endless sand, while on the other hand one would fear the vast unknown without a not-so-friendly partner to guide their way. The fort and the two towers spiraling nearby were the only signs of civilization, the structure's high walls and sharply spiraled outside barriers casting a large - and intimidating - shadow on all that passed by.

Esklav would freely indulge another in his favor for their new camp. It was far more fortified and aesthetically pleasing than the sprawling ruins they had taken shack in under the short rule of Yes Man, and less in the direct glare of the sun. One could creep into the halls of the fortress underground, or take shop up on the highest floor and live under the shade of dusty tents. He himself had made a decent nest behind the throne room, although he was rarely in it - most of his day was spent milling about, attending to duties, and the other half was him religiously studying the eggs he had taken from the temples. With Blacktide no longer showing himself (much to his utter disappointment, of course, as the less he saw his spiritual son the more blunt and unkind he seemed to appear) he had not much else to do other than this, and wait for his moment to strike.

He was out today, and although he could not feel the heat due to his condition, he could detect a certain residue chafing the area below his roughly grown mane. The leopon would begin to approach The Pitt's camp before seeing another life form in the distance, and immediately rerouted to confront the foreigner instead. The audacity of the individual to so brazenly enter the territory (and with so little plight, too) was nothing less than insulting, and his usually soft accented tone took a harder edge onto it as he began to speak. "Halt." he commanded, unwavering. "You'll not take a step further until you spill your reason for intruding on The Pitt's territory. It would have been much wiser to wait at the border."

Re: BURNING - open; intruder/joining - rhosmari - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Eyes be blind. He wanted to say but the male held his golden tongue. There was no point in pointing out the obvious that he had long ago halted and to tell him to stop was currently unnecessary.It was a waste of time and time was something he wouldn't allow to be wasted. Even with theatrics such as this he would get around one way or another. But his gaze slowly left the one that had came forth to stop him from advancing and he looked over the structure once more. Was he here? Surely all the information he gained, the trails he had followed wouldn't have led him on a wild goose chase. Not unless some creature had lied to him about the large canine that had bartered for his brother and taken him away before he had gotten there first. A huff escaped his jaws, just a puff of heated air as he snapped his yellow gaze back to the creature who had first spoken to him. There was a manner in which the creature spoke, something that he didn't like but that was neither here nor there. He was here on a mission and right now he had to get this done done so that he could search this place. Or tear it a part, either would work fine for him right now as antsy as he was and the canine would slowly rise to his paws. The idea of being talked down to not fitting for him.

"Strange lands. Didn't know." He spoke with a guttural tone to his voice, a almost grumbling that deepened his tone as he narrowed his eyes a little bit.These lands were different that was for sure, in his own homeland people were free to pass and go as they pleased as long as they paid homage to the king before they left as the rules mandated. Here it was not so much. Most of the words that were spoken he had to try and push context from and he flicked his bobbed tail as he looked toward the structure once more. Gods be praised right now because he could feel his twin right now and he knew he was in the right place. "Brôþar. He is here. I've come because of him. Come to stay." That should settle the native he guessed and he understood to a degree that they allowed people to take up residence here and that was what mattered to him. Because either way he wasn't going to be leaving when his twin was trapped here with worms.

Re: BURNING - open; intruder/joining - rhosmari - 09-25-2018
