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YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - Printable Version

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YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - guts - 09-23-2018

So long. It had been so long that she had been like that, a mindless animal with nothing but a taste for blood and meat. She had killed, had torn apart and devoured those who had families and friends, loved ones who would miss them. But as someone who had nothing and none, what right did she have to take them away? There was nothing she could do about it, however, only able to look at others and see flesh and a heartbeat, the mere presence of them tempting her hunger. She had no conscious, only her instincts and need for food.

But, over time, her mind cleared. She began to see the world through new eyes, thought twice before lunging and sinking her teeth into her prey. Clarity came slowly, and by the time it did, her canines were already stained with blood. Her fur was stained and she would never be able to wash off her sins. But she had already sinned before and this would not be the last time.

As she looked up at the stars, brilliantly shining against the dark sky, she thought. What was her name? Ah, yes, that tainted name they had given her, a long time ago now. Ymir. Her memories flooded back, not all bitter but still bringing a frown to her maw. All she had done for them, and yet they still betrayed her, used her for their own purposes. It was a cruel fate that she refused to meet ever again.

She would only ever live for herself. From then on, at that moment, none else mattered but her. Let them all be damned. None could ever tell her how to live her life anymore.

The she-wolf would smile, sharp canines glinting in the light.

With that decided, her body heavy with triumph, she would glance around and study her surroundings. She wasn't sure when she had found herself in mountainous territory, but she didn't bother, resorting to simply walking until she found something--or someone.

"Anybody out here?"

Ymir. Not the same as before--a different person now. Not the one who would be herded like a mindless sheep.

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - JERSEYBOY - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]So many people strived to change. They struggled to view the world through a new perspective, to see a new dawn. They were determined to change their ways, to better themselves as individuals. They wanted to reform their weaknesses into strengths, they wanted to become lovers and not fighters. They had epiphanies about their lives, and they pledged to be better. This had yet to occur to Jerseyboy. Not that he was a murderer or an infamous criminal, but Jerseyboy did a lot of bad things. Things looked [sub]down[/sub] upon in society, things seen as immoral. He was still young and reckless, however, and it was hard to[sub] suppress[/sub] against the wild youth.

A masculine voice broke through the night: "I am." And she was lucky that he was, too. A whole lot of people weren't out and about at this time of night. Jerseyboy just so happened to have a ( fluctuating ) bedtime. He peered forward at the stranger, making out the form of a she-wolf. Her coat appeared a bit shaggy, and unbeknownst to him, it was the hide of a bear. It was hard to make out her markings and crimson-stained fur in the dim light; otherwise, he would have been much more wary of the female.

The tuxedo tom cat met her gaze. He noticed the feather dangling behind her ear, among her other visual features. She was a pretty thing, he could admit that. Surprisingly, he was doing well at holding back on the unneeded comments ( for now ). "You need somethin'?" He asked. Well obviously, but what?

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-24-2018

Change, admittedly, scared Gordon. Despite the fact that she had pretty much moved around for a while before settling in Sunhaven. Gordon was scared of the unknown, mostly, afraid of what was to come and the outcomes that could potentially happen. Regardless, the she-cat tried to hide her unease with things changing, although that... likely wasn't working out too well. She was just a naturally skiddish person, was all.

Gordon followed after Jerseyboy, taking Monroe's suggestion of having a buddy at all times outside of camp a bit too seriously. The Goldenblood stayed behind the much bigger male, poking her head out from behind his legs.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - venus - 09-25-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

how did people break free of expectation so easily? how could some like ymir just on her own will, explore the depths of free will just by the own notion of her mind? someone so narrow-minded like venus brushed their own weaknesses away on the basis that there was some genetic factor that caused a chemical imbalance in either of the pair's minds. something innate, something you can't change. to look at the situation in that kind of light made it easier for the kitsune to digest, that they had been incapable of shifting their future without the help of others because nature didn't want it to be that way; it made venus seem less vulnerable. of which they were.

bound by the affections of man who held boundless supply of it - venus sought to study medicine not to please their own curious mind, but to see the smile on his face and feel the gentle touch of a proud pat on the back. it spurred venus on, giving them a meaning to their education - but it wasn't their own reason. it was a reason to spite her sibling's inherited pride. to rip venus' siblings of the love and affection that they received from the silver vulpine's mentor simply because they were his children, rip the affections venus' mother received simply because venus' mum was an easy lay that had somehow brought venus' mentor children. gross. they did no hard work to receive those affections, they never worked as hard as venus had. bound by feelings venus stayed up late to cram in books, arduously studying books for a benevolent man. venus hadn't ever formed a hypothesis for themselves, or lived for themselves.

change only came in the vicious form of death. death had freed venus from the clutches of their heritage, had made the kisune see the world in another light and encouraged the kitsune to work their themselves, by themselves, to make themselves happy. no one else could ever be happy for venus - the kitsune was the only one pleased with their work.

work on people kind of like ymir, and to be perfectly honest someone like ymir probably would have venus foaming at the mouth with excitement at her unfortunate situation. a little insensitive, but the truth. someone like ymir would remind venus so much of the ferals that inhabited these lands, something maybe different but also it could lie in ymir' conditions a few keys to unlocking some of the secrets hidden behind feral's minds. how did they tick? how could ymir return back to a normal state? were all ferals able to return to normal even if they had been born that way?

drawn at the prospect of a new face, venus' sapphire gaze rested upon ymir's form with a curious glint in their eyes as the silvery hued teen scanned over the girl's body. "some water perhaps?" offering politely, maybe venus was just trying to entice the girl to stay, but something about her just made venus feel the need to know more. ymir was an interesting girl - the kitsune could feel it.

(welcome to sunhaven !! B))

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - rhosmari - 09-25-2018

His muscles seem to crack and to splinter, pain not evident on his facial features nor in the way he moved. Was this a sign of him getting better he didn't know but he could live with it. Pain had come to his life now in such large chunks that he couldn't even begin to understand what life had been like without it. Even as tired as he could be he was feeling better mentally. Despite all the trials that had come his way both to him and Sunhaven they had survived and wasn't that a testament all on it's own? They understood what it took to survive and he would continue to survive as long as it was necessary for his people. The mutant being moved sluggishly, a jaw pulling from from deep with and expanding lungs that felt shriveled and worn. He huffed out that breath before he moved forward toward the group that had surrounded someone. Often they did get animals at their borders and the large palisades often were intimidation alone to stop them from trespassing. A necessary end to what had happened recently. Pearl colored eyes narrowed a bit as he lifted his head up and viewed the she-wolf. Though at the current moment he wasn't guard he was cautious a reasonable response when it came to the raptor attacks of recently with which had ended in two of his clanmates deaths. But politely he sat down and waited to see what the woman wanted. Peaceful exchanges were something he hoped for on a daily basis now a days.

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - guts - 09-25-2018

She watches them flock to her, all of them intrigued, though she could see anxiety in some of them. Especially the one hiding behind the first one to approach. Her bright glowing eyes studies them all, one face at a time, a smile unraveling on her maw. But it wasn't friendly. It was almost mocking, bitterness still holding fast to her heart. It didn't matter that these were not the people who used her, who lied to her face and made her believe she was actually needed. She couldn't care.

"Hey there," Ymir greets them, cocking her head to the side. "I'm a bit lost, was wondering if there was a place to stay around here." a part of her assumed these people were a part of some group, considering how they had all come to her when she called. The wolf's head turns at Venus' offer, brows lifting slightly but her heavy head nodding in acceptance. Water sounded good right about now. "Yeah. That'd be great, thanks, doll."

Really, though, it was difficult not to listen to the beats of their hearts, the sound resonating in her ears. She felt like she could taste the blood now, but with her new clarity, it only made her wince slightly. She didn't want to hurt any of these people--at least not until they made a move on her, which she somewhat doubted they would. If they intended to hurt her in any way, they would have just jumped her when they saw her.

Re: YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS — joining - rhosmari - 09-27-2018

So she was here to join them. A look of relief passed across the leader's face and he allowed himself to at least relax. Being tense for so long made him feel tired and he was starting to get a trickle of paranoia buzzing in his head. Suspect everyone was not a good principle to have on life. Shaking his head a little bit the male would give a casual smile, lips curling though not too much as to expose the shark teeth that he held within his muzzle. But all the same it was friendly and inviting as he pushed himself to stand up. "Ya, lassie. Ya can stay here if ya would like tae. Name's Monroe and this is Sunhaven of course. We are a merchant group and if ya want ya can set up shop and sell ya own bits and bobbles." He lightly lifted his fined tail and beckoned her so that they all could return to the village and get her settled in. After all after such a long travel she must be exhausted and want to rest a bit in her own him. "We have a lot of empty houses so ya can take ya pick of any one of them and make it ya own."