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two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - Printable Version

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two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - MOONMADE - 09-23-2018

On his knees, under a sparse tree, soaked with the September rain. The air was heavy with the meeting point of Summer and Fall, and it clung to his skin, gave him goosebumps. In his hand was a magpie. A mess of distorted feathers, Moon held it clumsily as it twisted and turned violently in his grip, shrieking an ear-piercing call. Its wing was bent an unnatural way, splinters of bone poking through the skin at the base of the feathers where his fingers sat, oily and gripping.

He needed to fix it. But the magpie's screams echoed off the branches above them, bounced off the ground and echoed through him 'till he became a mirror of the bird, a trembling, fragile thing. Frantic. Around him, the ground fell through. The air became thick and wet, the sun burned the back of his neck, the grass gave way to sandy plains and fingers wrapped, tight and bruising, around his throat. He sucked in breaths, but they wouldn't come. They stopped short in his throat and his lungs collapsed in on themselves, and he could help it, he could help, if it'd just--

The magpie stilled. Its call died in its throat, and it turned to look Moon in the eye. There was a millisecond in which its black, beady eyes met his glassy, golden ones and it could have been a moment. Poetic and monumental, like in the books. If it weren't for what punctuated it; the almost audible snap of his collarbone and the crumble of his forearm, falling to pieces under the skin. His arm fell slack, and the bird slipped to the ground. It stood and watched, and it took the pain a moment to come, but when it did, distorted, tortured noises spilled from his agony-parted lips and his body set alight. Stupid of him to try help a lone magpie. Two for joy, but the other one was busy.

/human au bc i do what i want. also this is a Health Transfer discovery and the injuries will be transferred back once he figures out whats going on

Re: two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - Feyre - 09-23-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
Feyre had been curled up on some lone windowsill, tiny form almost entirely engulfed by the absolutely massive blanket that had accompanied her on her journey to her little reading perch. The book that had once briefly held her attention was cast aside though, face almost entirely pressed against the glass as she watched a new and interesting spectacle- one that caused giggle after giggle to erupt from her lips until Moon seemingly crumpled and the strange sounds that the bird emitted subsided. From where she sat, she just thought that her friend had caught a bird and was particularly fascinated by how it screeched bloody murder at him. That had been funny.

This was not.

Frowning, she practically launched out of her blanket, almost tripping on her book as she did so. The stairs were taken two at a time, worry flaring in her chest as she finally traded the cool chill of the Observatory for the humid stickiness of this particular September day. She would have appreciated the smell of rain in the air had she not been so set on reaching her friend, the gold and silver embellishments woven into her long braids clinking against each other until she sounded more like a cat with a bell-collar than anything else. She paid the sound no mind, not when she was pressing bare knees into wet dirty and extending tiny hands towards Moon.

[color=#ac5847]"Uh... Uh..." Feyre began quietly, not knowing what to do. She was not a witch who specialized in healing nor did she know even the basics. She was utterly useless in this situation. [color=#ac5847]"What happened? I... We need Peri!" Yes, Peri would fix this! She was so smart and good at medicine that she'd probably be able to take one look at his malformed arm and fix it immediately. [color=#ac5847]"Do you... Can you talk? Do you want to bite down on somethin'?"

Re: two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - MOONMADE - 09-23-2018

[size=9pt]Shit. Of all people to find him like this, it had to be Fey. This would probably leave her scarred for life. It takes him a moment to even realize she's there, but breathy, broken words stumble from his mouth once he manages to register what she's saying. "The bird-- its wing was--" He can feel where his bone splinters under his skin. "I-- I tried to fix it, but then my arm-- Fuck." The magpie dances before him, unnaturally keen on its role as an observer. Its teasing him, he knows. Sucking in air through his teeth in an effort to make the pain go away. Labored, rough breaths once he realizes it's staying. "I'm okay, Fey." He keens, but looks nothing like it. He throws his head back to the sky, eyes sealed shut. Shaky fingers reach for his arm where it lies limp on the ground, but they stop short of touching. His words are ragged, delirious with badly concealed agony. "I'm good. Just-- rats with wings. Jesus. Shit. Shit."

Re: two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - GABRIEL - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe had been dealing with a mishap of his own -stuck, again, because his body loved to phase through shit with no warning, especially lately- when his Shit's Fucked senses went off, but it still took him a few minutes to haul his ass out of the very literal hole he'd fallen into, so when he arrived at the scene, he had no idea what had happened. Moon was involved, because of course he was, and the injury wasn't the worst Gabe had ever seen, but those wounds were on soldiers whose lives were spent living on the tip of a knife; Moon's wasn't, not necessarily, so it was...unnerving to see the kid's arm completely fucked for no discernible reason. "You are not okay. Jesus, what'd you do to that thing?" He would have knelt, but he didn't trust his knees right now -not because he was old, but the fact that bits of him kept sporadically phasing- so instead, he did his best not to loom too much. "I'm going for Peri. Try not to faint before then." Gabe turned back and set off at a brisk jog, praying fiercely that none of his limbs decided to send him sinking three feet deep.


Re: two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - imperia - 09-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Imperia arrives shortly, responding to the summons in a hectic flurry of activity which leaves her long raven locks tangled and her clothes disheveled. Somehow, it works for her. The sleepy, yet panicked look of someone who spent most of the day studiously going over information and suddenly launched into action; the gracefully dramatic way she bursts from the Observatory, leather satchel slung across her torso and her hair snagged beneath the strap. Peri never wastes time getting to a patient, but she nearly lost it upon hearing that today's person in need is none other than Moon himself.

"Mon Dieu..." murmurs the woman in a soft voice, warm as butter. Dark brows pinch in the middle as piercing silver eyes sweep over the injured man's figure, taking note of his injury. A single hand acts of its own accord, cupping Moon's cheek gently in her palm as she uses the other to retrieve the necessary herbs and medication. She hears the last part of his explanation and remains silent as she mulls over the information. " transferred the injury from the yourself..?" Peri glances up from her sitting position, meeting Moon's amber gaze for the first time. Her eyes sparkle with an odd mixture of concern and intrigue: concern for the state of her...friend, and intrigue regarding this new ability. "Do you think you could transfer it back?" she could not help but ask--it's the scientist within her.

"Take these in the meantime," Imperia adds, handing Moon some poppy seeds. "It's to help with the pain, but I need you to do your best to stay conscious." He should know this already, but Peri cannot help but to ramble on and on. It is the only way she knows how to disguise how worries she truly feels.

Re: two birds, no stone : o, power discovery - tori - 09-25-2018

"Oh, that's..." Alex almost got sick seeing the damage done from this new power Moon had acquired, discovered in the worst possible way it seemed. Upon arriving he even covered his mouth with one hand, shutting his eyes tightly for a few moments before shaking off his sudden nausea and trying to be a helpful, mature member involving the situation at hand. He didn't want to come off as a helpless, sick little baby after all.

Alex tugged at his shirt, the ponytail his hair was pulled up into swinging and brushing against his neck as he looked to Imperia, brown eyes widened in disgust and concern for Moon's condition. "Is there anything I can do to help, Imperia?" He wasn't sure how to word it, but it wasn't that he was desperate to show off any skills involving medicine, he just could not bear to look at that disgusting arm anymore. No offence, Moon.
