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MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - Printable Version

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MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - the trash man - 09-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]ever since receiving her weekly task, linux had been pondering the best way to come to fruition of their grand tour. the best tour - a tour that wasn't totally just to snap pictures of typhoon members' scared to death faces and was genuinely about teaching the general public about the important history of the catacombs. actually, nah it was mostly just about taking pictures. but that wasn't to say that the snowy child wasn't going to put the effort into their tour guide information, no, linux had taken it upon herself to try and find as much information on the catacombs as possible. elder's word of tongue, books, even a short-lived trip there by herself. all the information sources linux thought possible to cultivate in one speech hastily written down in the child's scrawl. linux was ready to announce their event.

tugging on her black cloak, linux's dusty pink gaze drifted over her vantage point from a rock bordering the bay's view. most of the members linux saw congregated here if they weren't huddled up in their homes right? the alabaster kitten prayed that she'd have enough members to not let her efforts go to waste, as the laminated speech crinkled under her shifting weight. "hey guys! anyone wanna' tag along on my catacomb tour? i'm doing an educational piece on the place and i put a lot of work into it so you're legally obliged to follow me." calling out in the loudest voice possible from the tiny munchkin kitten, linux's dusty pink gaze dragged along the horizon in hope that at least she wouldn't be alone. they were legally obliged to listen she'll have you know.

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - darci - 09-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]A catacomb tour? That peaked the canine's interest. His cream-colored ears perked forward as Linux's voice rung out across camp, catching his attention rather quickly. Ending his sun-bathing session prematurely, Victor rose to his paws before making his way towards the girl. "This sounds wonderful." With a smile and wag of his tail, he continued, "Count me in!" Victor had yet to even go near the catacombs for they were still on his to-do list of places to explore. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to seize his personal task.

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - FELIKS - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"Ah hell I can't get arrested again, guess I'm gonna have to join in so the big bad officer doesn't take me away," he teased the kitten on her way of getting others involved, smirking as he approached. Admittedly Feliks had grown fond of Linux's sassy quips, though he knew better than to use that excuse to try and get closer to the other. Too much danger, though a trip to the catacombs probably wouldn't cause any dramatic turn of events to happen. Perhaps if a dead animal came back to life, or they decided to crumble to pieces like he'd expected the mines to do in his own weekly task, but the odds of that happening were rare enough for it to be a non-issue to the gryphon. Bobbing his head like a strutting chicken as he came to a standstill in front of the pair, the hybrid offered a brief look over towards the one whom he hadn't seen before, slight nod of greeting being the only other form of acknowledgement he'd give for now. How long was I gone for? Normally he excelled at gathering intel about those who joined, though it was understandably a hard task when he'd decided to be a shut-in for a week. Such laziness was gonna come at a price, even if it helped Feliks recharge his batteries. "I heard a rumour that scary ghosts live in the Catacombs, can you confirm or deny this for me Miss Lin?" he asked grinning, purposefully falsifying his information to get a conversation going whilst they waited for others.

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-23-2018

"Y'know, that's highly offensive." Caesar grumbled towards Feliks as he came over, a sour look on his face. The demon was, of course, referring to how Feliks called Linux an 'officer' when she was, in fact, not one. Not in Caesar's eyes. Not in the official ranks, either. "But whatever," He added quickly, attention snapping to Linux. "I'm tagging along."

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - Luciferr - 09-24-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"Just because you have no sense of humour ceasar" another voice cut in dryly with a raised brow at the smaller dream demon - a miracle no one had punched him yet these days, they should all have a medal for that herculean effort - before he turned back nodding to Linux "I'll tag along" and inclining his head to Feliks with a small snort, ah ghost stories.

//ceasar's great but he gets dunked on by everyone lmao


Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - suvi. - 09-24-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Catacombs?  Suvi wasn't... Entirely sure what those were.  Her chocolate hues flickered about the group, disappointed to only really recongize Caesar, whom she had not taken to.  Yet this was her father's... Crew, and hers now, as well, she supposed.  The dire wolf pup slowly approached, glancing around once or twice, in search for her father, perhaps.  He was letting her wander about, giving her some indepedence, but she still liked having him close by.

The child shuffled her paws quietly, fixing her gaze on Linux, who seemed to be in charge of the little gathering.  Her ears flicked, antsily.  She did not like the sound of ghosts very much.  But maybe, if there were any, they were nice ghosts, and just needed a friend.  That would be nice.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - the trash man - 09-24-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]as the number of people rearing to enjoy linux's catacomb tour increased, so too did the hopes of the ivory child as her dusty pink gaze looked out to all the older members. a gleeful smile adoring her snowy face as linux nodded politely to the first to arrive, victor.

next came feliks, the man who linux wasn't going to lie - she did in fact like his style. he was like the catalyst to linux's shenanigans, and he didn't let a sad story get in the way of anyone's fun-time. because if fun-time was going to be overshadowed by sad-time, then there would be no fun-time. and that was truly sad. as feliks replied back to linux's jokes the young girl couldn't help herself but giggle in response, puffing her chest out as if to remind everyone; now she was the law. "i cannot confirm nor deny the existence of ghosts in the catacombs, but i can say that everyone should be listening to my tour speech very closely." nodding her head slowly as to emphasise what had just been sad, linux's gaze drifted towards the last three to arrive.

caesar was an odd case, so was lucifer. both could have their times of downer syndrome, but also could have their good moments. (maybe luci had more of those than caesar though.) "maybe he's talking about you taking him away? you'd obviously help me if anyone was breaking the law by not coming to listen to my hard work right?" letting a chuckle slip past their maw, linux was almost ready now for the gathered group to start their expedition. a small smile being spared for the other child, soft and quiet unlike the older adults as suvi arrived.

"alright guys, then we're off!" announcing the departure of the group, linux prayed that the group would be following in her small munchkin-sized steps as linux made the short journey to the mouth of the catacombs. as the group approached, more and more of the beautiful architecture came into view, and barely could linux see the light shinning on the stairwell leading deep into the catacomb's main rooms. turning back, linux supposed it would be fun to start off the tour with a question. "does anyone know how old we think the catacombs are?"

Re: MY PACE【❤】WT ' TOUR - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-25-2018

//true dnkfjsa

Caesar only rolled his eyes in response to Lucifer's comment, having no actual reply to make. The demon's focus returned to Linux as she spoke and started to walk off, to which he quickly followed. "Gotta be at least a few hundred years, right?" He answered. They were catacombs, after all; they typically were pretty old.