Beasts of Beyond
PIZZA PASTA | mess hall, wt | PUT IT IN A BOX - Printable Version

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PIZZA PASTA | mess hall, wt | PUT IT IN A BOX - ophelia. - 09-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Setting up the mess hall wasn't too difficult of a task, though it did prove time consuming. It took Ophelia more time than she'd like to admit to move around furniture and decorations, to lift things into their proper places without jarring her injury too much. It was worth it, though, in her eyes. This task was most definitely worthwhile, and it'd have a great pay-off. The mess hall would most definitely be used frequently. At least, she hoped so, with the amount of work she was putting into making it presentable.

By the time she was done, laying down along one of the long benches before one of the huge tables she’d pulled in, she was utterly exhausted. Her legs ached unpleasantly, a dull throb that told her she’d used up too much of her energy for the day, but that was fine. That was fine, because the mess hall looked good. She wouldn’t say she was the best at interior design, but she was good with organization; that definitely helped with making sure the amount of space inside this room was optimized.

Two rows of long tables with benches to match were set up on either side of the room, each equipped with a jug to be filled with whatever drink was available - for now, she had chosen water - and napkins were stacked neatly next to them. On the other end of each table were vases of various colors and designs, all stocked with a different bouquet of flowers. That was one of the more tedious tasks to set up, and one that would require some maintenance in the coming days, but she was sure it was worth it for the aesthetic it provided.

In the back of the mess hall was where the food would be provided, there was a large amount of counter-space for platters to be laid out. There were a few already there, warm and fresh meals that she’d worked on herself. To one side of the counters, there were plates to be taken and a couple of cups filled with forks and spoons in case anyone needed them. On the other side, there were stacks of cups to snatch up and a cup filled with straws next to those. It wasn’t the most sophisticated set-up, but she’d worked with what she had. It looked better than she thought it would, at least.

She’d had to ask some NPCs for help with a lot of the area behind that - she’d admittedly asked them for help with some of the front space, too. Moving in cookers and situating the provided fridge where it’d be easy to access, they worked diligently to stock the area with all the supplies they’d need. There were utensils placed neatly in drawers and cabinets, plates and dishes put up in neat and orderly stacks. She somehow doubted they’d stay that way, unless she kept a careful eye on them. That was fine; as long as this place was being used, it would be fine that she’d need to stop by sometimes to tidy up.

After a few moments of rest, just enough to let herself gather up some scraps of energy, she moved up to the door and opened it, calling out to Tanglewood to announce that she’d finally finished her task. ”Tanglewood, the mess hall is complete! If anyone would like a fresh meal and something to drink, please make your way inside.”

Re: PIZZA PASTA | mess hall, wt | PUT IT IN A BOX - toboggan - 09-22-2018

This hazardous waste dump of a colony dramatically required some touch-ups, ones that cleared the clutter, ones that effectively eliminated the empty space. Saying that Morgan was committed to changing Tanglewood’s current state would be an understatement - the icy samoyed’s interests weren’t only in changing, he wanted to fucking revamp this place. Clearing out the woods, getting rid of the trash at the beach, scouring the junkyard for objects, these were just a few of the activities the general had taken the helm of, and he was not finished there. Instead of handing out fun weekly tasks like hosting a game night, or starting a party, the Tanglers were receiving jobs mainly revolving aroun labour. Evidently, Ophelia did well with hers given directive.

A place to hang out was always fun. You could socialize, drink, commemorate an occasion, basically anything. Based on the situation that things have gone quiet in these parts, it appeared that this building would fall short on expectations. That is, if Leroy wasn’t planning on partially living here. I mean, look at this place. Wide open area, lots of food and drink, it’s the perfect place to stay. Better than tiny huts, at least, and especially his, which was filled to the brim with his vast collection, severely limiting the little room he had in that abode.

"Y’know, I coulda help wit’ this if ya wanted," he’d say humorously, strutting up to the architecture. That statement obviously wasn’t true, as he had a task of his own to get to: painting the docks. He’d already gathered the paint, and was now merely procrastinating until the perfect moment. He was quite impressed with the job Ophelia got done, what with the little amount of time it took and the resources she had.

On a more personal note, pages were constantly turning in that vulgar and vague mental vocabulary he had. Ophelia and him were sort of growing on each other, or, that’s what he thought at least. The feline was the nicest being he’d ever met, and, frankly, was quite attracted to that positive aura she emanated. He needed to return the favour every now and then, and recognizing that others had yet to show up, it was the best opportunity to say something nice.

”I’m, err, proud of you - and this,” the wolfhound stammered, obviously new to interaction that didn’t involve sarcasm or lying - as well as stealing limbs.

Re: PIZZA PASTA | mess hall, wt | PUT IT IN A BOX - ophelia. - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia gave a light laugh at Leroy's first words to her, shaking her head lightly. She was tired, but her spirits felt just a little lifted by his presence. He'd been very nice to her lately, though it wasn't that much different than he'd always been toward her. She knew he tried to give off an air of indifference and toughness, but he'd never been rude to her. At least, not in a way that actually managed to bother her. It would take a lot for that to happen.

"I know. That's why I didn't deem in necessary to ask for your help. You have your own task to be doing, and I wouldn't take it upon myself to make you feel obligated to help me." she said, smiling as she turned toward him. She was in a much better mood today than she'd been in several days, it seemed. It may have to do with getting something accomplished. Falling back into a routine of work helped her greatly. She was a busy-body, as she was sure most of the other Tanglers knew.

The small compliment gave her pause for a moment. Oh. He'd never really said something like that, though he was always kind - in his own way - to her. She blinked. "Thank you." she said, tone softer now. She cleared her throat, then, heat sparking up under her pelt at the awkwardness with which she received the praise. Get it together, girl. She smiled up at him again. "You should get something to eat. Once the others show up, it's going to get hectic. If you want the best, you should retrieve it now, before it's gone. I wouldn't want you to go without because you were caught up talking with me."