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to be alone / rosebloods - Printable Version

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to be alone / rosebloods - emil - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]with his group finally settled into their new home, with plenty of food and other supplies thanks to the typhoon, prestige could finally take the time to make the journey to the island. he felt bad for not having visited the pirates since establishing their alliance, and he knew well that pincher did not take kindly to those who did not keep their promises. the pharaoh did not want a war between them, not over something that could have been helped. he only hoped that the jaguar would forgive him for having not been able to come. he would make a better effort to keep his end of the deal from now.

prestige came to pause upon reaching the railroad gate, slowly dipping his head down to set his basket of gifts in the sand. within the woven basket, desert fruits sat inside with ancient trinkets from a dead civilization, found within the ruins that they now lived in. jewels and dusty golden coins jingled in a small pouch, and perhaps the most gruesome gift, the severed head of a massive serpent; one that had been slain during a member's visit into their territory's wastes. he thought it a bit strange to be giving as a gift, but perhaps one of the typhooners would enjoy it as some sort of... decoration. with a twitching tail, pres lifted a paw and gave the bell a ring, patiently seating himself down and awaiting the arrival of a typhoon member.

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - darci - 09-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor had been out and about, still adjusting to his new surrounds. Each passing day was he getting more comfortable, but he would not miss a chance to go out and explore. With a wonderful territory such as this, he feared he had only seen a fragment of it. The railroad was a rather interesting incorporation to the land, one he found to be rather joyous to visit. He could walk along the road, watching the colorful fish and plants thriving below. Having been on one of these trips to the bridge, he spotted a stranger out in the distance. Victor could smell the scent emitted by the stranger, but he could not put a name to it. He was still new to these parts, after all.

"Hello," greeted the Siberian husky, carefully making his way to Prestige. Noting the basket of gifts, his curiosity was peaked. Was this a traveling merchant? He supposed he would find out in a moment. "Can we help you with something?"

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - FELIKS - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Another day, another strange stench lingering from the old railroad. It was clear in the hybrid's mind that there were groups in these lands that he still didn't acknowledge the existence of, and that being out of the loop of all things politics would've been a death sentence if he still held all of his ancient titles. Even now, hearing about the existence of something he didn't know about brought a sense of broken pride within his heart - a feeling that he'd managed to miss out on something so obvious stung his lion heart. As ungraceful sniffles emerged from his nostrils, noise partially clogged by the last remnants of hayfever that chose to bug him, the familiar ring-a-ding of the bell entered covered ear holes. Ah, right, he had duties here to attend to the foreigners that came onto their borders, it probably wouldn't be right to feign ignorance so he could go back to his mandatory tree-hugging Thursday fun time. The palms weren't gonna fan themselves after all, fishing for free food felt fantastic. Nah, talking's totes better than attempting alliteration, the gryphon decided in the end, pushing himself through the wonderful foliage of the Typhoon to greet this stranger. Ah, so that was where that previous scent as lingered from. He should've known that it would've been someone awaiting an audience... eh, it was too late to turn back the clock now though. Feliks' mind had been busy, he wouldn't take responsibility here for being naive. 

"Name and intentions on this territory," he spoke hoarsely, devious little smirk appearing on his dark beak as he looked towards the bell. "Oh and uh, a little request from me if that's ok. Please can you play Jingle Bells on that bell over there? I've been trying for a while to get someone to do it for me but they're all sticks in the mud,". Asking a question this time around wouldn't be acceptable, he felt, for this stranger had gone out of the way to get them a gift basket. Thankfully unable to see some of the more deceased contents even from an elevated angle, Feliks only saw the act of kindness as a way to get someone who he didn't know to let loose around the rest of the group when they arrived. If he was going to be one of the first few around, he might as well make it special for them. "I can do my own jingle afterwards, if you want,". That poor bell had seen some abuse with Feliks' suggestions, but admittedly his poorer attention span found great amusement within the irritation that the sharp dings caused others. "You a fan of rock or classical? I can play both on the bell," he huffed, sitting down in anticipation of a response. With a lot of information to take in from a fast-speaking eccentric, the gryphon wouldn't be offended if this took a while.

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - rhosmari - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her head tilted sharply, gaze narrowing as the tinging of a sound so close to her nest rang out. At first she was confused by that noise but the confusion slowly shifted to something different. Something more primal as the large reptilian like creature moved from her nest. Nostrils flared open as she took in large breathes as she scented the area and she found the smell foreign, different. Alpha would not let her hunt the so called 'food-givers' that lived her so instead she had to hunt other things. This scent did not register as food-giver and so she quickly moved forward, thick muscles shifting her large body as her tail wavered behind her. Her stance was firm, body ridge and straight as she moved around her nest, advancing toward the smell of prey. Any prey was deemed fit to hunt and any opportunity to kill and get food to sustain herself would be taken. Her claws curled slowly at first before the black stripped creature laid eyes upon the other. It was similar to the other. Furred and smaller but with sharp claws that could prove to be a problem. There were two such here that carried the smell of this place and so she dismissed them with ease turning her attention back to the one that didn't carry it.

Even so she was genetically created to be a weapon. To be used in times of war and strife and take commands but that was when she was in containment. Now she was free to do as she wanted to with her sisters. Her jaws parted and a low hiss left her throat as she stretched out her claws, the dew claw on her leg tapping lightly and rapidly as she advanced forward. This prey was not running but she wanted a chase before the kill and so she suddenly gave a harsh scream into the air before she suddenly surged forward, thick legs pounding against the ground as she attempted to force Prestige to turn and run from her. This would be sport and then she would go for the kill. Her thick tail waved in balance to keep her on track and if she could she would attempt to snap her jaws over the creatures back to try and strip flesh off of it. Hopefully her cries would alert her sister.

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - - DELTA - - 09-20-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The scream had Delta lifting her head, abandoning the task she had been occupied with in favor of heading towards the call. Pale green skin blended into the foliage around her perfectly, and the feral utahraptor was almost unnoticed in her arrival, sound giving her location away before sight did.

Utahraptors were intelligent creatures, and the fact they had a good dose of DNA from other creatures proven to be more intelligent than they seemed really didn't help. Opening doors, setting traps, their own language, many accomplishments had been made in their lifetime. So distinguishing between friend and foe, or rather, food-givers and food, didn't take long for Delta at all.

The older raptor was quick to cut the unfamiliar creature off from it's only potential escape route, back where he came from, so if Prestige tried to turn and run, or even backed up from Charlie, he would fall right into the beta's claws, which were currently outstretched, an aggressive purring coming from her throat, tail raised and head held high in a display of dominance, and Delta would attempt to snap her jaws onto the creature's thigh, in order to injure it enough that it couldn't fight back if they chose to kill him, before she began to babble to her sister, dark yellow optics never leaving the jaguar. Not food giver. Different pack. Food? They weren't from the pack they were allowed to attack, but they hadn't been told anything about other packs. And while she knew no answer did not necessarily mean a yes, it also didn't mean no. It was a gray area, something she understood well enough and would happily take advantage of.
© madi

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - bubblegum - 09-20-2018

Re: to be alone / rosebloods - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-20-2018

Caesar had visited The Rosebloods recently and quite honestly, he was waiting to see if they would hold their side of the deal. And lo and behold, the leader himself was visiting but... it seemed like the raptors had caught sight of him. Caesar let out an annoyed huff before he ran to get closer and stood next to Goldenluxury, watching as she sent electrical currents towards the feral creatures. The Officer opened his mouth and made a clicking sound with his tongue, just as a fireball formed inside of his mouth. Caesar aimed to shoot the fireball towards DELTA, although he was mostly trying to scare her rather than actually hit her. But if it did, he honestly could care less.

Caesar didn't wait to see what would happen with his attempt and turned to look at Prestige, his right ear flicking. "Yeah, sorry." He grunted in agreement with Goldie's words. "What brings you to The Typhoon?" He asked next, deciding to sit down.