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LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - Printable Version

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LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - PIERCE - 09-20-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
//mobile sgdjhs

Nostalgia had been hitting Pierce pretty hard lately, and in the strangest of ways. Since he couldn’t quite remember the more specific details of his life before Snowbound, some of the feelings he was struck with seemed to be without meaning, but he knew there was something to them. In most recent days, though, he’d just been thinking about old friends. Those two other boys,  who though he forgot their names, could remember what the three of them had called themselves- the Three Musketqueers. He’d cared deeply for both of them, trusted them both, but something terrible had happened to the both of them. What exactly, he had no idea, but it was nothing good. There was his sister Lottie, Hana, Mike, Clem’s father, that one man named Robbie, whose full name was lost to Pierce; so many he had loved so much gone, most probably forever. He hadn’t really met anyone like that in Sunhaven or Snowbound, and he was starting to worry he wasn’t going to.

Even with Clementine at his side, things just weren’t the same, and that part of Pierce who cared so much for his friends, who wanted to love and take care of so many people, was starting to resurface. He’d tried to avoid those kinds of things in his “new life”, far too afraid of things ending up the way they had in every relationship- the other person getting hurt or leaving him in one way or another. He couldn’t do it anymore, and the Goldenblood had promised himself he wasn’t going to.

So, what was he doing now? Breaking his own promise to himself, of course. Getting a little bit friendlier with some of his clanmates wasn’t going to hurt anyone- he just needed to be careful. To not get too attached.

Pierce was standing near the fountain with a little wicker basket filled with what looked to be string sitting at his paws, a small, slightly nervous smile upon his maw. "Hey, uh, I was hoping to get to know some of you guys better, so I made some friendship bracelets! Come take one or two, if you want," he called with an uncertain wave of his tail. Were the bracelets childish? Perhaps a bit. But he was getting older, and maybe it was good for him to get a bit more in-touch with his inner child. The others could probably use it, too.


Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - venus - 09-22-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

nostalgia of times gone past was the thing that venus was supposed to get, the thing that they were inherently given per the circumstances of their birth and reincarnation. but there was a blank space in the kitsune's mind where fond thoughts of their loved ones used to be. they had found a way to break the rules, found someone to bend their mind and take every memory of people who had hated and loved the old venus as an angel away from the kitsune's conscious. completely. however, there were a few faces around here that did make the banished remnants of the past push up at the top of venus' throat. they never spilt; just made the kitsune burn.

the silvery kitsune couldn't say there was a bittersweet taste to those memories then as pierce had felt - because nothing came to venus' mind. maybe a dull throbbing pain, but it was just aftershocks of the deal venus had paid in blood. nothing more, nothing less. to be so swayed by these waves of feeling venus thought pierce was rather weak for his precious treatment of days gone by. they didn't matter anymore; most of everyone back in place from whence pierce and venus came from were either dead or lost. nothing mattered when everything could vanish in an instant.

idly watching as the boy made these peculiar charm things, venus was intrigued enough to approach pierce with a curious gaze dragging across each and every one of the bracelets. their colours pleased the kitsune, finding a sad and somber beauty in them. "i'll take one, thanks." a small grin escaped across venus' maw, their gaze drifting up to meet the one of pierce as the kitsune pondered on which colour they'd take. when the kitsune looked up though it was as if looking through him; in this incarnation venus' memories of anything ang had done with pierce was gone. "which makes us friends i suppose."

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - JERSEYBOY - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]Jersey knew what it was like to leave someone behind. In fact, he had left his whole world behind in the city. Everything and everyone he knew was so far away now, and he had been the one to make the choice. It was, perhaps, one of the best decisions he had ever decided upon. What would he ever amount to, living as a lonesome tumbleweed on the trash-ridden streets? Out here, he was making new friends and making new memories. He couldn't say that he could do that back in New Jersey.

Pierce was someone that he recognized. He had seen him around a lot lately, but he couldn't say that they were friends. And a "friendship bracelet" wasn't going to help the fact. "So, this lil' bracelet automatically makes us friends?" The tuxedo tom had snorted, clearly and mockingly in distaste. Twitching his tail, which was dipped in a natural milky pigment, he replied, "Sorry Spots, it don't work that way." Friendship was built on trust and mutual respect, and only time could ensure that. There was no way in hell that he was going to participate in some sissy shit like this. "How's about we crack open a couple beers? Then we'll talk." Was that just a mere excuse to have a cold one? Most likely. Pierce didn't seem like the type, anyways. Either way, he'd have a beer with or without Pierce.

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-24-2018

"Th-that's not how you make friends," Gordon commented quietly as she came over, a small frown on her maw as she stared up at Jerseyboy for a few heartbeats. She quickly decided it was best not to stare and turned her attention to Pierce, allowing a smile to cross her face now as she spoke again, "I-I'd like a bracelet, though!" It would mean a lot to her, in all honesty. She loved things like this!
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - rhosmari - 09-25-2018

How was this not how one made friends? There was confusion hidden in the depths of pearl colored eyes as he watched the exchanges of what was happening right now. The Helion tilted his head a bit, tired expression shifting over as his numb body shifted from where he had been laying. This was a good way to begin making friends and if anything it allowed others to come up and talk freely without thinking they were awkward or not. But maybe others didn't see it that way. Although the mutated being was quite interested in what the bracelets were and what they expressed. Pushing onto webbed paws the strange creature would give a smile, gaze holding a measure of warmth and excitement at the prospect of getting one and he walked over with a swaying in his hips. At least he wasn't feeling down in the dumps today. His gaze swept over the others before he looked to Pierce. "I ain't the smartest around but I don't think he meant any harm by giving out bracelets. He don't mean ya are friends right away because of this. That's why he said come over and get one and talk a bit. Ya guys, it's a reaching paw, don't stomp on it." His voice was light and playful as he lightly reached forth and took one for his own, he'd wear it for as long as he could and he lightly lifted his wrist. The blood pears he usually wore shone brightly against the sun and he shifted a little to put the friendship bracelet over it. "Anything ya want tae know about me, Pierce? I'm an open book."

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - REBECCA MACK - 09-27-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Friendship bracelets? Oh, now those were something that Bex was familiar with. Perhaps a little too familiar with. It brought back memories, some of the most important, bittersweet memories of her entire existence, and it hurt. It really did. For a moment the collie stood there, frozen, as her gaze stared down the basket full of bracelets which Pierce had made. Finally after a few seconds of hesitation, Bex approached, and she could feel her heart pounding within her chest the closer she got. When she finally was close enough to see the bracelets, she managed a smile, though that smile soon faded at the remarks of her other clanmates. "Monroe's right... I mean, the bracelets won't make you automatically friends, but it's a good step in the direction toward friendship," she shared her thought on the matter, knowing how easy it was to become friends with someone when she really tried. She was usually great at making friends, being naturally sociable and friendly. Bex wasn't someone who was hard to get along with.

With her gaze flickering between the bracelets and Pierce, the female spoke up once again, her old memories still clouding her brain as she began to ramble on. "You know, my daughter, Andi, used to make bracelets kinda like this. She liked to make a lot of things. And she was really good at m- oh never mind, uh, can I have one?" Bex quickly changed the subject of her own speech, deciding it would be best to just try to let that part of her go for now. Her clanmates here certainly didn't need to hear all about her memories wish she could take back and all the mistakes she had made. It wasn't like she could do anything about it now, and even though she knew she never would forget, she was trying to. Things just weren't the same, and they never would be.

The collie was once again back to falling silent, her eyes now pointed toward the ground as she tried to hide any expressions of sadness or regret. She was not always the best at hiding her emotions, however, no matter how hard she tried. She was a good liar, and could keep a secret, but when it came to her emotions, she could only keep it together for so long before falling apart. At least for now, she was holding it together. For now.

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - Owlie - 09-28-2018

// track

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - PIERCE - 09-29-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
Pierce's features lit up at the approach of an individual he didn't think he had ever met before, tail giving a small wave behind him. They were young, considerably younger than him, but they seemed pretty nice regardless. Age didn't really matter when it came to friendships, anyway- if you liked each other, who cared? That'd always been his take on it, at least. As they neared, he realized there was an odd sort of familiarity to them, kind of like he'd met them before. Where, he wouldn't know - he'd never seen them before in his life -, but the feeling was certainly a strange one. A smile crossed the tom's features as they spoke, shifting his weight slightly while he listened. "Well, I mean, uh, yeah! I'd be so happy to get to know you! The name's Pierce; I'm a Goldenblood here." Maybe the other had seen him around the clan, but his activity had been less than satisfactory lately, so he wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't.

Next came Jerseyboy. He and Pierce didn't know each other well, but they'd met a few times, and needless to say, they were definitely different. On one hand, there was Jersey, arrogant, witty, rough-around-the-edges Jersey. Then, there was Pierce, softly-spoken, compassionate, and very unsure of himself in many ways. They were very different people, and had lived very different lives, but they did have some similarities. Despite channeling it in quite different ways, they had both been exposed to the harsh, cruel truth of the world, both felt the blows of those bigger and stronger than them upon their face. They'd both learned to become hard in time- it was just that one had grown rough, and the other, though hardened, remained tender, wishing to shield others from the world around them, to protect them from his unfortunate fate.

"I never said that," Pierce returned, feeling his cheeks warm slightly with frustration beneath his fur. "But you know what? If that's how you get to know people, I'll try it." His slight nervousness wasn't detectable in his tone, but the truth was, he was kind of scared of alcohol. He'd seen people do terrible things drunk, and he'd seen alcohol literally rip people's lives apart, people he cared about. He'd always promised himself he wouldn't drink, wouldn't stock his home with any drinks, but just one, one time, would be fine. He probably would hardly drink any of it, anyway.

Gordon followed, and Pierce didn't think he'd ever been happier to see her. "Hey, Gordon!" he greeted, tail giving its usual canine-esque wave behind him. "What color do you want? I've got a couple combos." He had pretty much every color of the rainbow- if she named it, he probably had it. Monroe was close on Gordon's tail, addressing Jerseyboy's slight mocking of the idea of the bracelets. Pierce didn't really mind it that much. Did it make him mad? Yeah, a little bit, but it was a bit of a "kid's thing" to do, so he could kind of understand.

"Anything ya want tae know about me, Pierce?"

Now that wasn't something he was expecting to hear- people typically picked and chose what they wanted to share, something Pierce himself was guilty of. Everyone had secrets, after all, and most people wanted to keep their secrets, well, secrets. "Ah... where are you from? Like, before Sunhaven came around?" Had he always lived here, before the clan even existed? That'd be impressive, but he could have any story, really.

Finally, came Bex. Pierce hardly knew her, but she was nice, and she seemed pretty cool. Calm, so he really couldn't mind her at all. Her words of support were certainly appreciated, but she was being a bit... ramble-y. Was she okay? Probably- Pierce read into things too much. "You know, my daughter, Andi, used to make bracelets kinda like this." Andi; Andi the bracelet-making girl. The name was frighteningly familiar, and Pierce paused, opening his mouth and then closing it before he reopened it. "Andi... Mack?" That was Bex's last name, was it not? Even if not, that sounded accurate- it wasn't something you just made up, especially not when your memory was as fucked as his was.


Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - rhosmari - 09-30-2018

Where was he from before Sunhaven? Well, that was a complicated question to ask for sure. He didn't know where to even begin and he sighed slightly as he lifted up a paw to rub at the back of his neck. A light look of concentration came before he gave a light shrug, because it wasn't like it was a big secret and he chuckled to himself before he focused more on answering the question itself. "Ah, ya see, I used tae live with Jericho him being my big bro and all of that. But then I turned tae the sea and just spent a lot of time there." His voice was slow coming as he debated on the circumstances. Had Sunhaven been created yet? No. So he would allowed a light smile to pull at his muzzle. "So no, I ain't live in Sunhaven then. But I came back because I heard of my brother creating a group and I wanted tae be supportive. Family is all I had and well..." Now they were gone currently but he had hopes they would return when they could.

Re: LOST WITHOUT YOU | open, friendship bracelets - guts - 09-30-2018

Only being in Sunhaven for a short time, she didn't know many people. She only knew the faces, but not the names. The only one she really knew was Monroe, who was apparently the leader or whatever. She still wasn't too sure how things like that worked around here. Nevertheless, she made do, mostly keeping to herself and trying to adjust to her new life. Being a wolf--or just an animal in general--was still somewhat difficult to figure out.

Her paws led her aimlessly, wandering about the camp when the sudden call of someone she didn't recognize grabbed her attention, deciding to pad over to see what was going on. Studying Pierce for a moment, she then looked down at the bracelets he had made, scoffing slightly at the idea. There was nothing wrong with wanting to get to know people and making friends. But on Ymir's end, there was everything wrong with it. She had made a promise to herself, her trust broken once and vowing to never have it broken again.

The she-wolf takes a step back. "I'll pass." that's all she says as she stands off to the side, somewhat stiff as she watches them with an ache in her chest. She didn't want to be used again, to be lured into a false sense of hope again--and if she had to build a wall between others and herself, so be it.