Beasts of Beyond
( YOU SAID WE MUST PART : VISITINGISH? ) - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]When Val had called himself a wanderer, he hadn't intended to seem desperate with it. Not like he was running away from something. Rather, he does what he can to move forward with his life — past the vault and everything in it, towards whatever the world held. It was a lie, though. He wasn't running away, sure, but he was chasing. Butch, his dad, a future. And however much he would want to keep hiding away in Snowbound, a life of freezing solid and thawing slowly wasn't all that ideal. Now that he's lost two-thirds of his life goals, the last one means the most. A future, something to do with his life. The canine took after his dad in that way, though typically he wasn't as... sacrificial, or as prone to getting wrapped up in what he could fix about the world. Yet now there was nothing else for him to focus on, and perhaps he needed the distraction. So the German Shepherd had decided that Snowbound on its own was not enough.

The trek to Sunhaven was long, but this time he was better prepared for it. He knows what he's looking for, at least, and as colorful houses show up on the horizon, he gets a bit of pep back in his step. Skidding down a hill will surely leave grass stains on his paw pads and dirt between the toes, but it's still so damn exciting. "Hey Bu—" Val's mood plummets harshly and immediately, looking almost somber as he steps a little closer. (You should have seen the mountains, Butch. It's beautiful here.)

"Anyone home?"


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]If Sparrow chased anything, it was his own destruction. The names they sent him were crossed off methodically when the process had been anything but- he'd torn through the people with those names voraciously, hungering for the pounding of his heart and the thrum in his blood to prove he was not a machine. He knew it was for the best they did not allow him to see his brother, because he would not recognize Sparrow if they met. When he looked at his reflection, neither did he, and he always left the puddles broken by a slap of his paw, ripples distorting his silhouette even further, and he abandoned his face to thirst still for an end to his cycle of self-consuming need. If only he were a wanderer, searching for a friend, for family, a life, because he had known the moment they put the mirror in front of him that he was damned to this husk of a man, of a life. He could not want gently- it was coarsened, desperate, starving like the rest of him, and rage filled his empty caverns best.

A bleeding gaze tracked the canine, his fumbling sentence to no one in particular, his resignation to this person's absence. Sparrow only noted it for potential use. He didn't care for the way the stranger's face fell, uninterested in another's pain when he had so much of his own to tow. "You people always ask that." Voice tinny, he walked down the tree, standing before the younger male. "So what is your excuse, dog?"


Re: ( YOU SAID WE MUST PART : VISITINGISH? ) - rhosmari - 09-20-2018

Remembrance of another visitor sparked in the mind of the mutant creature as he watched another coming down the hill. Sunhaven had a good advantage of seeing others coming especially when they were deep in their territory and coming toward the village. He was curious really about what made some come to Sunhaven. It was a lively place full of passions and heart that couldn't be found anywhere else. So diverse and yet they seemed to live in a state of harmony despite that. Pearl colored eyes shifted as he watched Sparrow make his way down from a tree to greet the canine that had come to their lands and he allowed a low sigh to leave his throat before he pushed himself up from a small tidepool he had been soaking in. Even if his bandages got wet he would be alright. Flexing webbed paws he allowed himself to make his way up toward the both of them, gaze slightly pensive as he thought about his brothers and his sister. He hadn't seen any of them in quite some time. Warsongs had just vanished, then Cloud, and lastly Jericho. He missed them greatly and he swallowed a lump in his throat as he neared the pair, rolling his shoulders a little as he sat down. Keeping a closed lipped smile on his muzzle he lifted a paw, waving away any tension that might be building up. "Ya alright, laddie. This is Sunhaven though and ya might be doing a wee bit of trespassing but we'll over look. What do ya need? I'm Monroe and this over here is Sparrow."