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settling in [★] welcome aboard - Printable Version

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settling in [★] welcome aboard - suvi. - 09-19-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: Constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
After the initial adjustments, the little dire wolf was growing more comfortable in this place.  This beach.  The jungle.  Strange faces.  No siblings.  Suvi had lived and breathed her family.  She was one of the three; triplets, and one of five; siblings.  Here she was alone, aside from her father and the two uncles and a cousin she barely knew.  The golden-furred child was half-avoiding those of her blood, outside of her father, whom for the first day or so, she'd been glued to.

Raziel was safe.  Familiar.  Yet, the child was a happy, energetic girl.  As the fear and anxiety of the new surroundings faded, Suvi finally came out to play.  On the beach, she could run straight ahead for miles, dash into the water, then rush out with the waves, spraying droplets off her soft fur.  For some time, she chased some birds, yipping as they took off into the sky in a flurry of feathers.

When she'd tired herself out, the pup found a ball.  Her brothers loved playing with balls.  Tennis balls. Moss balls.  Anything round, chewable and throwable.  With a thoughtful gleam in her chocolate hues, the pup knawed on a yellow tennis ball, tail still wagging to-and-fro.

She missed her brothers and sister.  She missed home.  Still.  This place was not so bad.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

Caesar had two siblings; a brother and a sister. And while he missed them dearly, that wasn't something he'd admit to his Crewmates. After all, it was a known fact throughout The Typhoon that he attacked and nearly killed his sister. But in truth, the demon felt bad about doing so but once again, he was just lying to himself and lying to his Crewmates. While he assumed nobody knew of Vigenere, his brother, he still missed his brother. He missed how close his littermates were to him and how Atbash used to be there for him whenever he wanted to vent. But unfortunately, he ruined all of that and now there was no going back. So he had to distract himself from the truth.

"Who the hell are you?" Caesar spoke in a rough tone as he approached Suvi, narrowing his eyes at the pup. He had never seen the child here before and he did smell of The Typhoon so he wasn't an intruder (unfortunately), so he had to have either joined a while ago or was born here. Regardless, the Officer didn't know him and decided it was better now than never.

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - raziel - 09-19-2018

"Hey," Raziel grumbled gruffly, ears flicking back.  It was nice to see Suvi running about, especially since she'd barely left his side at first.  The dire wolf - still adjusting from the body shift - was relieved she no longer felt like she needed to stick to him, but he kept nearby nonetheless.  It had been moons afterall, since any of his children had been in the same place as him.  There were safety reasons but... It nagged at him.

He frowned lightly in the demon's direction.  "Is it that hard to be polite?" Pirates.  The faerie bit back a sigh and focused, a gentle smile tugging his maw at the sight of his daughter.  "Her name's Suvi." The canine wondered, not for the first time if the child would actually speak in response. Not a word out of her mouth when she arrived.  Nor after.  She was young of course... Especially for a fae... But she clearly understood the words of others.  Oh well. At least she was alive, and happy looking.  He could work on language with her.

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - suvi. - 09-19-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
The pup raised her head, blinking slowly.  This one was unfamiliar.  Rough.  She frowned, brows creasing sharply.  She knew her name.  Suvi.  She liked it a lot, too.  Short.  Simple.  The sylabbles never left her lips however.  She had never been hard pressed to speak before.  The neccessity had never exisited.  She could quietly be happy without english - or gaelic, back home - requried.

That being said, Suvi was not sure how to respond to such a direct question without words.  She could not sign, nor write.  No pictures would illustrate a name such as hers.  No matter how hard the gears in her head turned, she had no answer.  Only her father managed to save her from even making a sound.  Her ears perked up, eyes brightening.

A second later, her tail resumed its previous wagging.  With a thoughtful expression, she let her ball go, tilting her head curiously in Caesar's direction.  It was, if memory served her correctly, his turn now to say his own name.  Though she would never speak it.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

"That was polite." Caesar shot back at Raziel, his gaze flickering over to the male for a couple of seconds before it returned back to Suvi. The demon noticed how she didn't really respond and his tail flicked with irritation. "Don't you know how to speak, kid?" He demanded. "You're speaking to an Officer." As if high positions actually held any sort of power here. "Officer Caesar Cipher, to be exact." Not like he wasn't the only Officer, but Suvi was young; she likely didn't know the ranks very well.

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - darci - 09-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Family had meant a lot to him as well. His family had consisted of his father, mother, sister, and brother. They were a rather tight knit group, but as the children grew older, the family bond began to slightly fade. His brother, with his fiery attitude and stubbornness, carried on their father's place as a wheel dog on another sledding team. Victor's sister, on the other hand, decided racing was not for her and decided to become a family pet. She was happy there, at least. For Victor... Well, all that mattered now was that he was here, not back home with his family. "Hello," spoke the canine as he made his way over. He fought his hardest not to cast a glare at Caeser for the way they acted and refrained from doing so in the end. It took all walks of life, he supposed. Suvi. He assumed that was the name of the young pup. Taking a moment, Victor laid down, becoming eye-level with the direwolf. "It's nice to meet you little one. My name is Victor." Afterwards did he flash the child a smile, which was shortly followed by a slight wag of his tail.

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - alexander - 09-19-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #ff0000; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase;"]my brother's friends explain to me, with breathless words and bloody knees; it's a black eyed trust, respect the pain.

Faeries being in The Typhoon was not a temptation Alexander had expected when they joined. The vampire had met very few fae in their life, only one that really stuck to their memory, and had never gotten a drop of their blood. For this reason, the spark of hunger that alights in Alex's stomach when they see Suvi and Raziel can only be natural instinct. It helps that these faeries had taken the form of wolves, for if they were anything they could overpower, they might have already tried to sink their fangs into one of their throats.

Alexander's tail wags as they pad out onto the beach, cringing lightly when rays of sunlight touch their fur. So far, they had done well staying in the shade during the day, but there was no avoiding the sun on the beach. They would see how long their thick coat of fur fought off sunburns. The wolf stops beside Caesar, throwing the familiar cat a sharp-toothed smile. "I see I wasn't anything special. You're like that to everyone." They tease, pouting dramatically. "Caesar, I thought we had something." They move away from the waspish male before he has the chance to say or do anything in retaliation, knowing well enough that the Officer liked to use his claws.

They turn to the two wolves next, burgundy eyes glinting with mischief. "Child of fae!" Alexander sing-songs to Suvi, tail swinging behind them. They come closer to Suvi, reaching out to lightly bat the ball away from their mouth. The vampire always had a soft spot for children, even if their fangs ached to make a snack out of them. Hoping the wolf pup understood they were trying to start a game of catch, Alex crouches in front of the ball and pushes it back toward the younger girl. They wait a moment before picking themselves up, fangs poking out when they grin. "I'm Alexander. It's nice to meet you, Suvi. You smell like candy." An offhanded compliment, but one nonetheless.

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - suvi. - 09-19-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Suvi bit her lip.  She glanced between Caesar and her father, brows remaining creased.  Officer.  If anything, the child's eyes flickered in confusion, trying to peice together how Caesar was... So much more impressive - that was the vibe she was getting - than everyone, even someone like her father, whom was king of their people.  War-torn the place had been.  She shuffled her paws, one over the other.  The demon was the first to ever demand about her lack of speech, and she did not like it.

The canine that followed him however, was much nicer and her tail went on wagging.  Victor.  Nice husky.  Then Alexander; another wolf.  One she'd out grow one day, perhaps, although Suvi was clearly the runt of her litter.  It did not bother her.  She watched him curiously, letting him take her ball, accustomed to her brothers often grabbing her toys before starting a game.

His teeth... Weren't normal.  For a second her ears flicked back.  Still.  Amost instictively, she bats the ball back, smiling.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

Hearing Alexander's voice, Caesar rolled his eyes, letting out a small huff in response to the vampire. They didn't deserve a comment from him; after all, if he was a dick to them, then why wouldn't he be a dick to anybody else? Besides, the Officer would rather pay more attention to the mute child than worry about an annoying Crewmate. "Hello?" Caesar pressed on, trying to get close to Suvi's face. "Are you competent?" He hissed. "Can you even hear me?"

Re: settling in [★] welcome aboard - suvi. - 09-20-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Suvi's tail sharply stopped wagging, instead going rather still.  With pinned ears she rose to her paws and stepped closer to her father, her fur emitting a soft, red glow.  Her eyes narrowed.  Rude. She could take the attitude, but that was just invasive.  Didn't he know what personal space was?  A soft growl built in her throat.

With a frown, she just nodded, eyes gleaming with irritation as a huff left her lips.  Of course, she could understand him.  It wasn't like she was just blankly staring.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn