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Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - Printable Version

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Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - MirrorEdge - 09-18-2018

To be honest, if she was capable of such a negative emotion, she could easily be described as livid, but the emotion she was feeling was more like glee as she settled down. She had considered just busting into the fortress and taking him back herself, just so she could beat him up.

Perhaps the Pitt would suit Thea more, being more welcoming of people who's minds were as twisted as hers, even if many were unaware of exactly how twisted. Not that the thought entered her head. For her, the Ascendents was the closest thing to a home she had, and a stable one, at that. They accepted her, at least, for now. They were foolish enough to believe her.

Thea came to a stop at the border, the large winged reptile glancing around with pale blue eyes, tilting her head. "Hello? Anybody? I'd like to request Oni back. 'Cause I'm the one who's gonna be beating him up. Since he was stupid enough to get his ass captured." Her voice echoed, sounding almost childish, and mixed with the strong scent of the Ascendents, would probably And see if anybody wants to play. Tail whipping back and forth, she waited, that same unnatural grin on her face.

She quite liked this body. For some reason, it felt as familiar to her as her birth one, even if it took a bit more energy than she liked to shift into, but unlike most of her bodies, this one was something she easily got used to.

//tired and messy post but I did it
Template by Quill

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

An ascendants kid got caught? Well, it wasn't her business to fetch the kid. So, walking right up to Thea, the frog hybrid sized the younger feline up, cold charcoal pits narrowing down at the other. "Yeah? That sucks for you, ribbit. Only the one who captured him can decide if he goes back or not." Tsuyu croaked out, her long tongue drawing over her lips slightly as she thought of what exactly she could do to this girl.

[member=2078]QUILL H.[/member]


Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - MirrorEdge - 09-18-2018

"That's funny, miss." She chirped, tilting her head, pale blue optics sparking with amusement. "'Cause I'm not leaving you guys much of a choice in the matter. Let me make what I said a bit clearer, 'kay? Either I get him back to beat up myself, with you guys making it easy and boring, or I beat the shit out of anybody who says otherwise and drag his dead body out the door with me." The grin she said that with had malice hidden deep within it, even if Thea herself was unaware of it, and the spined tail draped over her front paws delicately, the tail tip twitching this way and that. She didn't really understand why she was so intent on it, crediting it to the fact she was the one who got to beat him up, since he often proved to be a challenge for her. Both of them had the scars to prove it. And that was something Thea craved, no matter what. A challenge. It was what she thrived on.

Please, lift a claw against me, anything. That was all that was going through Thea's warped mind at the moment. Or choose option two. I don't care.
Template by Quill

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

She knew she was good at fighting, unafraid of the obvious threats this girl put out there for her to roll her tongue over, but she didn't change her stance, nor did she change her tone of voice. "Go home, ribbit. You're wasting our time with your childish antics. Do you want to die?" Tsuyu asked in a bored tone, impressed. With a shrug of her shoulders, Tsuyu called out for the Boss of the Pitt himself.

"ESKLAV! We've got an Ascendants member at our borders!" She yowled out for the male, knowing of his previous orders to let him deal with the trespassers and any enemies or idiots in general who show up at their borders. She wanted to start a fight? She could start one with Esklav himself.

"She wants her boyfriend back."


Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - EROS - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]So loud. The yelling was quite unnecessary but then again he doubted that the frog had telepathy to actually communicate in a more easy fashion. Still, he half wished he could put a muzzle on her sometimes. The male sighed lightly as he made his way over, gaze roaming over the two before he focused on the Ascendant member. Odd. She had only come for some male whom he had no idea of and not for the murder of her leader. To this day he still was at wonder that the other happened to be the leader of that group at all. But the large tiger sized canine merely shook his head. Whichever the case was he allowed a frown to pull at liquor stained lips as he settled his smoking form against the ground. Darkness incarnate the beast would tilt his head a little and just stare at Thea for a moment before he glanced at Tsuyu. "It's pointless you know...trying to get him back this way. It never works." The male didn't know why he had opened his mouth. But regardless he was prepared to defend his home and to a lesser extent their beliefs. All for his own preservation.

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - GRIMNYTE - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 6px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Some would scorn the demiurge for regarding those below him as dimwitted and pathetic, but displays like this did nothing but confirm his observations. The idea that a sentient being would display such impulsive decision making all for another soul was nothing short of repulsive. The foolish female that showed up on their borders demanding her clanmate back did not acknowledge the fact that she was outnumbered and at risk of being killed by simply showing her face. "Your answer is no. Take it and leave; and when you do, bring someone of significant importance back our way. I have no time to talk to thralls." his tone was perfectly inoffensive, eyes boring into the Ascendant's unique form. The leopon was large in his own way as he made his way over before stopping abruptly, holding himself with not a sign of tension etched into his feline shape. He was not scared of the wench. Having a whole organization at your back - especially one as ruthless as The Pitt - tended to give one a sense of invulnerability.

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - MirrorEdge - 09-19-2018

"Boyfriend?" The young dragon tilted her head, looking a bit confused. "Oh, no, it's more of a I try to kill him, he tries to kill me sort of thing. So that's why you can't kill him." Thea nodded, satsified with her explanation, as if that would clear things up with the Pitt as to why she wants him back. She'd never felt love, the closest being feeling was when Suiteheart was alive, and she felt like a parent to the young child. But now Suite was gone, and the feeling with her.

The only reason she hadn't come for Bast's murder, was simply because she didn't believe he was dead. He couldn't be dead, and looking at these guys confirmed it. They couldn't of killed him, because they sure looked weaker than him. She merely grinned at the crowd, not at all fazed by the fact that they could kill her. Not that she was all right in the head, anyways. She had never learned that she could die, her own mother twisting the poor child to the point that Thea had finally killed her, and felt not a shred of regret. So she didn't really understand death threats, because why threaten somebody if you could just fight them instead? She was aware that yes, she was outnumbered, but she was not aware she could be killed.

Thea's pale form twitched, not budging, as the Fireball stared at them for a few long moments, before breaking out into a bright grin. "You're gonna pick option two, huh? That's great!" With this, she teleported, materializing between Tsuyu and Quill, aiming to send [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] flying with her strong tail, hoping to take her out quickly, since she was smaller, before attempting to cause [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member] immense pain by slamming her paw into his ribcage.

//please beat some sense into this unintelligent child who doesn't know when to back down or when she's bitten off more than she can chew
Template by Quill

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: Tell me that living means being strong (open, Ascendent) - TSUYU. - 09-19-2018

Death was familiar to the frog hybrid, as she had felt it already once before. She didn't care for it, she'd deal with it when it came, but the thought of her death haunted her to this day. Electricity was her biggest fear, causing her hatred for thunderstorms to be too much for her at times. She had dealt with it before, and she wasn't afraid to deal with Lady Death again, just not today.

A tail bashed into her side, sending the light-weight hybrid into a tree not too far off. With a loud grunt, she felt something in her hip crack at the impact before she got to her paws, shaking out her fur. "Well, shit. Looks like shes got some pack to her punch, ribbit." Tsu croaked, cracking her neck before moving forward, using her water manipulation to attempt to use blood bending in an attempt to restrain Thea long enough for Quill to have his attack be successful. Tsuyu didn't care for killing this girl, but she didn't want blood at the borders today.

Slowly, the frog hybrid limped forward, her hips misaligned and aching as a look of disappointment passed through dead charcoal eyes.