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outrun, outlast — ducklings - Printable Version

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outrun, outlast — ducklings - darci - 09-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]It was far warmer here than it was back in Alaska. Victor was use to the bitter coldness, the days that went all night, and the horrid winters that terrorized the state. Nonetheless, he enjoy the climate here just as much. The island was surly a sight for he had never seen anything like. After having settled in did the Siberian husky decide to head out and explore his new home. Awe was clear across his face as he looked at everything he passed, the bright green vines, the colorful birds, and oddly-shaped bugs. Once he got his fair share of the jungle did he decide to head down to beach.

Pushing past the trees did his ivory paws meet the warm, white sand. He drew in a breath, enjoying the taste of the water. Victor trotted through the shallow water, enjoying the feeling of the water flowing over his paws. Back in Alaska, he swam all the time. The water was absolutely freezing, but growing up in that climate made you tolerant to it. He was already starting to shed, loosing his thick coat he had acquired from the snow and ice back in Alaska. Appearing to have drifted off into another thought did a sudden squeaking sound bring him back to his senses. Victor came to a stop, blue eyes scanning to find the source of the noise. Looking out across the water did he spot a small yellow figure bobbing frantically in the water. It was a duckling. The duckling was in trouble for he saw rather large fish swimming under it, daring one another to snap up the little duck.

Without much thought did Victor crash into the water, his powerful legs pulling him towards the duckling. His rapid movements had done the trick of frighting the fish away, but also caused the duckling to panic even more. "Hold on little one." Very carefully did he scoop the duckling up using his head. Much to his relief, the duckling did not jump back into the water, but simply sat on top of his head, knowing that Victor was here to help. Paddling back to the shore did he notice he caught the attention of something else. Climbing out of the water did he see a large white duck running towards him, a handful of fuzzy babies in tow. Lowering his head, the duckling hopped off, joining their siblings. Taking a seat to watch the happy reunion, Victor noticed all the ducklings and mother duck all came running towards him. It is because of this can the male be found laying on the beach, a mass of yellow ducklings clambering all over him with the mother duck laying by his side, watching.

Re: outrun, outlast — ducklings - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-20-2018

The Typhoon was a much difference climate than his Home Dimension, much like how Alaska was different than the beach. If Caesar could hear Victor's thoughts about his former home, the demon probably would have snorted and commented on how his Home Dimension was likely a lot colder than some tundra. But then again, that was why Atbash choose to live in Snowbound, wasn't it? Caesar didn't mind the tropical climate of The Typhoon, however. In fact, he preferred it. It was much better suited to his firey personality and powers.

Caesar was on the beach whenever Victor had swam back to shore, following by a herd of ducklings and their mother. Tilting his head, the Officer decided to investigate. Curiosity killed the cat, after all. "I can't believe you're not trying to eat them." Honestly, the smell of the chicks were tantalizing and so was the scent of their mother, but the savannah forced himself to control his urges. "Why are you letting them crawl all over you?" If Caesar was Victor, the demon likely would have snapped at them by now, and not because of how hungry he was.

Re: outrun, outlast — ducklings - Grey - 09-22-2018

Bakugou had never really liked the cold, nor was he fond of extremely dry places. But this stemmed from the fact that his original quirk had been based on his ability to produce sweat on his palms. He didn't like the idea of being quirkless, it made him feel as though he belonged with the rest of those degenerates who happened to dapple along the surface of the earth. Due to The Typhoon's tropical nature, the reaver found himself quite at home. It was a little humid but there was a good temperature that circulated their landscape, a warmth that made him feel more relaxed than he would in any other place. He would probably go mad if he had to live in a desert or some fancy mansion. They felt far too contained or mediocre, the same image day by day. At least The Typhoon, living on an island, would allow for all kinds of strange things to wash upon their shores. Their territory was expansive and large too, there were too many attractions for the reaver to ever grow bored of the group. Besides, the male tells himself, he felt loyalties to this place. It was something he wanted to protect and treasure, a sensation Bakugou wasn't exactly familiar with - or at least not to this strength.

Today, the reaver felt much better. He wasn't racked with pains, pains that turned out to be his body developing some new ability. He never thought it to be so painful but perhaps it had something to do with his reincarnation, his soul unable to interpret or understand the universe's magic which drifted and existed within every molecule and atom. For this reason, the male was in a rather good mood. He hadn't mastered his new ability but he was able to understand how he could allow it to work similarly to his combustion quirk as it allowed some level of mobility in the air. But for now, being rather patient, Bakugou was only using this ability periodically. After all, he still suffered from remnants of the pain. Sometimes when he tried to teleport forward, there was a delay followed by the sensation of his cells pulling apart to move his body through dimensional planes. Ouch. He has no other word for it.

His eyes latch towards the figure of Victor, remembering how the husky had so naively tried to join The Typhoon. He didn't particularly feel anything towards the sled dog but he did find the male to be rather airheaded for not realising their politics. He certainly hopes that Victor would not do the same as he had to The Ascendants, simply drop and leave them for being too boring. Regardless, The Typhoon was full of all sorts of dramas he'd think. If Victor was looking for a life of peace and harmony, their island was simply not the place to go to. On the topic of peace, however, his eyes do latch onto the fluff of moving yellow puffs clambering along the other's white body. They were ducklings and the male immediately recognises their 'beloved' Officer walking towards him, looking rather displeased. Not trying to eat them? The reaver snorts as he strides towards the two, unable to hide his sweet amusement towards the male. "The mother duck might make a good meal but the ducklin's would die. Goldie would probably whip your ass for tryin' too," Bakugou muses, tossing a cheeky glance towards Caesar. He was only being strangely playful. "And I'd rather wait for 'em to all grow up before eatin' 'em. What a waste otherwise."

Re: outrun, outlast — ducklings - darci - 09-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor's looked up as he caught wind of Caesar. Beside him could he feel the mother duck tense up, a bit fearful of someone approaching her children. Victor, of course, would defend the young birds. "Why would I eat them?" he asked. "I didn't jump in the water for nothing." The dog cringed at the idea of eating the ducklings. Victor had grown up eating kibble provided to him from his owner. He had the occasional table scraps as well and he never did once complain. The dog was satisfied with that he had and did not dare take it for granted. When is came to hunting down his own food, he always felt guild overcome him when he ended his prey's life. Victor was grateful for the animal giving their own life to continue his, but it still felt wrong. Only time would allow him to get use to the idea.

"Why not?" Victor shot back at Caesar's last remark, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. He was beginning to greatly dislike this fellow. His eyes ten drew to Bakugou, ears perking forward ever so slightly. "As I," he wanted to retort back at the mention of Goldie beating Caesar for eating the ducks. Victor dared not say his thoughts out loud for he was still new around these parts. The dog had to first asses each and every individual's personalty before he shot remarks at them. He had to be sure what the repercussion of his words would relate to. Victor snorted at Bakugou. "Then I'll be sure to take them to the other side of the island."

Re: outrun, outlast — ducklings - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-25-2018

"Golden can try." Caesar shot back in response to Bakugou, snorting a bit. He doubted Goldenluxury could beat him if she wanted to, although she had slapped him at least once. Did he deserve it? Probably. Turning his attention back to Victor as the canine spoke, Caesar's ears flicked before he responded,"I guess Bakugou has a point." He grunted. "They are a little young, but still. They're prey." Something meant to be eaten. They didn't have the intelligence of the creatures around them and couldn't talk just like him, Victor, and Bakugou could.

When Victor asked him why he wouldn't let the ducklings crawl over all, Caesar shuffled a bit, as if he was uncomfortable with the idea. "Once again, because they're prey." He responded. "They're meant to be eaten, not played with." But they were young, as Bakugou pointed out.