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INTROSPECTION | o, joining - Printable Version

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INTROSPECTION | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The prominent smell of the ocean across the vast territory was certainly more welcoming than what Yusuke had been victim to as of late. There was a certain stuffiness to being trapped among winding trees, and whilst he wouldn't have minded a stroll between the smothering roots every now and again, a more civilised place suited the young fox's needs better than the woodlands ever could. It was an oddity for a creature so associated with the earth and its wonderful life to prefer living between the homes of humans that wouldn't think twice about shooting him, but there was a beauty about the houses that attracted him like a moth to a flame. It wasn't the food that brought him sniffing about, he wasn't a vulpine desperate for an easy meal (even if his lanky figure may have suggested otherwise), even as various meaty aromas began to waft around ebony nostrils his stomach dared not make a rumbling sound and distract its host from his bewilderment. Smoky grey eyes were wide yet seemingly focused on nothing in reality, the tall canine watching over the town he had stumbled across. Lady luck had blessed him the moment he came over a patch of raised earth, with indications that the no-furred residents had no influence over this place Yusuke felt secure being so close. Boundaries created by scent seemed to be an after-thought, or perhaps not even in the male's brain at all.

White paw raised, the 'wrist' joint seemed to bend slightly as its owner pondered, created almost an 'L' like shape. It lowered, then the other alabaster forepaw came up, a pattern that lasted for about a minute until a sigh escaped from Yusuke. No, this simply wouldn't do, the variety of colours splattered against the walls was too overwhelming to form any sort of emotions or opinions on them. Reds, blues, yellows, greens, mixed together in another scenario and a feeling of uncertainty or anarchy could easily be created, yet nothing of the sort came from this houses. Am I the problem? It was obviously a thought that ran through his heavily distracted mind, yet a little shake of his head seemed to dismiss that mentality. Whilst true that recently he'd had to venture further than normal to find inspiration for art, no muse could be found from the erratic randomness, no matter how hard he pushed his brain to think of something. "So close to being perfect, yet so far..." he began to mumble to himself, tail curled around his prim body as he settled down to ponder. "A beautiful town, shining against the warmth of the endless ocean... yet there's no emotion in the brush strokes. How disappointing...". Criticism was a hard think to take, but Yusuke believed dishing it out to be justified in this scenario.

What else was he supposed to say? He wanted some revelations darn it! A final sigh escaped the vulpine, unintentionally pretentious in nature. Right, it was no good sitting about lost in mourning of a failed discovery, he had to figure out how to fix it, and how to get the attention of the merchants. Perhaps some had already been attracted by eccentric mumbling, but with two metaphorical legs stepped into his own little artistic reality and the others poking out in the real world, it wasn't exactly like Yusuke was paying much attention to anything with a pulse. Clearing his throat, the male would wait as silently as a phantom on his little pedestal, making no other indication of his presence past his self-indulging comments. Should they be attentive or altruistic enough, he was sure they'd figure out they were being watched eventually. If not, and his eyes could drift away from the architecture for a bit, then the fox had no problems admitting he'd be interesting in watching these people live their daily lives this far back. For now though, it probably wouldn't come to that.

Re: INTROSPECTION | o, joining - rhosmari - 09-19-2018

Things had been rough, a little too rough and he wondered if this was why Quantum had given him the role of Helion. Was it something she thought he could handle because he was starting to second guess everything he was doing these days. He wasn't sure which way in which Sunhaven should go. Every decision, to try and rectify things peacefully seemed to go straight to violence from the other side. They didn't want to talk, they didn't want to settle things like rational adults. No, instead they choose to spill blood. These past few days had been eye openers for the leader and he wondered if he should change his methods. Hold no prisoners. His mentality was different then most anyway and he had no reserve any longer on hurting someone that hurt his group. And just like with right now as he sat from a distance watching a fox whom had invaded them he was curious but guarded. The aquatic fish like creature tilted his head to the side, body still swathed in bandages. Though no blood was seen stained upon them. He was calm, maybe a little too calm as he rose to his paws and made his way over toward the vulpine.

Words were lost on him and he took no emotional negativity to his criticism. Sunhaven would always just be Sunhaven. Lips were closed in a docile neutrality as he approached from behind the creature, hunting having gone rather...unproductive because of his constant worrying. "Ya need somethin'?" He asked with a mildly guarded tone as he stepped around the other male and placed himself in front of the other individual. Mandatory questions when greeting a stranger. Once upon a time he would have been more open, more friendly but now after everything he didn't think he could go back to be who he used to be.

Re: INTROSPECTION | o, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

Gordon could relate to Monroe always second-guessing things. That was everyday life for her, always questioning whether or not she had did something correctly or properly. Gordon wished she had more courage about herself but honestly what was there to be courageous about? She was a small creature, a lot smaller than normal felines due to being half-Munchkin. And due to the raptors possibly lurking around, she had taken it upon herself to follow a clanmate around, and that clanmate happened to be Monroe. The Dawnguard stood behind the shark-cat, poking her head out from behind his legs, though she tried to avoid the stranger's gaze as much as possible.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━