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I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - Printable Version

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I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - EROS - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]It was always a battle, something was wrong with him. Though they hadn't noticed but he noticed it everyday. It was like an endless cycle and all he could think of was self preservation. He had make sure that he was okay. No one else mattered, no one but his well being and wasn't using others okay? Before when he was a slave before things had started to change within himself, before he couldn't suppress who he was anymore he understood that this was wrong. Slavery was wrong but he had been bred to obey. To not talk back when he had been taken from his home. Over a year he had been held in captivity and now that he was free he was scared to go back. He wouldn't go back. He would do everything in his power to keep a hold of this freedom that had been given to him. Feelings of anger were lodged in his stomach as he pulled pushed the male forward, attempting to be firm but not really having the heart for it. This was for himself, not for anyone else, but for his own protection. Feeling sick, feeling cruel the justified the means to the end goal and he sighed sharply before shaking his head a little bit.

The fortress was a head and he shoved the slave then, pushing him up and through the entrance as he followed after him. "This is your new home. You are a slave now and you have to work to serve your masters. I don't want you but someone else might." He wouldn't own anyone, that didn't benefit him and he wouldn't harm a slave for no reason. Instead he stepped back from the individual so that they would get used to this new life. A new life that selfishly the Dweller had forced the other into. Always selfish and he swallowed thickly before turning his pink marble gaze away from Sven.


Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - Sven - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The canine offers little resistance to the push, irritated glance replaced all too soon by a neutral analysis of his new surroundings. The heat oppresses him, makes his legs feel weak and so he has to sit down heavily after all of this travel- his lush black forests of old replaced with this orange nothingness. It's not too foreign in that case, as he knows a void of his own intimately by now. "Hm." Is all he offers in response.

It doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out that he's not all present. From his slow reactions to his listless stare and apparent apathy at this new situation, it's a sound assumption to believe he would make quite the useless slave. However, he looks physically sound and experienced and the fact that he did make the trip without being dragged through the sand says something. It's because there is one driving force for him left at least and he trusts his gods to bless him with a visit. But can his gods find their way through such an empty sky? Maybe not until night time, when all are blanketed under the same sky and they can gallop around the constellations. Then, he will see his brother again.

Sven is lost in the thought, enamored even, but his empty look returns when stomach pain drags him to this dust bowl. As much rot drifts in these sands, he wishes the plants weren't so greedy with their nutrients because he has no clue where to find food he can chew to death. Well if he can't find it then, "Fruma, feed me." It's the only real sentence he's said yet; voice a gutteral, accented growl yet a sound with little emotion. What good is a slave starved and dehydrayed. It matters little to him at his present state of mind, but it would be a shame for this tall dog here to waste the trip. His parents would still have their exchange at least.

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - EROS - 09-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Fruma? Yes, he was very much curious about this word that the other had spoken. His gaze traveled over the rather too docile canine and he had to admit that this was a bit too easy. There had been no struggle and no fighting and that also made the sha creature hesitant and slightly unnerved in a way. When he was taken as a slave there was no choice but for him to obey, he had been nothing but a child then and there had been nothing for him to do but go along with what had happened. Learn his place and do what they wanted him to do. This one however, was strange and different. He narrowed his pink marble hues but he turned his head away from the other just as he asked for food. Though he didn't have to go and get it for him because Quill was there with rabbits. But the direhound's presence made his heart sink. What would the other think of him bringing someone into slavery? A frown pulled at liquor stained lips and he breathed in a short breath before he looked at the slave and then back to Quill. Tail whipping back and forth the canine would try to greet Quill with a smile. "He's your's if you want him Quill. I don't have a need for him but um....his name is Sven from what I figured out."

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - ; albion - 09-23-2018

benny clicked his tongue as he eyed the size of the canine. valkyr was becoming quite the model citizen to the pitt since losing his title of a slave, hell now bringing in another to replace him... it was an interesting turn. hypocritical and ironic! it was enough to make the warlord give a soft chuckle as he came closer. sven was... interesting to look at. ignoring the word or name muttered out, benny would introduce himself.

"your wonderful warlord here, benny's th' name. i can take this sucker off your hands, val! i'll take good care of him, don't worry. brushed, fed, all that good stuff." the fox grinned as he looked up at sven, making eye contact for the first time since approaching. "say thank you to quill for bein' so nice, yeah? then we'll get started on your first set of tasks." benny wasn't all too keen on working sven to death, but he did need things done that he couldn't be assed to do.

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - Sven - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]His gaze follows the endless looking rolling sands around them and on sight of them comes injecting into his mind the properties for it, how desert sands can be used to harden one's constitution or poison the eyes of an enemy. He's not sure if he cares enough to bother past any of these sort of compulsion and they mildly disgust him for their witchcraft nature, but anyone would be none the wiser of these quiet thoughts as he shifts his gaze to Quill. This man reminds him of a bear and his head tilts down to view what he perceives as armor on the creature's front legs. His attention goes to observing Quill's expression then and he doesn't make any guesses to what it could mean outside of a possible mode of sympathy. Digging too deep does not seem fruitful to him, yet then again not much of anything seems that way for the canine except when the other male leaves only to return with what he asked. He blinks, something like an expression actually dawning on his face before he grabs up the rabbit. He shakes it savagely before crunching down on the corpse with a great need. He puts his paw on the bottom legs and pulls up, ripping it in half before both parts are gone in a flurry of bone snaps and huffing. He licks his lips then- not to clean his mouth, but to get every single drop left that he can as he wags his tail lightly in response. The Pitt. It seems an apt name for this dustbowl.

His head turns then as he calms down from his feast and within seconds he is giving a thousand yard stare to nothing in the distance before her perks up again on hearing his name. “Sven,” he confirms, hastily, as if they're interrupting something before he turns his head back toward the previous direction. Whatever he was looking at seems to be gone now however so he returns his partial attention back between the pair. “You give me away?” Sven asks Valkyr on his words to Quill, with no implication behind his own words spoken in that same, plain, German sounding voice. This question is more like sighing than a grunt though. It's like asking about the weather or some other small talk out of politeness rather than care. There is a hint of confusion, but only because he doesn't understand yet why the sha would take him if he does not want him. Impulse buy? Surely he would want something back for it since that's how trades work after all. Maybe he is trying to impress someone then? Suddenly Sven just lies down on the spot, putting his head onto his paws and wrapping his tail up around his body. It seems that rather or not Valkyr answered the question or not ultimately doesn't matter. He wants to sleep, they can continue their conversation without him.

Only on Benny beginning to speak does he open his eyes again rather than when he first hears him approach. A lack of any sort of reaction graces his features, though it could also be because he doesn't catch half of what the fox says. His grasp of English isn't the best so such bombastic talk is mostly lost on him but he understands certain parts. The most important parts to him: warlord, fed, good. For the language gap he doesn't really consider explaining as it just means 'one' or 'first' and he didn't expect anyone outside his tribe to know the dead Gothic language anyway. As Benny looks him in the eye then, he looks back eye to eye without fear but also without challenge. Slowly he rises up and shuffles over to Benny's side, noticeably absent of hesitation. He has no reason to reject so he just turns his head slightly to half-way look at Quill but also Valkyr since he can no long remember which is which. He didn't even ask Valkyr actually. “Thank you.” He expresses his gratitude to both a provider and his slaver with equal care. Flat, listless as any hedonistic gratification has faded and so he doesn't feel much of anything at present. 

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - EROS - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He almost winced at the way the other said, so polite, like a passing exchange. Was he giving him away? Yes, he couldn't have him and he couldn't keep a slave after he had previously been one. But then why did he do this? A conflicting emotion poured through him and he shook his head a little bit, almost disregarding Benny for a moment. He was doing this for his own survival and if he didn't do it then they would shove him back down in chains. Yet, was it okay for him to lock someone else in chains to preserve himself? His mind said yes and he couldn't even answer the other's question as things began to happen around him. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that surrounded the morality of what he had just done and he was starting to feel awful and yet he knew in the back of his mind that he would do it again if it meant saving himself. He swallowed thickly and watched as Sven laid down and proceeded to close his eyes. Watched as Benny laid claim to him and ordered him to say thank you to Quill before getting ready to put him to work.

He saw everything as if by a filter and he was starting to get more and more sick as the exchange went along. Chest clenching he stared forward as if unseeing before his gaze of pink marble shifted and he turned to look at Sven as he other moved over to Benny's side. What had he done? The words that dropped from the new slave's lips stunned him, shook his core. He was thanking him for doing this to him. He couldn't bare that and he took a step back, curling his tail against his body as his ears pulled further back. Expression twisting in pain he looked to Quill for a moment before he just couldn't bare it anymore. "I-I..I have to go." And he turned, making a beeline for his room to disappear behind rough sandstone blocks.

-- out

Re: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT - open; slave - COSMIIX - 09-23-2018