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TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - Printable Version

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TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

[member=1464]B. DELORIA[/member]

Tsuyu was rather pleased with her own captures, especially since it was so easy to paralyze them. She had curious, hungry to find more slaves, to feed the higher ups with more workers to beat and slap. But the slaves she brought in, they belonged to her. Only her. Slowly, the frog-feline hybrid hopped over the borderline, tugging a chain over her shoulder idly. "Come on, ribbit. I don't have time to deal with rebellious slaves." Tsu croaked out, yanking significantly harder this time as she glanced back at the male. Any acts of rebellion meant that she would punish this guy. Rolling her eyes, she called out for her first slave. "Oi! Cuck- Blu! Come here, ribbit!" She called out, her bobbedtail lashing a bit in annoyance.

//Rushed since on mobile but aA


Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - BLU - 09-18-2018

What the fuck? Another slave? Damn. Blu sauntered over eyes narrowed it down to slit toward the feline hybird. He knew in a situation like this he shouldn't be talking shit. He really shouldn't be.

But he really couldn't resist, he sat himself down apparently not really interested in helping but had a shit eating grin. "A replacement? Already? Damn I thought you liked little old me eh madam loco."

For that remark it would be a whip or a slap. It was within her fancy.

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - B. DELORIA - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]//thanks for making!

"In that case, maybe you oughta let me go." Fucking hell, this lady was crazy, though honestly, Butch was less afraid of her than he was Val when he found out the trouble he'd gotten into. Val would have his hide hanging on a wall by the time he finished getting all high and mighty about it. If Val found out. Butch wasn't the easiest guy to be around, yeah? He could admit it, but they'd fought, and the last thing Val probably wanted to do was go searching for his ass. "Silver's not really my col-" A sharp tug cut him off, and the collie glowered, muttering something very unflattering beneath his breath and swallowing through the ache in his throat. His expression didn't change as some other poor bastard showed his face. He was one'a hers too? How many people had she dragged off? Butch really wasn't convinced at this point that anyone respectable was home up in that head of hers, if anybody was home at all.

"Aw, guy's jealous. Can't have that. You don't want to neglect your number one, do you? Just let go'a the chain and I'll mind my own business outta here."

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - BLU - 09-18-2018

Blu couldn't resist laughing at Butch, like flat out laughing at him. If he thought Tsuyu was going to let either them go was probably through a fight to the death that if she doesn't take a fancy to you.  The canine wheezed rubbing his already sore chest from the various new beatings he got as of recent. "Pffftp hahahaha if you really think she's gonna let you go. She would rather kill you than do that. So you are stuck here pretty boy. Just don't do anything that would ruin that pretty face."

"As for been numbah one. I could really care less. I get whacked for basic shit anyway. Don't matter to me, she's fucking crazy." Blu shrugged his shoulders, now laying on the ground.  He was very weary of Tsuyu knowing any second from now either he gets whipped or whacked or someone gets choked.

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

"You both aren't shit anyways, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked, glancing down at Blu with a dark, degrading look in her pitless charcoal eyes. She then lifted a paw, attempting to swat Blu across his nose in warning. It wasn't wise to catch an attitude with her, although she had quite the tolerance for cocky assholes. She lived with a crowd of them, after all.

"You'll get used to the silver, ribbit. It looks good on you." Tsu nearly purred, the sound loud and rumbling.

Her hips swayed as she continued her walk, her ear twitching for Blu to follow behind her. Water ripped out of the bottle she held on her hip, levitating in the air and forming into the familiar whip she had used to leave Blu aching for more on usual terms. To be honest, she kind of enjoyed Blu's presence, she could never get tired of abusing the masochistic male no matter how much she hurt him.

This one, on the other hand, just seemed like he wanted to be pampered. Well, she'd fix that. "I'm going to lay out a few rules for both of you. Disobey one? You get punished and starved for a whole two days straight. No drinking or eating." She meowed, her long tongue drawing over her lips as the familiar flash of a sadistic glint passed through her eyes momentarily. This was going to be so, so fun.

"My name is Tsuyu, but you'll call me Master. Do it, you get a reward. You don't? Well, you get smacked. I don't care how long it takes, I will smack the living shit out of both of you guys." She introduced herself quickly, finally arriving at her cave where she latched Deloria's chains to the hooks on the wall, rolling her shoulders. Her tongue extended out, reaching for Blu's chain, extending it out to him. It was a silent command, and disobeying meant punishment. She kind of figured he'd disobey her on purpose, though.

Tsuyu used the water whip to form hardened ice bars to block the exit of her cave for now, cracking her neck as she started on the rules. "Rule one; Escape me, and you get killed. If I can't catch you, Blacktide will. Useless slaves are exterminated." She meowed, eyes narrowing slightly as she continued.

"Rule two, you're accountable for your actions. If you fuck up while working, you're going to be punished. Aiding other slaves in escape will result in your capture and starvation for two to three days straight."

"Rule three, you must always at least keep your collars on. If you don't, that just means anyone can beat you. You're my slaves, and I don't want anyone else touching you if you're doing what you're supposed to."

"Rule four, you do have a chance to become a regular member of the Pitt if you prove yourself worthy. Try not to fuck your chance up. If I don't deem you as worthy, I'll be sure to tell the Boss himself such." She meowed, scratching her chin idly. More rules.

"Rule five. Talk shit, get hit. I have no problem beating you to death, freezing you solid, or choking you. I show no mercy for fools."

Then, she lifted her head, preparing the final rule of hers. "Final rule. I don't care if you don't respect me, but I demand to be obeyed. Not doing so will result in punishment, and possible death. I don't mind a little struggle here and there, it just turns me on more, but please don't make it a habit. Ribbit. It'd be a waste to kill your pretty selves so early." She croaked, doing a once-over of the collars the two wore. It was tightly wrapped around their necks, leather, and had Tsuyu's initials carved into the fabric. On the front of it was a steel loop link, for chain connecting.

"Oh, and.. If anyone becomes a problem, slave-wise.. Don't be afraid to tell me about it. I'll deal with them.~"


Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - BLU - 09-18-2018

Okay it was official, the collar had to come off. He had been choked in the damn thing since he got here and sand actually rubbed again leather especially on fresh apparent injuries that he suspected to have for medical reasons.

Blu just dumbly nodded to each and every rule stifling any sounds that prompted mirth. This should be a breeze, all he had to do was not get caught.

Also what the fuck is this Blacktide thing, she was going on about?

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - COSMIIX - 09-19-2018

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - B. DELORIA - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"I hope not," he muttered, as Tsuyu continued walking after swatting the other guy, who was even less of a help than Butch himself was. Was this how Val felt when he pitched in unnecessary answers to be a heel? He would rather not think of Val right now, when he was led by a silver chain by an insane lady who apparently had a frog somewhere in her lineage. However, he wanted to think of that even less than Val, and he glanced at the slave's ruined chest with a drawn expression. Yeah, okay. He had to be smart about this. Somehow. His pretty face was behind most of his arsenal, so he'd prefer to keep it intact, which meant...cooperation. Was there anything about this situation that wasn't completely fucked?

He glowered at the wall she attached him to. Master? This was really happening, wasn't it? It wasn't some kind of screwed dream he could shrug off in the morning. No dream of his could be this elaborate though, and off Tsuyu went, listing rules and leaving Butch's head spinning. The hell? Blacktide? Collars? Beatings for everything? He should've stuck with Val, should've followed his stubborn ass, because facing his wrath was starting to get a lot more appealing than Master Sadist.

"Can you write all of that down? I don't have a good memory for rules. You lost me at...I dunno, the beginning?" Untrue, but he wasn't rolling over just yet. He wouldn't go out that easily- that'd just be insulting.

A spectator. And Butch had just started thinking that he wasn't surrounded enough already by nutjobs. "What kinda name is The Pitt? You admit to living in a hellhole?" Of course they did. They were upstanding citizens of Nowheresville. [b]"Get bent, Quill."

Re: TURN IT OVER AGAIN && enslaving deloria. - BLU - 09-19-2018

Hell hole was a polite way of describing the hell they were in.  Blu twitched an ear listening to Butch talk.  Yeesh, the guy could yammer. Blu who had been here for like a day was already used to the heat and it's odd citizens who lurked about.

"Hey wise guy some of them aren't as crazy as her. Quill's decent compared to some not all. So I'll choose who to insult and who not to." Blu warned growing remotely tired and was about to doze off.

That was the least he could do before saying anything else in regards to Butch talking. He reasonably doubt that he'll get any sleep.