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LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - Printable Version

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LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

It was obvious from her posture, the way she walked, the chain around the boys neck being yanked roughly if it got too far back. Tsuyu was proud of her catch, was sure this guy could take a beating from when she nearly strangled him in frustration, and he seemed to.. Like it? Well, whipping boys were a thing, and Tsuyu could live with one of those.

So, Tsu hopped forward, her tongue yanking on the leash she held roughly, a whip made of water attempting to lash across the boy's back.

"Hurry up, you piece of shit!" Tsuyu croaked out impatiently, cold charcoal hues looking back at her new slave.


Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - BLU - 09-18-2018

Been choked nearly to death, and having the sensation of been whipped really did a number to a guy.  Blu was sorta not that kind of guy, a normal person would have bailed or attempted to thrash against the harsh punishment and oh the name calling how cute.  Ooh that tugging was sure gonna leave some bruises that were gonna be a hell of a trophy to wear thanks to madam frog.

So far he had been dragged, whipped, and choked. Ah the lovely feeling of not been able to breath, and promptly gagging the mere seconds after finally given the chance to breath again, the canine narrowed his gaze towards the frog-hyrbid.  " What else can that tongue do? Keep it up sweetheart and you'll be carrying me to whatever hell infested hole you came from." he drawled with a growl digging his claws into the ground, promptly pissing Tsuyu off.

He eyed that water whip more carefully, taking his chances with it, so far the lashes were more of stings.  Like sharp blades, that sort of thing.  He should really take some kind of lesson and hold his tonuge.  But where was the fun in that?

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

She didn't care for the bittersweet tongue this male used, it was all too clear that he only wanted her to abuse him more. Her cold gaze turned back to the canine, and she let her whip turn into a icey, spikey stick, attempting to whack him in the ribs with it roughly. Hell infested hole? Not quite wrong there. "You'd have to go to Snowbound if you want to see the hole I crawled out of, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out, yanking the canine forward roughly in an attempt to keep dragging him with her.

They were getting closer to the camp, the sand causing Tsuyu's skin to have to self-oil, her tongue salvitating to make up for her bodys lack of water. The desert was a harder place for her to live in, but she tried. She killed useless slaves and used their body's water to manage, then fed the carcasses to Blacktide.

"What is your name?" Snapped Tsu, eyes narrowing as she latched the chain to the wall of her cave which she slept in.


Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - COSMIIX - 09-18-2018

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - BLU - 09-18-2018

An audible groan escaped him from the second the cane of ice whacked him smartly on ribs. The canine didn't know exactly what he was getting himself into since he was wandering in these lands not bounded by any clan or groups.  Now founding himself into this situation, he still struggled against the chain strangling himself even more.

"Snowbound? Never heard of it. he croaked out throat tender from the constant struggle and him doing it to himself.

As for his name the canine grunted as he watched the frog hybrid chain him to the wall, yeah he was gonna have to figure a way out of here pronto.

"take one guess tentacle tongue." he warily said laying down on his side as comfortably as he could.

The only thing that could really give Tsuyu a hint would be his eyes which were an very pale pastel blue.

He hardly noticed Quill been there, huh. Since his exhaustion was kicking in at full force, been dragged and whipped did a number on the body.

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

Tentacle tongue? Oh, this slick little bastard! Tsuyu's paws outstretched themselves as her claws unsheathed, reinforced with metal due to her usual dull natural claws never being used. She brought her paw down, attempting to slap him roughly across the face with unsheathed claws. She didn't care if he suffered, if he bled, or anything. She didn't eat flesh. She only ate fish and bugs, so it wasn't hard for her to get over the smell of it.

When his cocky attitude kicked in, Tsuyu rolled her eyes. "Fine then. Won't tell me, ribbit? Then I'll just call you cuck for now." Tsuyu croaked, turning her head towards Quill to nod her head in greeting.


Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - BLU - 09-18-2018

Stab him sure, choke him sure. Beat him sure anywhere but the face. The canine glared at the feline hybird with his eyes narrowed. "Cuck huh? How cute. I suppose I gonna have to up my name calling huh? Miss frog." he growled watching a few droplets here and there fell onto the ground.

There might be creatures that were attracted to freshly spilled blood from been slapped directly on the face with blunt force.  All he had to do was make sure that she didn't happen to brake his nose.  Judging that he was still able to speak words without much slurring, it was his lip that was cut and bleeding heavily as newly influenced injuries tend to do, now he just had to wait for it to stop.

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - guts - 09-18-2018

Once upon a time, she would have questioned slavery. When she was younger, she would get frustrated, angry that she and others like her were so mistreated. It wasn't fair in her childish mind. But as she got older and learned the lessons her masters taught her, she just accepted it as fact, that not all people were equal. The frail and weak were to serve the strong. Sometimes she wasn't sure whether to consider herself lucky or a dead man walking for being free. She still had to live up to it, as she wasn't strong nor smart, at least in her eyes.

Despite her beliefs, she wasn't sure she could ever have a slave of her own. She was too kind-hearted to treat another being so harshly. But if they actually deserved such punishment was another thing. Nevertheless, Cosette frowned as she watched the scene, following the sound of the commotion and coming across the ones gathered. She glanced at Quill for a moment before focusing back on Tsuyu, wincing as she slapped the newcomer, whoever he was.

"Wh-where did you get him?" she asked the frog hybrid. The serval wasn't sure how much longer she could sit by and watch, her stomach rolling and clenching inside her, breaths coming out heavy. It reminded her too much of when she was a slave herself.

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - BLU - 09-18-2018

Just about everyone was coming out of the woodwork today. Blu looked at the newcomer, a skittish young lady. Poor thing, something told him she was reacting in the similar way as most would to someone been abused on constant repeat. "I believe the word is found Miss. She [ found me. More of ambushed." he drawled out eying the frog hybrid carefully.

If he was gonna be polite to everyone else but her so bet it. Besides it was sorta funny to watch her puff up with anger.

Re: LETS GET IT CRACKIN' && new slave arrival. - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

"Ah, Cosette. I found him not far from our territory? He was pretty easy prey. Ambushed is such a.. Gentle word." Tsuyu spoke to the girl calmly, smiling genuinely towards the femme. While she was unstable, she still had a fondness for Cosette despite her obvious nervousness towards Tsu. Her and Quill were on her more.. Softer side. Sometimes.

"You must always wear that collar. If I see you without it, I'm going to beat the shit out of you." Tsuyu croaked, narrowing her eyes towards the leather collar which the chain was linked to. For right now, she'd let the male settle down, smack him around a few times.

She'd go over the rules later.