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less judgmental than santa - Printable Version

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less judgmental than santa - tinsel - 03-12-2018

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i would just like it to be known the autocorrect wanted me to say satan, not santa, and it was really hard to bring myself to tell autocorrect no.

hey y'all! so i'm tinsel, one of my many, many, many internet names. i can't be bothered to list them all, but there's like a 30% chance we've met at some point, and i don't even resonate in your memory because i don't... leave impressions. rip. anyways, i'm excited to be here, i'm probably going to be around a lot, and i'm hella boring.

vegetarian, high school senior, constantly stressed, blonde italian, future... something in science? i dunno, like i said i'm boring, but i'm always here to talk or plot or something! please plot with me ok i'm always bored and avoiding homework.[/d]

Re: less judgmental than santa - april . - 03-12-2018

yoo welcome to BoB! c: lovin’ the christmas vibe
anyways, if you have any questions, let me know! ^^

Re: less judgmental than santa - cougar - 03-13-2018

ayo tinsel
welcome to bob!! if you ever want to plot anything human or main game shoot me a pm :^))
highkey would have cried laughing if you kept it as satan

Re: less judgmental than santa - Orion - 03-15-2018

ayyyy welcome to the site!

Re: less judgmental than santa - Beatles. - 03-16-2018

Hey binch