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OWN IT - open; vandalism - Printable Version

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OWN IT - open; vandalism - EROS - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He remembered the time when he was confined, oppressed, and made a puppet to cling onto the words of his masters as they pulled his strings. He remembered the time that when he was a slave he wept, and he cried, and he wanted nothing more than to be something else. Before he had felt for the Snowbounders who had been pressed down upon by Styker and the other Pitt members. How wouldn't he remember that when he had been a slave and he couldn't go against those that had held his chain. It had been...upsetting. Yes, that was the word for it and he hadn't liked it. That was so saddening to watch the suffer from so far away and there was no saving them. But now here he was a changed and free creature here to congratulate them on their ability to stand up and take back what was their's. Yes it was a little late but the male hadn't been released from his servitude until very recently. A glint was in pink marble eyes as he made his way through crunching snow.

Breathing in the crisp air that burned his lungs. This was a climate that he was certainly not used to but he wouldn't be here for long. At least he hoped he wasn't going to be here for long. Dragging a large bag with him the male would make his way forward and he allowed a light breath to escape his throat as he entered the village of the place that was the home of the Snowbounders. He's been careful or at least as careful as he could be and he managed to coat himself in water to dull his scent. From there he dropped the sack and out spilled the bodies of various prey animals he had killed upon Snowbound's territory. This was the fun part he supposed and he arranged the bodies before with ease before he stepped back. Hmm, it needed something else, something eye catching. He lightly lifted his head up, the smoke that curled around his body lifting up and spreading out almost looking thick and clogging. Then it came to him and he smiled lightly.

Setting the corpses on fire had been simple enough. Enough heat and they went up easily, the smell of charred flesh lifting up into the air. It was easy to read the words that were form, hauntingly glowing and flickering that the bodies spelled out.


He wondered if they would like it. After all he hoped they did and he allowed a grin to pull along his muzzle before he left the scene entirely, smoke curling up into the air from the burning bodies of deer and elk.

Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - Dimitri - 09-18-2018

  His reception was... mixed. Dagon looked down at the bodies, the smell of smoke atractting him. How the fuck do people know where our camp is? No one keep secrets around here? Dagon wished that part of the "thing" with living in Snowbound was surviving the climate. Survival was vital here, the prey wasn't as flourishing and they had even less in terms of herbs. These kind of things made Snowbound vunerable and he wished that people couldn't just fucking waltz into their villiage.

This stranger had left them food. Vital, succulent food. It was fucking charring before his eyes, and Dagon attempted to throw snow over it to dampen it. They needed this food, it couldn't be shared. Either this was a congratulations or a future warning.


Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - WANDERER - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]The fact that he recognizes the smell of burning fur as familiar should be a warning sign. For what, well, he's not quite sure. Psychopathy, maybe? If he was anything like this guy, yeah, it'd be exactly that. Instead, when the smell of it is distant he's reminded of the minute or so that orange flames licked up Butch's pretty fur and how he'd laughed at his expression. It's a moment of light in a world that is otherwise dark to him now — he misses the collie's company, even if he's an ass, and this smell is too strong to be an accident. A gust of wind sends it closer to the dog and his expression changes to one of disgust. He doesn't want to walk closer, but he does anyway. Just in time to see Dimitri throwing snow on the fire. Without considering other options, he joins in, strong paws pushing more on top of the burning bodies.

For the first time since his fight with Butch, he felt sick to his stomach. "What the hell is this?" he demands breathlessly, trying not to vomit.

Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
It wasn't really a matter of keeping secrets, since The Pitt had been in their territory whenever they took over, so it made sense that the desert-dwelling group knew where Snowbound stayed, especially considering they didn't move. Still, it was quite worrisome that the savage clan was still seemingly lurking around and Atbash couldn't help but feel a flicker of fear whenever the scent of smoke hit her lungs. It made her gag, memories of her Home Dimension flooding into her mind as the scent lingered. It wasn't her imagination; something was on fire in their territory. Not again! The last time something had been on fire, it had been the medicine cabin and it ruined Izuku's supply. And Atbash had a panic attack due to being so near to the fire.

Luckily she wasn't near whenever Valkyr came and set the corpses on fire, but that still didn't shake the sheer amount of fear she felt as she came to the scene. Atbash's eye was wide, her fur puffed out as she watched Dimitri try to put the flames out. The she-cat trembled where she stood, trying to fight back the memories that were in the back of her mind. Fortunately, Val's words snapped her out of her daze and she blinked, trying to focus on the newcomer rather than the flames. "I'd assume... this is The Pitt," The Hailcaller breathed, shuffling her paws. "They took over a couple of weeks b-before you joined. We just got rid of them last week,"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - NUI HARIME - 09-26-2018

狡猾 / THE SLY

such a waste of food.

her attention was roused by the gentle crackling of flames, leaping and twisting into the gelid air with a sweeping dance. she could hear the voices, see the orange heat and the rotting carcasses before dmitri muffled the voice of fire.

this wouldn't do. her lips were pressed into a firm line of disappointment, shallow displeasure etched into every line of her face. a hardened expression dancing across that singular, glistening eye. such a reaction was not faked. every inch of it was real, visceral.

she could have eaten that prey!

or maybe not. nui still wasn't sure if her rabbit body would be able to digest flesh. it was a funny thought, however. to imagine she, a creature of prey, devouring flesh and blood. but despite her new body, nui could not inherently change what she was.

a parasite. a blood leecher.

the icestriker was quick to mourn over the loss of blood and flesh, though quickly stifled her superficial bitterness.

"if they could get into camp undetected, we'll need to amp up our defense. maybe step up the patrols in terms of organization?" chiming in gracefully, nui's mind briefly delved into what treason such cretins would have for executing a strange, if not entirely fruitless act.

there were a few possibilities. such a display not only served to make the snowbounders aware of their lingering presence, but to establish fear by exposing them to the concept of the pittians's capability to infiltrate their savehaven at any given moment. it was deliciously diabolical, yet she couldn't help but think that if the pittians wanted to be more than a mere nuisance, they'd have to try a little bit harder.

after all, nui was in no mood for snowbound to be subjugated once more by poor villains. the pittians had been chased far too easily from their territory-- sent packing with curled tails between their legs, yet if the other group struck once more, nui did not know if the group would possess the numbers to support their rebuttal against the antagonistic clan as they had last time.

it would be a disappointing and joyless outcome.

Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - ATBASH CIPHER. - 10-02-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Atbash's black gaze flickered over to Nui as the rabbit spoke, her ears flicking thoughtfully. Honestly, she should have thought of increasing patrols on her own, especially given what happened. Though with the approaching winter, it would be hard to make sure everyone had enough energy to do such things. "That's definitely something to consider." Atbash replied slowly, as if she was weighing in on Nui's suggestion. "It wouldn't be too bad of an idea at all, if we have enough members to spare to do daily checks."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: OWN IT - open; vandalism - myah - 10-03-2018


Myah approached, somewhat unsure of what was happening. The gathering group of Snowbounders had been what caught her attention. Mind you, she couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of what was going on, but the visual evidence was enough to make the muddy situation a bit... cleaner, in her head.

Examining the bodies, she looked at the group, who seemed a bit perplexed. She blinked and reached forwards, choosing a small piece of prey from the pile, and settling back to eat it. She didn't even bother trying to decipher the conversation. It was much too cold to sit around and wonder what had happened - in Myah's eyes, there was a bunch of food on the ground, and she was hungry. Why not partake?