Beasts of Beyond
I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - Printable Version

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I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-17-2018

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - Morgan - 09-19-2018

Morgan crept up behind the Captain with a smooth imitation of a purr. He, too, once stared at the night sky whenever he could; back then, he was lonely. The stars were his only real company during that time, coming back again and again every night as if they were somehow friends with the young canine. It was not until one fateful day that Morgan found Tanglewood, and he finally found a real set of people to live with.

Things were different now. Having read up enough about stars to at least know what they were, he whispered to the cat, "What do you see out there, my Vigenere?" It did not take long for him to reach a conclusion. "Where you came from?" His ears drooped and his usual smile turned to a frown. He had heard about Vigenere's past and home in snippets during their conversations, but was unsure if it was something he liked being brought up.

Just in case, Morgan got closer to his partner until he could try wrapping his fluffy tail around his back for comfort. Nobody else seemed to be approaching them just yet, so he seized the moment to be close to the one he felt for the most. "I used to think of nothing when I saw those things. I just felt... nice." His own eyes only left the starry sky to rest on his boyfriend, for whom he found it in himself to put on an admittedly goofy smile again. "Now, I do still feel nice," he muttered, feeling a familiar and pleasant warmth deep inside. "But it's because I think of you now, my Vigenere. You... you're the stars to me." He stumbled over one of his words, hoping what he said made sense. Even if he had become significantly more literate over time, the fear of not getting his point across loomed over him.

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-20-2018

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - ophelia. - 09-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia hadn't been getting as much rest as she normally wanted to, lately, kept up by the thought that something was off. It was most likely irrational, and she was aware of that. It had crossed her mind that she should approach the medics about it someday, just to see if there were something to calm the echoes of doubt in her mind so that she could get an amount of rest she considered proper, but, at least for now, she would simply deal with it. There had been too much going on, too many Tanglers with emotions running high and nerves running thin. She wouldn't step on anyone's toes until the atmosphere was a bit more calm.

At least for tonight, things seemed to be okay. Her own mind wasn't quiet, which was the reason she was out at this hour, but the calm of the world around her was soothing. Maybe it would be enough to let her get some real rest later.

Her ears swiveled at the sound of hushed voices, and soon her gaze was dragged along toward the sounds, too, settling on the figures of Morgan and Vigenere. She didn't exactly feel envious of their position, their closeness, for she didn't feel much desire to be physically close to either of them, but... It would be nice to be close to someone like that, she supposed. She'd never really been cuddled by anyone, not even her parents. It was strange enough to be allowed small touches with her newfound friends, brushes of her side against theirs or her paw on their shoulder. She couldn't really imagine this kind of closeness, no matter how much she found herself oddly craving it now that it was on her mind.

It took her a moment to brush those thoughts aside, stopping on the ground near the roof instead of flying up onto it like she normally would. "It's a nice night out." she commented, voice soft on the wind. There was a small smile on her face, a curve to her mouth that suggested only a bit of mischief. "You two certainly are capitalizing on that."

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - toboggan - 09-22-2018

Stars like these he had seen every night for the past while. Getting all cooped up in your house with a broken leg kind of allows the insomnia get to you, you know? The state of Leroy had really fucked up his sleeping schedule, coercing the hound to become somewhat nocturnal in whatever affairs he had under the fetching light of the moon. Lucky for him, the bone had fully healed, and the canine’s sleeping schedule was finally repairing itself. Hence Leroy saw it was inconvenient that Vigenere was given the task of holding a stargazing session.

First off, his relationship with the yellow cat wasn’t the sturdiest. Back in his days of yore in the swamplands, he could recall Morgan’s lover snapping his cap because Leroy freaked out at that overgrown arachnid, utterly refusing to look at the situation from the hound’s point of view. Even recently, when that Aineias doll called everyone over to introduce themselves, Vigenere discredited the guardsman for what he had done in the clan, claiming that ”Leroy wasn’t the guy who got stuff done - he was”. Well excuse me, he wished to say to the feline in that situation, but you didn’t have to cut off poor Delilah’s leg, did you?

Truth be told, it was Ophelia’s scent that drew him to the group. His nose had caught the aromas of both Morgan and his Vigenere, causing the canine to just want to go home. Yet, once the incense of his friend entered his runny nostrils, Leroy’s interest peaked. It was his intentions to show up, yes, but not the first one to do so.

"I prefer the rain," a gruff tone remarked as its bearer entered the scene, softly nudging the shoulder of his friend before continuing. ”I’s the white noise, I like hearin’ it pound offa tha ground and... yeah.” He was happy for Morgan, and was definitely pleased with the deeds the pooch was doing for Tanglewood’s best interest. But he was worried. Leroy was chafed by the inkling that Morgan was more good than neutral; he had gotten into moral alignment recently, see. If Morgan was intending on having Tanglewood, an unaligned group by reputation, do good and help others for no reason... nah, that’s wasn’t going to happen. And, if he had any concerns to worry about, he’d just bring it up with the general himself.

”Nights are gettin’ chillier, good nights for fires. Maybe another bonfire, even.”

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - ophelia. - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]At Leroy's approaching figure, Ophelia let her smile fall into something softer, less pulled tightly at the edges and more relaxed. The bump against her shoulder was a gentle reminder of what she'd just been thinking about, and it almost made her a little sad. Of course, she wouldn't allow that. There was no reason for her to be sad. She would take what she could get, as odd as it was to be thinking so hard about it.

"The rain has never been a great friend to me. It has always made it rather difficult to get around comfortably." she said softly, a hint of joking in her tone. She lifted her still functioning wing just a bit to display her meaning. Getting caught in the rain had never been a pleasant experience for her. At least, not before Tanglewood. It might be easier now than it had been back then. She didn't have to worry about finding shelter, about getting sick, about what food she'd have to find. Maybe... Just maybe she could care for it now. "The sound of it, though... is rather nice. I can admit that. It's wonderful for days you were originally going to spend inside, I suppose."

The mention of a bonfire made her let out a soft chuckle, moving her already lifted wing to bump against Leroy's side before tucking it back into herself. "If we recreate our bonfire, I think we may have to switch our roles from last time. I could decorate and provide the meals while you collect wood. Still... It's not a bad idea. It could be quite fun to do again."

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-24-2018

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - Morgan - 09-27-2018

Morgan sat mostly in silence as the Tanglers around him chatted. He smiled wide at Ophelia's comment on the couple's closeness, but said nothing. This was reality now: if Ophelia and Leroy were a couple as he thought they were (though with his lack of experience he had his doubts) Tanglewood was just a couple of pairs and a few stragglers. It was clear that something about the fall had utterly killed everyone around him, but he had no idea what it was and had a feeling he'd never find out.

Upon Leroy's mention of rain, Morgan hatched a simple plan. He took a few brief breaths to bring the water out of his bracers, then guided it over Leroy and let small droplets fall on and around him. He didn't use enough to get the other Tanglers too wet, but just enough to simulate a light drizzle. "How's this?" he whispered, winking.

"S'mores!" the dog exclaimed, turning back to nuzzle Vigenere. "I haven't had them in so long... we really should have another little bonfire, even if it's just with the few of us that're left." He gave his boyfriend a long but quick lick across his forehead, visibly excited about the prospect of such an event.

Re: I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN // stargazing - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-04-2018