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DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - Printable Version

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DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - EROS - 09-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Once it was out, it was out. There was no putting it back in at least not without and ungodly amount of strength. At one point it had been out and he had managed to repress it, push it away even with the fact that blood was present in his day to day life. Even when he was beaten, pushed down, strangled, toss aside and called horrible horrible things he had suppressed that side of him because he knew what it did. What he would do? The creature didn't know of his origins and wouldn't know for a good while yet but he would in time. Perhaps discovering it would be an eye opening for the creature so filled with darkness that he was a blight upon the world. The very thing that had existed before the worlds were born anew, forced back to make room for creatures not even fit to be alive. Because another said so. But there had to be balance right? One couldn't live without the other. It would be too chaotic, too jumbled if they were not kept in absolute harmony.

Thick paws moved forward across the expanse of desert, eyes of pink marble scanning the area. Before he wouldn't have even thought to take someone from their home. It wasn't wasn't right. But there was a smell there, something unnatural that had led him to that place. He'd never been to the Ascendants before and yet finding his way had been easy enough. Perhaps he would seek to find Delilah from Tanglewood again, or Arrow. To check and see how they were doing. Such juxtaposed thoughts to what he was about to do. Even if he didn't know what would happen there was a very slight chill in the air. Smoke trailed behind his large black form as he made his way with his prize. Something plucked from the very heart of the Ascendants. Though small in stature he had taken procautions in grabbing him. Out of the darkness he had struck the other behind the head and grabbed him up no sooner had he fallen unconscious. It had been...easy. Perhaps too easy.

Sighing a little though clasped sharp teeth the beast would pause as he came to the entrance of the fortress that the Pitt now lived in. His tail curled slightly as he eyed the area with almost amusement sparking in his gaze. These were the people that had oppressed him. Gave him the title of slave and treated him like property. Would they be scared of the backlash of giving him freedom? Thick forked tail lashed through the air as he made his way into his home and he opened his jaws, dropping Bastilleprisoner onto the ground from up high. Such an impact from 4 feet up would most likely wake the smaller being but the canine wasn't keen on allow for him to get up and screech about so he aimed to put a paw on the feline's chest and press down hard, though this wouldn't stop him from talking.


Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - TSUYU. - 09-17-2018

what the shit. track.

Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - BASTILLEPAW - 09-18-2018

When he comes to, it feels oddly like deja vu. The sticky warmth of darkness unfurls from him slowly, groggily, almost reluctant in a way; he can feel the remaining tendrils of silence lingering there, pulling on heavily limbs and slowing down his pulse. There is a moment of dazed confusion, a bleak second of feeling like he must have stepped into the past, but the sensation clears away within moments and instead he is left putting together the pieces, stalled. Pale blue eyes slit hazily, and he blinks before the pressure on his chest finally registers as someone holding him in place, bearing down. There is a beat where he meets Valkyr's gaze where he realized, abruptly, that he remembers that sudden thud now.


The sudden awareness pumped him full of adrenaline, and he pushed forward instinctively, a snarl escaping — but his body is battered from the fall, belatedly seeming to realize that the wind has been knocked out of him; he coughs, falling back just as quickly as he had lunged upwards, breaths coming in a wheeze. There is an instinctive push for his powers, to fall the wind forth or flames or water, anything, to fling this threat away — and he is met with silence, his powers strangely silent, lacking. Nothing but white noise that leaves him more taken aback than the fall does.

And that too, somehow, someway, strikes a familiar cord with him. He flares once more, a bit desperately, and the elements still do not answer; a last ditch pull for teleportation, and nothing happens; a rapid cycle through everything available to him since his typical ability to fight was handcapped, and nothing, nothing, nothing. His breaths still come in labored pants with his rising sense of alarm and the pain wracking through him and the ominous sense that he has been here before pulled him deeper, deeper.

"Fuck you," he spit at the stranger with a mouthful of blood, because his words have not failed him at least and he is anything but quiet in the face of Fate. Even that lurks deep in the recesses of his subconscious, and Bast feels an irrational anger not at this situation but at the way he can't seem to shake the feeling. His veins light up with fire at the irritation, the confused anger, and he channels that fury into another mess of bloody words as he adds, "What, don't know how to fight someone face to face? Coward."

Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - EROS - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The only thing he did was watch him. Watch as the confusion fluttered across his expression but he knew what would happen next. Realization, anger, but he didn't expect the frustration. The confusion. Was this kitty holding more than he had previously thought. But something was up, wasn't it? Something wasn't working and he tilted his head a little, gaze wandering off to try and figure it out for himself. It would probably take a lot of guesses as to what the other was reaching for. Something deep down, hiding and not wanting to be found and he almost felt sorry for him. Perhaps whatever it was that he was searching for could have saved him. That idea, that singular thought that bounced around in his head made him grimace a little bit. Why didn't they save him? Though he had no real answer to that and his gaze napped back down when bloodied words were spat at him. Some of which splattered lightly on his paw that was holding the Ascendant creature down. The smell lifted up to him slowly, a gentle way that allowed his eyes to close and he just breathed it in before sighing calmly. He had an answer for his question and his long ears pulled back against his skull slowly. "Yes...I am.." His voice so soft and gentle left his muzzle as he gauged the feline.

He wouldn't say he was a coward. He'd been one all his life, never speaking up for fear of being punished. Never disobeying for fear of claws ripping into his flesh and when he had broken laws that he shouldn't have he had been reminded of his place and what he was. Just an instrument of work, a beast of burden. The crack of the whip sounded in his ear, a time so long ago but he felt the fire against his back and he winced. A jerk of his head to the side before he forced a harsh breath from his throat. He wouldn't be docile. Being docile meant others could play with him and do as they wanted. He couldn't. His pink gaze narrowed slowly for a moment as he rested his gaze back on Bastille and he almost looked apologetic in a way. Maybe sorry for what he had become, sorry for what he was about to do. Just sorry.

There was time to do this, time indeed and he thought about dragging out the process but it didn't suit him right now. No, he'd get a taste of him and push the process a little faster than it needed to be. Why not have just singular taste before it was all ruined. The creature leaned down, smoke surrounding them as he looked down at Bastille. There was still blood on his mouth and he flicked out his glowing tongue to slide it along the feline's muzzle, picking up traces of blood that had managed to slip from an open maw. He trailed it away and a shiver rain down his form. The blood of felines didn't taste as good as it did when it came from a canine but it was exquisite all the same. His teeth like daggers glinted and he seemed like he was about to say something but then those teeth found purchase in the chest of the feline. At firs there was nothing, just a stillness before a crunch sounded out. The sound of bones being broken and chewed like a piece of hard candy. He dragged the male's chest clean off and easily swallowed, watching the blood well up and spill over like the flow of a flooded river.

"Cowards do rash things sometimes.." The beast spoke clearly and he knew already that Bastille was struggling to breathe, struggling to live and grasp onto life. A part of him wondered what he was seeing right now. Perhaps last moments of family, children, a wife? He didn't know what but a part of him felt sadden. He hadn't gotten those things and some he wouldn't ever have at all. So what right did he have in taking his away? None but the right to instill fear. A claw flicked out then and he started to cute, slowly arteries were severed causing more trouble breathing, a thicker vein more like a tube. It kept pulsating, beating as if being defiant but then they always did. Another was cut another before the last one remained attached. By now he was sure that the leader was long gone, blood loss had a way of doing that and he sighed softly before he pulled the heart out of the feline's chest. "Sorry..." In his paw the heart remained beating like a beacon, a lonely tragedy.

-- permission was given to powerplay

Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

"You're not one to talk about mistreating someone, ribbit." Tsuyu mumbled as she walked over, unimpressed by the dead body of a leader. One that smelt like the Ascendants, to be exact. "And to think you got triggered about me torturing someone innocent.. How hypocritical." She croaked, hopping a bit closer to extend her tongue out, poking idly at the dead body. "Plan on taking this dead bastard back to his territory and dropping him there?" She asked lamely, too stable right now to hitch a fit about anything, to hate anyone.


Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - EROS - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]His ear twitched, a small movement that was barely noticeable. He heard her words and a part of him could laugh at her and another part of him could possibly weep for her. Back then he had a right to talk his mind to her, to try and get her to see what she was doing was wrong. Back then they had both been slaves bound by their duties to serve their masters and never idle for their own pleasures. They had no right and she had no right on harming someone that was her better. Someone higher than she was. That had been his mentality back then and his reason for speaking up. But his actions now when he was no longer bound to those rules. When there was no restraints tied around his paws gave him freedom. Freedom was a dangerous thing and he was no longer lower and he would make them see. He was better and he was more useful than he was when he was a slave. He would risk everything to not go back and the vampiric beast curled his muzzle lightly, revealing blood stained teeth for just a moment. He sighed softly, partially ignore the hybrid being. ”Unlike you I don’t find pleasure in this. Don’t you have something better to do then to lurk around me...” It was a rhetorical question as he didn’t care for her answer and instead he curled his tail around himself and stared at the beating heart that he now had in his possession. He almost seemed mesmerized as he clasped it.

Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

Tsuyu shrugged. That question could go both ways. "Well, it isn't mandatory for me to live on blood either, blood sucker. Ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out, rolling the feline's face over with her tongue idly. She didn't care for the male's insults, he must think he was all that and a bag of fuckin' chips, but he wasn't. He was a coward. If he wanted to kill her, he'd have to do something other than suck the blood out of her. After all, her blood wasn't healthy to injest.

"Haaah? We're not slaves anymore. Seems you're stuck with your head up your ass now that you're no longer one." Tsuyu giggled, her smirk cocking upwards into an chillingly maniacal smile. She loved the smell of blood, but she didn't eat flesh or drink blood. She ate fish and bugs, that was about it. "What made you go after the leader, though?" Tsuyu asked in idle curiousness, her bobbed tail twitching as she ignored his attempts to shoo her off. She could annoy him this way.


Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - EROS - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Again she was wrong but then again he hadn’t expected her to be right. The hybrid didn’t know him or his needs and calling him a blood sucker only made a brief smile pull at the corner of his lips. He could very well live off of flesh which he had been doing for quite some time before he had to drink in order to heal from his wounds. The whip had done its job well and he sighed softly. It was interesting that she insulted him when he hadn’t even lifted a paw to be rude to her. Though he supposed that was in her nature. He didn’t care. He would do what he needed to do to ensure his survival and nothing more. He didn’t think he was better than anyone, didn’t think he stronger so he didn’t have his head stuck up his ass as she called it. The large beast slowly rose to his paws then and he pulled Bastille’s body to him then. Being careful of it. He’d go take the body back soon. ”I’ll pass on answering your questions. After all I don’t have a interest and like of you so there isn’t a point.”

Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - TSUYU. - 09-18-2018

"Ah, killjoy. Ribbit." Snickered Tsuyu mockingly as he shrugged her off once more, watching him take the body away from her. She stood up, shrugging once more before she skip-hopped her way back to her cave. She had a slave to punish, to take out her frustrations on. She had no reason to attack Valkyr. For now.



Re: DARK PARADISE - open; leader capture/death - Luciferr - 09-18-2018

the scent f iron blood had brought him here.

as had the sounds of flesh torn and the shadow sown beast rumbled curiously - he recognised slave-prey turned gentle? drone - knew the other to now be hypocritical for having stolen food from their mouths only to claim more now.

an amused hiss.

but the beat turned his attention to the corpse, jagged teeth parting to reveal a secondary mouth that jutted outwards quick as a flash to attempt to drag a morsel of flesh to his blood parched appetite.

[Image: __blacktide__praetorian__by_black_tides-dcmfip8.png]