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MIC DROP / joining - Printable Version

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MIC DROP / joining - Jirou. - 09-17-2018

It's early in the morning. The sun just rose over the island minutes ago as Jiro made her way to the border. She had left Moonlight Vale a while ago, as nobody really came out of their houses in the group. Damn, they were paranoid bastards. Plus she had only met one person and he wasn't that interesting of a guy, if she had to be honest. The female bat would flap her wings as she flew over the Typhoon's island, a smile growing on her mouth. She slows down and she steadily lands on the ground, wrapping her wings around her tiny body as she does this.

Purple eyes blink as the young female studies her surroundings. A tropical forest where there could possibly be predators that could easily tear her into pieces. Sounds, great. Sarcastically, she gives a roll of her eyes before she focuses on her surroundings and she listens closely, for any sounds of approaching footsteps. Thanks to her enchanced senses, she could hear better like she had been able to in the old world.

Re: MIC DROP / joining - SÉAMUS - 09-17-2018

I will not take this anymore; these words will never be ignored. you want a battle? here's a war
The pirate spent quite a bit of time up above in the trees, close to the border.  The railroad was easy to watch from far up above, and he was relatively invisible.  He could always go invisible but... It took away the fun.  Besides, seemed like there was someone down below.  No time to practice now.  The rusty spotted cat smirked lightly and practically stepped off his branch, dropping onto the forest floor below with a near silent thud.  Flicking his tail, the faerie made his way to the small figure.  A bat no less.

"Hey," he chirped, all polite and friendly, despite his true lack of interest.  "Welcome to the Typhoon, got buisness here?"
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN

Re: MIC DROP / joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-17-2018

Honestly, if Seamus hadn't happened to have been nearby and said something, Caesar probably wouldn't have realized that they had a visitor. After all, Jiro was a bat, something that could be eaten if the demon so desired and he didn't really think much of it possibly being intelligent. By the way the creature was looking around, though, that appeared to be the opposite. Caesar frowned in thought as he came to join Seamus, tail flicking idly as he waited for an answer.

Re: MIC DROP / joining - OWEN. - 09-17-2018

Maybe it was the indominus rex's heavy footsteps that disturbed the atmosphere, but the loud rattling of his heavy feet touching the ground couldn't be ignored by himself. Owen was still getting used to this body, still not used to the fact that his 5 ft tall fuckin body couldn't always run as fast as he wanted to, but he could keep up with his utahraptors. That's all that mattered.

The rex had settled with following behind Caesar, as always, amber eyes settling on the newcomer. "'Names Owen, welcome." Owen grumbled lowly, lowering his head a bit and moving so he could see the joiner better.


Re: MIC DROP / joining - Grey - 09-18-2018

Sound. The humming of every cell - vibrating, shaking against their confines of reality, pushing and pulling like tides. If he closes his eyes, lets his mind shut off, his ears begin to try and compensate for his loss of sight. Suddenly, everything becomes a roar, screaming noise. He can hear the shuffling of his own heart beat, crawling and trying to spread wings, take flight and become another. Sound. He can't remember anything calming about sound. Even silence is haunting. Silence is like an ocean without life, painted with a palette of monochrome. There is death within it, a sensation of being underwater with muffled noise. Somehow, sound is scarier than fear. Perhaps it is because the mind likes to fill in blanks, assume and talk big. Threats are suddenly intensified, given a heartbeat to listen to. If only Bakugou's heart would function like a normal heart. Not too long ago it had wanted to be his liver and his liver, well, wanted to be his throat. It made his gag. More blood, more blood to clean up. The reaver is far too busy to want to care about his physical state but day after day it continues to gnaw at the back of his head, chewing between his cells.

He wouldn't have noticed the bat either but he supposes, if he had been paying enough attention, he would have noticed the way the creature's maw stretched into a smile as she landed. He should have seen the way she walked, the sentience that flickered within her eyes. He huffs, amused by the way the faerie handled the foreigner so simply, so civilly. Normally the tragedy of a stranger's experience in joining The Typhoon is guided by Bakugou - Bakugou who finds a way to blow up any situation, swearing in almost any sentence he could muster. It wasn't his fault he felt 'passionate' about his words, his opinions and ideas. His nostrils flare, smoke dissipating into the atmosphere as he glances at Caesar and Owen. There is no particular aggression from the reaver but an attempt to blow off some steam. He thought he had mastered his fire elementals but with his recent pains, his body temperature is difficult to control again. He is hot to touch, like a boiling kettle. Bakugou merely sits down, twitching an ear at the indominus rex's shadow but saying nothing. The ragdoll has made it clear enough that he hates his form but he doesn't mind if Owen interprets it to Bakugou disliking the male. He hates the male for bringing those damn utahraptors over to begin with.

Re: MIC DROP / joining - Luciferr - 09-18-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

and then the largest shadow joins the group - from the back as usual, an ever present looming bodyguard in most of these negotiations or joinings, just always the subtle or not so subtle threat - but then most saw his form and thought 'the muscle' in terms of where his threat level lay and yes he was - but he wasn't just so.

eyes flicker over the joiner and his fellows - interesting that Owen welcomes where the theirs are more stand off-ish but then the tamer is more friendly than most of them when it comes to strangers, save maybe Goldie in truth - he notes Bakugou's own temperament.

hm, maybe they should have a training day soon - if only for an excuse to hit each other and blow off steam.


Re: MIC DROP / joining - Jirou. - 09-18-2018

Upon hearing approaching footsteps, Jiro immediately lifts her head up and she focuses on her soon-to-be crewmates. Purple eyes first land on Seamus, taking note of how he lands onto the ground silently. The young female's ears twitch as listens to the male speak, a bored expression growing on her facial features as she does. "Yes, I'm here to join the Typhoon." Then she hears another pair of pawsteps approaching. She turns to stare in Caesar's direction and the bored expression on her face remains there. None of these other creatures were really interesting to her, as she's seen some more interesting-looking creatures in Moonlight Vale.

Then a pair of large footsteps catches Jiro off guard and she flinches due to the sound loudly ringing through her ears. She releases a pained gasp before she would focus on those around her, including Owen- who she was currently eyeing. "Kyoka Jiro." She introduces herself, before the Reaver catches her attention, with his blazing tail and smoking nostrils. As for Lucifer, she took notice of him out of the corner of her eyes, though she did not pay much attention to the large male.

Re: MIC DROP / joining - darci - 09-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]What an interesting animal to find here. Then again, Victor was sure there was some sort of cave on the island that had bats within. Nonetheless, none had attended to join them (from what he knew), so this was a different kind of bat. The husky would have been afraid of being such a small creature for a hawk would not have to use a lot of effort to snatch up and be on it's merry way. Victor silently approached the scene, taking a place among his new crewmates. "Victor Nikiforov. Nice to meet you." With a wag of his tail did the flash the girl a smile. "Welcome to the Typhoon." Was he allowed to accept new members? No one had told him otherwise, thus he would take a jab at it.

Re: MIC DROP / joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

"Yeah, welcome." Caesar grunted, flicking an ear as he spoke. "M'name's Caesar Cipher." A bat living here? Honestly, the Officer wasn't sure how he felt about that. A bat wouldn't do much damage in battle, so what use would this person be?

Re: MIC DROP / joining - Luciferr - 09-20-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"Lucifer grimm" he introduced seeing as everyone else was also volunteering their names now after a tense silence floating over the group for a few seconds - most joinings were the same to be fair, awkward silence or brisk onwards if said joinee was impatient.

if anything a bat might be a good spy - small, unassuming things tended to go unnoticed after all - though she might have t be careful no one mistook her for a prey animal around here - nor did the local wildlife.