Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Val had grown up with a moderate life. Moderate temperatures, moderate people — moderate everything. At the time, it had been everything to him. The vault would get hot and he would grouse about it, sweat and sulk because all his friends (and his enemies) were sweaty and lazy with the heat. It would get cold and he would curl up under piles of fabrics like it was the worst thing he could experience. His life had rotated around memorizing facts and the stinging bite of petty insults that Butch would fling at him. He'd adjusted to violence amounting to scuffles in the hallways and the collie's blood on his tongue. That was a moderate life, and one he now recognizes was unsustainable. In the end, he supposes he should thank his dad for leaving. Throwing his life into absolute chaos, all that. Everything that followed. He learned to stitch up his own wounds, sleep in sweltering heat, and — talk. To Butch, mostly.

He'd learned a few things out here in this world, which gave him nothing in moderation. At the edge of Snowbound's territory, the German Shepherd is freezing his ass off. It's not the first time today he's found himself jealous of his — of Butch's coat. Thicker and silky, though still not meant for this goddamn place. It takes a moment for him to swallow the bitter realization that they wouldn't be grousing about this together, but that's his own fault anyway. Like he'd said, nothing in moderation. Things were good or they were absolute shit, and now Val's on the downwards half of this roller coaster. He shivers harshly, entire body shaking for a moment before he gets it under control. He just has to be patient. Someone will come along before he freezes, he's sure. (He just wishes it'd be someone more familiar than these strangers. It's a far-fetched hope.)


is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Snowbound was a cold place and with the approaching season of winter, it was beginning to get colder every day. The residents of the tribe, however, had gotten used to the cold and adapted quite easily to the change. At least, their physical composition anyway. Making sure prey and herbs stayed plentiful was another story. Atbash worried about the upcoming winter since it'd be her first time leading Snowbound during the harsh season, and was praying that her tribe would remain healthy and safe during the winter.

Luckily for Val, somebody would be arriving soon. And ironically enough, Atbash was the leader of this tribe. She definitely didn't look like it, with her charred ear and a missing eye, as well as a triangle-shaped scar on her shoulder, but she was Snowbound's leader. With their recent freedom from The Pitt, the demoness had learned how to be stronger in the sense of making sure her tribe was safe and scars provided the chance to seem like she was tougher than she really was. Still, getting used to Snowbound's territory with one eye when she was used to seeing out of both was hard and Atbash was trying her best to get used to the terrain once more.

"Hey there!" Atbash called to the German Shepherd at their border, her head tilted to one side a bit as she tried to get a good look at the male as well as making sure she didn't step into any snow drifts and fall into them. There shouldn't be any near the border but hey, you never knew. "What brings you to Snowbound?" The she-cat went on quickly, blinking at Val. She noted his shivering, of course, but getting his business here was something to scratch off the list real quick. After, she could offer some things to him to hopefully warm him back up.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Snowbound is certainly one of the extremes in this universe, even if the world itself was already filled with those extremes. One would think that Val could have adjusted quickly, with how adaptable he seemed now. Instead, he felt like dying the moment he had stepped outside — the sun had set him on fire. Blinded him. He had lived with artificial, filtered light for so damn long that he wasn't sure what to do with something natural and scorching. It'd taken time for him to adjust to dirt on his body and mud between his paws. The water tasted bitter and the food tasted gross, but it was life. This was life. And now his life was Snowbound's biting winter, at least for the moment. He's glad that someone showed up quickly, even if they're not what he expected. The canine is understandably wary when he glances over the scars, standing up a little straighter and leaning away. She's not intimidating, necessarily, but he's learned to be careful. For all he knows, everyone in the world could be out to kill him.

"'M'not sure I've got business," he answers, with an almost nervous edge to his voice. Though he's aware of the groups around here, they're not — well, anything to him. Val's a wanderer at heart, that's all. He'll never be anything different. At least that's what he's got to tell himself now. Nothing else fits. "Just need somewhere to stay. This that kinda place, or should I keep walking?"


is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
If Atbash could hear Val's thoughts, she couldn't relate to him being a wanderer at heart. She tried for a while but soon found out that wandering around, especially alone, wasn't something for her. "No, no, of course you're welcome to stay for a bit!" The Hailcaller chirped. "My name is Atbash Cipher, I'm the leader here." She explained quickly, noticing how nervous Snowbound's visitor seemed to be. "Come on, I'll show you where our camp is." With that, she turned around and flicked her short tail, trying to signal Val to follow her. "Could I interest you in some hot chocolate, perhaps?" She offered, briefly turning her head as much as she could to look back at Val.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]There was too much to see in the world to stay in one place. At first, he had wandered out of necessity — his dad, and... and being with Butch, it made traveling easy. Easier. Not perfect. But now everything was gone anyway, and Val isn't entirely sure what to do about that. Stop wandering? Stay in one place? Maybe. Whether or not Snowbound was that place remains to be seen, but Atbash seems kind enough. The canine relaxes further at her response, shoulders slowly dropping and eyes soft and round. "I'm Val." In different circumstances, he would be more dramatic about this. Give a title, some other form of address. Not when he was freezing, though. The idea of warmth spurs him into action easily enough, bounding a few steps in the snow until his shoulder is beside with the other's hip. "Yeah, I'd —" There's an audible huff of relief before he laughs. "— I'd appreciate that. How do you guys live here?"


is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
"Nice to meet you, Val." Atbash continued on with a purr, turning her attention back to the sights in front of her to make sure she was still heading in the right direction. At the male's inquiry about how the tribe lived here, the she-cat laughed a bit. "Well, we all got used to the weather." She explained. "Our bodies adapted. It might take a while for you to get used to the cold, though." Hopefully that wouldn't be too much of an issue. After all, joiners got used to Snowbound's terrain and weather eventually and usually had no issues. Of course, their pelts would have to grow and adapt to the colder temperatures, but usually that didn't bother anybody.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi