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if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - Printable Version

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if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - radeken - 04-08-2018

She sneezed, working the mouthful of slick herbal mash around with her tongue. Shit was supposed to be fixing her sinuses, or so said that last book she had pored over, but she was still congested. So, go fucking figure. Maybe she was supposed to shove the paste up her nose and blow it out. Who knew? The page had been torn. Maybe it needs more ginger. Or maybe she was just a big ol' slut for ginger, who was counting nowadays? Just me.

Radeken swallowed and sucked in a breath. Her nose was considerably clearer compared to how she was doing prior to whipping her medicine up, but it wasn't perfect and therefore, obviously, she had failed. The russet wolf stopped and shuffled her paws. Her nose was also just clear enough to pick up the odor of urine. So I'm in the right place. Or, one of the right places, at least. Word had gotten out about these new...coalitions, and she wanted in, if only to see what it was all about. Radeken tiptoed forward and faltered, not quite sure how to proceed and then, "Hello?" She called, hoping to all that was holy that she'd be heard the first time and not have to repeat herself. She already felt stupid enough. More ginger probably, but who cares. She did, but that didn't count.
[color=#40bf40]★ i was supposed to do great things ━

Re: if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - ghostpact - 04-08-2018

Immortal was making his usual rounds. Well, he'd been out more than usual, actually. He became far too antsy to lounge around like he wanted. Walking around wasn't really helping as he'd expected, but occasionally he was able to deviate from his tense want to just see something burn. Usually, it came with someone at the border or someone else out in the territory, skipping rocks or whatever they did. So, patrolling seemed far better than sitting around.

The serval's ears perked when he heard someone's voice in the distance and the corners of his lips quirked. Hopefully, it wasn't some creepy dude trying to get his apprentice back. Bounding ahead and over the small hill, "Yo!" Coming to a halt before the wolf, he smirked up at her. "Ascendants territory, yada yada. How can I help you?"


Re: if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - radeken - 04-08-2018

"Ah, uh, my name is," she caught herself just as she was about to give a fake name. Hey, c'mon now, we're past this. She cleared her throat and it was fairly convincing, considering her voice was already tinged nasally from her waning illness. "[color=#40bf40]Sorry. My name's Radeken, I was thinking about joining, and um. I'm here now so I guess I made up my mind, huh? Is, is that okay? I don't have to know someone, or answer any questions...?" She wasn't sure how this worked, all she knew was that someone told someone, who told their whoever, who told her, that animals were out there banding together in a way that was bigger and more diverse than some six-person family unit or a pack. She didn't happen to hear anything about jumping through hoops to get in, but the lingering possibility still soured her stomach. or maybe that was the medicine.

[color=#40bf40]★ i was supposed to do great things ━

Re: if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-10-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
One moment they were alone, the next moment Bastille was standing at Imm's shoulder, eyeing the foreigner with idle interest and a little bit of suspicion. Nothing personal, really -- he was just distrusting of most strangers on their border these days, convinced that it had been a stranger on their border who lured Luna away and captured her. It'd been days without sign of his mentor, and he was getting very... twitchy about it. More restless than usual, and the stress seemed to be making his headaches worse (great). He thought that maybe using greater portions of his powers (teleportation, for instance) instead of letting them just activate randomly on their own would help ease the restless energy. So far, it had not. A pity.

"Who do you know here?" he drawled with a hint of a smirk, as if playing on an inside joke. It was, really -- reminiscent of some of the human memories Grimm had stashed away, dumb college boys demanding that trademark question when people requested access to their homes and parties. It sounded fairly serious and low, but then Bast gave a roll of his eyes and added, "Nah, we don't require anything from you. You can stay as long as you want, as long as you don't kidnap our members." He smirked at Imm slightly, as if thinking about his joining requirement.

Re: if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - radeken - 04-13-2018

[color=#40bf40]Oh, thank goodness.” She responded dryly, letting out a tense breath that had been held onto nervously during Bastillepaw’s joke. Radeken sneezed, shaking her head in irritation. Dumb stupid allergies. Dumb stupid indeed. “[color=#40bf40]I’m not in the kidnapping business, no worries. I don’t think any of you are worth it, honestly.” It wasn’t a mean statement, or at least, it wasn’t voiced as such. Radeken didn’t consider it mean, anyway. The rust wolf rolled her shoulders, stepping past the odor of piss. “[color=#40bf40]If that’s it, I’d like to find where I’m supposed to sleep, now.” She prompted, not missing a beat.

Re: if you wanna listen to the devil's music // o - joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-14-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
He smirked in response to her comment, and drawled idly, "Really, I think the issue is that you couldn't kidnap any of us if you tried." Bast eyed her, as if trying to determine if she could, and then nodded as if to confirm that she in fact could not. This was followed up with another grin, before he was turning away and heading towards the Observatory. "Yeah, yeah. We'll show you to the empty rooms," he supplied, over his shoulder.