Beasts of Beyond
s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - Printable Version

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s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - calliope - 09-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]♥♡ Truth be told, Mira sometimes wished she could fight. She wouldn't be in this mess if she could just defend herself. Still, she made a promise to herself and her loved ones. She wouldn't hurt anyone; she would only help them. There was no way in the world she'd break that promise, even if her life was on the line.

Her lungs were burning beyond belief. They were starving and screaming for oxygen. Her entire body ached, but she had to keep running. Someone wanted to hurt her. They called her a thief. A monster. They didn't even know her; hell, she didn't even do anything to them, but for some reason, they absolutely despised her. That was enough to send her running. She couldn't stop running until she felt safe, even if it took running through the strip of land that led to the typhoon.

Mira didn't stop there, though. She continued to run past the gates and into their territory, fully unaware of the fact that she was trespassing. It was foolish, really, considering that she'd been a part of a few clans in the past. Still, her drive to survive wasn't going to stop her. However, a rock certainly would. Her front paw colliding with the stone, Mira tumbled forward gracelessly. Oh no. She was in real trouble now, wasn't she? She just had to hope that whoever was chasing her was gone now. Otherwise, she'd be doomed. 

Re: s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - Grey - 09-17-2018

Even in the other world, people despised Bakugou and he knew exactly why. He isn't like them. He's far too loud, angry and proud. The universe, from the very writing of his soul, decided him to be an unpleasant character. Bullies don't just...change. He'll always be disliked in one way or form and it brings about him a cycle of angst and hatred. He's so easily agitated and vexed because even if what he argues is correct, others will feel compelled to push him down and away back into the bottomless well of frustrations. It's his fault, he knows, but he can't help himself. It is a part of his nature, programmed within him because some universe, some 'god', has decided that for him. Unloved, lost and cycling into the depths of nothingness. Once upon a time, when he had been younger, he told himself he wanted to be a hero to be loved. He wanted the adoration, to be welcomed with open arms. He still desires the same and yet glory comes in other forms. For one like him, the appreciation he had originally longed for is unattainable for his unpleasant self. No, it can only come in winning, in victory, in proving the ones around him to be wrong. To push them down, stay at the top of the heap for himself. It was the only way for him to shout at the top of his lungs: I EXIST AND I AM STRONG.

Exist. Survive. He will survive. He knows that. He is strong enough to survive but is he strong enough to take on the world? The thoughts echo to him, wafting like the unfamiliar scent that has reached the exhausted male's attention. He can feel his limbs move rigidly, as if they needed oil to keep going, to allow the metalwork of joints to properly bend and shift. It's moving fast, the smell. There is a panic he recognises to coat the atmosphere, a fear caused by a sensation of being pursued. Bakugou has never thought himself an empathetic creature but the time before bed, the dreaded time that passed before his brain finally set to a close, left him a lot of time to think - too much time to think of their condition, the universe and their nature. It doesn't take him long to see a fem crashed onto the ground, the lanky figure of a near melanistic serval. Well, mutated to have a purple-ish tint. Bakugou squints just a little. Purple? He looks at the sun, wincing in the brightness before turning back. There is no way the sun can give a coincidental purple tint. Well, he won't question it. The Typhoon is full of all sorts of misfits. His job now is to figure out why the fuck she has trespassed this far into their territory.

"Elegant..." the reaver murmurs sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He doubts the girl would see his disinterest but his voice is surely laced with the male's negative impression of her. He isn't hiding it. He will be as open and honest as he wants. Why be hospitable if it is only a lie of how he normally is? This is why he usually hates it when Linux tries to make a good impression of The Typhoon. They were full of all kinds of shitheads, ferals and drunkards. Why should they present a picture-perfect coverpage when they were all ugly on the inside? It would be a waste of their time and resources if such a character realised they didn't want to be around a place full of inconsiderate assholes, a waste of resources and brainpower. He would rather be upfront and open about what they stood for. "I don't know who the fuck you're running from but you've stepped over Typhoon borders. If you could turn and run the other way out o' 'ere, that'd be lovely." He raises a metaphorical brow, wondering if the fem would be dense when it came to processing his request. After all, she did just fall over so assuming she was incompetent, the reaver futher spells it out: "And by that I mean, GTFO unless you 'ave a good reason for stayin' around."

Re: s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-17-2018

A lot of people hated Caesar, both in The Typhoon and in his old home. Back home, they hated him because of how powerful he was. Or rather, used to be. Coming here to Earth stripped him of his powers and although some came back, he knew others wouldn't. But oh well; that wouldn't stop him from claiming he could do things. The Typhoon hated Caesar just because he was an ass but truth be told, he didn't entirely mind it. He wanted them to hate him, for whenever he lead this place, they would know who was on his side and who wasn't.

Funnily enough, the Officer was also running away from things in his life. He was running away from his past and from his family, whom were also here on Earth. Caesar didn't want to face them; at least, not Vigenere. He knew his older brother could beat his ass and that wasn't something he wanted to deal with. After all, strength was everything and being beaten by his brother would ruin his image here in The Typhoon. Caesar didn't want to face his past and in fact, lied to himself constantly by telling himself that he liked what he had done to his Home Dimension when it was the opposite. But anything to make it seem like he was a strong person when he wasn't, right?

Hearing Bakugou's voice, Caesar changed the direction he was heading to come stand next to the other firey male. The Officer stood next to his Crewmate, staring down at Mirabella (whose name he didn't know, of course) with cold black eyes, awaiting a response from her. He definitely was willing to chase her off if the need arose and quite honestly, his claws were itching for a fight. Although then again, this she-cat didn't look like she'd put up much of a fight. Shame.

Re: s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - calliope - 09-19-2018

♥♡ Relief had washed over the feline for a split second. Whoever was chasing her hadn't caught up. Still, tidal waves of anxiety came crashing back down. She trespassed on the Typhoon's territory. It sounded like the boy that found her wanted Mira to turn back around. She couldn't do that. Not with the stranger still out there. Getting up on shaky legs, the serval tried to gather as much courage as possible to speak up.

"N-no!" was all that came out of her mouth. No. She couldn't leave - she couldn't turn back.  She sounded desperate, scared and tired. "I can't go back! I-I can't! Don't make me go back-" her voice became more shaky and desperate. Surely she'd be doomed if they decided to throw her back out of the territory. Mira had to fight back tears, eyes stinging and watering despite her efforts. It was completely embarrassing to cry over something like this, but she couldn't help it.

"Sorry," she eventually mumbled. She shouldn't have snapped at them like that. She was in the wrong, after all. Mira wouldn't hold it against them if either of the two chased her out of the territory. "A-again, sorry," she repeated, now staring at her paws. She was actually crying at this point and hiding it rather poorly. Whether it be the desperate attempt to hide her face or the overall defeated look she had to her, it was pretty obvious how she felt. "Uhm. I-if it doesn't cause any issues-" she cut herself off, partially sobbing. Her voice was extremely quiet and hardly understandable.

"Could I join? Please? If you're okay with that," she managed to work up the courage to actually ask, although her voice was still barely audible. She eventually looked up, crying face clearly showing. It probably seemed a bit odd that she wanted to join, but Mira could always use the backup that clans provided. Besides, she was completely helpless in the outside world anyhow. So, there she was, sobbing and begging the clan she just trespassed on to let her join. She was so pathetic, wasn't she?

Re: s.o.s. ♥♡ joiner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-19-2018

A look of disgust appeared on Caesar's face as Mirabella started to talk and he narrowed his eyes at her. "It's not like we have much of a choice," The demon grunted, flicking an ear. He wanted to deny the pathetic female but unfortunately, he couldn't do they, even with his position here in The Typhoon. But just because she joined didn't mean that he had to like her. "So welcome or whatever." He went on, voice cold. "My name is Officer Caesar Cipher."