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DECODED && temporary body change. - Printable Version

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DECODED && temporary body change. - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

Indominus Rex Reference

Owen didn't really know how to deal with the fact that he couldn't keep his utahraptors at bay in this body. While his german shepherd body left him vulnerable, it did pack a punch when facing people his size. His sleep that night had been restless, stressed, his body tossing and turning with a desperate twitch to it. He wanted to help his clan, but his pack meant everything to him. They meant to world to Owen, and he wasn't going to just let Sunhaven punish his children.

Some could call Owen insane, but he called himself overprotective of his young.

He had raised the girls himself, had fed them, had taken them on their first hunt, had trained them, but it was so, so easy for them to turn against him the moment they were offered freedom. Betrayal, something Owen didn't exactly like, but he was fighting with nature's laws at that point. He was betraying the very thing that the forces of nature didn't like, helping dinosaurs survive in a time they weren't meant to.

His girls were created through genetics, through machines and encased like dogs waiting for a hunt. They were put in cages, then put in enclosures, where they were trained and raised from young hatchees. Owen didn't know what InGen wanted to do with the raptors until the time was too late, until they had wheeled them out with machines attached to their bodies, restricting them of the freedom they so loved and adored and craved.

He had betrayed them, as well, by taking their freedom away at that time.

From then on, he promised himself he wouldn't keep them in an enclosure or restrict them from being wild, from being free. But that came with a price.

Owen's body shifted once more in his sleep, a soft groan escaping his maw as bones cracked, a pained whimper escaping him before his bones began to shift, skin stretching and shifting into something he despised. Something his girls despised.

The male had opened his eyes, unable to sleep anymore through the pain of what felt like his joints aching. He went to stand up on all of his paws, surprisingly falling onto his face in the process. Wait- what? Owen's amber eyes traveled down to look at his arms- wait, he has arms?

Owen seemed to slightly freak out at the sight of claws- of talons, sharp and menacing, clenching closed as he sat up. What the fuck? Owen shakily stood up, his form pushing through the forest, past his girls nest, to look into a lake of water. His eyes widened at the sight.

He wasn't a german shepherd- or a dog at all. Owen still had his black and brown colorings, but he wasn't a canine anymore. He was something he feared the most. Something that had taken his girls away once.

An indominus rex, 5 ft tall in height, 10 ft long from head to tail. He was a hefty thing, but smaller than the indo-rex which Blue and her sisters had fought against with Rexxie the T-Rex. Owen's mouth opened, his teeth glittering under the cold moon that shone in the night. He examined the spines, the spikes, down his back, the horns atop his head. Everything was so weird. He was so much smaller than that other Indo-rex..

Fuck, Delta and Charlie weren't going to like this.

Why did he shift in the first place?


Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - - DELTA - - 09-17-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The indominus rex. She remembered the creature clearly, the one who had offered them the one thing Owen couldn't at the time: freedom to do as they pleased. That was the main reason they had turned on him, but now? Very little could ever convince her to make that mistake again, and it was clear from the feral glint in her eyes that Delta was not happy, abandoning the metal she had been stealing for the nest upon spotting this creature, tail whipping back and forth, before a loud broadcast call could be heard, to alert Charlie and Owen of the threat, before charging, aiming to slam the indo into the body of water he was next to, and hoping to rake her claws down the creature's hide as she did so, a low growl rumbling in her throat, before a babbling could be heard. 'Leave. Not welcome here. Our territory.'

She knew well enough that the indominus could understand her and her sisters, and she was not about to be coerced into betraying Owen again, and she began to stalk forward, pupils thinning as she glared, sickle claws tapping the ground, head held high and tail raised in a display of dominance.

© madi

Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - OWEN. - 09-17-2018

Owen was surprised when Delta had shown up, and was only slightly expecting her to attack. But not like this. Not with sharp claws raking down tough skin. Not when he had just shifted, unused to this body as a whole. "Not stranger. Alpha." He babbled back in frustration, his long, thick tail swinging despite the pain in his shoulder from Delta's attack on him. A loud roar erupted from the male, however such was an accident. "Are you kidding me? Now of all time? A roar?" Owen spoke aloud, standing up from his place in the water to roughly attempt to use his tail to smack Delta away from him. If this was successful, he'd let out a loud roar of warning, his own talons shifting and clenching together to even more frustration.

Why was this happening now of all times? He slightly hoped they would know it was him. The broadcasting call that Delta sent out meant clearly that Charlie would come soon as well, and two grown utahraptors weren't too easy to take on when he was this size. Still, he had the jaw force and tail length to fight back, he'd try his best until they realized it was him.


Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - Luciferr - 09-18-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

oh another prehistoric predator? hm.

though one that could talk and familiar to his soul sight - so Owen had gained a few feet and a nice set of claws - Lucifer hummed quietly watching from above as the much larger winged shadow of the skies circled ahead unsure whether to intervene before deciding to dive down and land.

he knew these were children to owen as his own were children to him - but, would the tamer wish for his intervention? possibly or possibly not.

"Need any help?" the shadow called out.


Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - - DELTA - - 09-18-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Owen really was not helping matters, as the unfamiliar creature, at least to Delta, it felt she was being challenged. Not Alpha. Owen is. It was rare she actually used his name, but the confusion lay in the fact she didn't realize this was Owen, she just thought this was somebody else trying to take his place, and her tail whipped back and forth, and with this, she leapt again, aiming to dig claws into Owen's back, a feral screech erupting from her maw yet again before sharp teeth would attempt to imbed themselves in his flesh. Leave now! She wouldn't be making the same mistake again. Nope. With Charlie, hopefully they'd be able to finish the challenger off.

//rushed so sorry
© madi

Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - OWEN. - 09-18-2018

Owen felt claws rake at his back, making him wince in slight discomfort. The skin on his back was harder, pointed with spikes. Maybe delta wasn't thinking much, but that wasn't a good idea to cling onto his back. With an upward glance at Lucifer, the indominus rex attempted to quickly roll over with the motive to crush Delta under him, the spikes down his spine proving to be painful if the attack worked. "Nope, they won't understand it's me until I get it through their thick skulls!" Owen grunted as he let out a loud snarl of warning for Delta. "New body. I am Owen." The indo-rex babbled angrily, grunting as he rolled back onto his feet soon after his attack, whether or not it hit.


Re: DECODED && temporary body change. - rhosmari - 09-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She'd been waiting, biding her time to when she could actively take charge of this attack. If Delta was hurt she would have a better chance of taking over the pack. Her head tilted to the side a bit as she thought over the implications but she also didn't want to lose her sister. Her jaws parted and she straightened up her body, tail held up high as she looked to the large creature that was fighting with Delta. She remembered when something of the sort had offered them freedom from containment and her large claw began to tap in anticipation of the events that had happened in the past. But that time was long gone and now they were truly free. No, Charlie wouldn't go back into containment if she could help it and she lowered her head a little before suddenly full sprint she launched herself at the smaller creature as a scream tore from her throat, aiming to slam her form roughly against the other dino and force him to fall back. If that worked she would then launch herself herself and she aimed to snap her powerful jaws down on the throat of the indo, jerking forward before aiming to twist and slam him down against the ground.