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UNRAVEL / joining - Printable Version

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UNRAVEL / joining - Character Graveyard. - 09-16-2018

Questions no one can answer

Pain. It rushes throughout his body and mind. Physical pain was barely anything. But mental pain. That- that was the problem. For as long as he could remember, his dreams of becoming a Hero had been crushed by everyone he knew. Kacchan. Mom. Doctors. Even his idol and the number one Hero in the world, All Might, had told him he couldn't become a Hero. All because he was quirkless. For some time after that, Midoriya had been grief-stricken, but he had decided to follow a new path. A path that would lead him to glory and fame, though he would also become hated very much by the Heroes and everyday citizens. The life of a Villain. He had started off with small crimes- such as stealing and smoking out in the public. His first big crime had been a homicide. Alongside the well-known Hero killer, Stain, he had killed a Hero known as Native and he had almost killed a UA student. How disappointing. He would've loved for his name to be known and feared by the citizens. But, he had been restrained by another UA student with fire-and-ice powers and the police had thrown him into juvie for a couple of weeks. The next thing he had done, was join the League of Villains, despite disliking them somewhat. Shigaraki pissed him off the most and he supposed he had managed to anger Shigaraki multiple times as well. The last thing in the old world he could remember, was making Shigaraki so angry that he had reached towards his face and in a matter of seconds, his entire head had turned to dust under the Villain's grasp.

Waking up in this strange, new world had been strange. He had been born to a loving mother and father and he had multiple siblings. It was a shame, really. As soon as he had been old enough to overpower them and kill them, he had taken that opportunity. He couldn't trust anybody for too long, otherwise they might end up betraying him and backstabbing him. Of course, one of his siblings in this world, had managed to leave a scar on his cheek which would probably never heal. The dark-green and black domestic feline would walk, humming to himself softly and licking away at blood on both corners of his mouth. He had recently killed someone by biting down on their neck ten or more times, getting blood on himself in the process.

"Greetings." Came his rather-roughened voice, finishing cleaning the blood off his mouth. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm here to join."

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - tristitia - 09-16-2018

Call Runicflare a “special” one, one that would have been born with one of these so-called Quirks. Having been born with powers, she learned to fine tune them, to get used to them. She had a loving mother, and happy siblings, even if they were odd.  They were happy. They were a good family.

She had not heard of this cat that showed up on her border. She figured he had to be one of those light people. The ones that would shun her. However, despite being one of those of the light, he appeared to want to join. Why? She had no clue, but something stirred within her gut, something that didn’t feel right. She looks at him, having come to the border. Runicflare forces herself to push past the feeling an extends a paw out to the green domestic feline. "Izuku Midoriya, twi, twi? That is your name? It’s ah... twi... very interesting! I’m Runicflare, the leader here. Do you need water, twi? A tour?" Despite her nervousness, she forces herself to look calm and composed.

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - ghostpact - 09-16-2018

Moonshadow patrolled the territory daily, on a lookout for enemies and more. Though, he remembered the prospect of visitors from the light, looking to join their small group. He turned his nose up at that thought, huffing quietly as he jumped from one large root to the next. He saw the benefit in allowing such a thing, but that did not mean he had to like it. Not when they had no clue what would be showing up at their doorstep. What kind of monsters lurked out there, ready to strike again.

A far off voice caught his attention and he raised his head, ears swiveling in its direction to catch the end of its sentence. Just as he had been thinking about it, one shows up. Interesting. He thought about leaving them to wait there, just to see what they might do in such a circumstance. Almost ready to turn away and continue his patrol, a second voice and the stench of blood finally caught up to him. A low growl rumble in his chest as he conjured a knife and grabbed it from the air before it fell.

With a leap, his paws hit a tree trunk and he pushed away from it, running and jumping along the roots and bases of the trees, toward the border. It was with practice he was able to accomplish such a feat, paws barely ever touching the ground. As both came into his view, he paused a moment, bunching up his muscles before bounding off the trunk and landing with near silence beside Runicflare. While his paws made nearly no sound, he was growling lowly at this stranger from the light.

He side-eyed his sister, listening as she asked the feline about a tour. Of course, she would just accept anyone. Personally, he found it safer to ask at least a few questions before just letting them waltz in. He also still had no trust for those creatures. Ears flicking back, he ducked his head slightly and dropped his weapon at his paws. His glare quickly turned back to Midoriya.

"You. What is the blood on your pelt from?" he asked.

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - Character Graveyard. - 09-16-2018

Questions no one can answer

Midoriya was not special, unlike the other 80% of the old world. He had been born with nothing and he had died with nothing, but a bad reputation and a crime-filled life. He had a loving mother in the previous world, but she hadn't been able to understand him. As for his father in his previous life, the bastard never showed up and he never dared to show his face again. His mother had been quiet and nervous, like he had once been, but she was probably long-gone by now. She had been a pitiful old lady who lost her husband and lost her son because she had never showed any support to him. Emerald-hues would study Runic as she approached, curiosity clear. Rudely, he would stare. What in the world was she? Some sort of freak? He would study her long, white horns and the multiple colors on her body. She seemed like some sort of lab creation that had ran away. Both of his black-tipped ears would flicker as she spoke. Twi. Twi. How intriguing. He can see that Rune is nervous, though he decided not to question her about the cause of her nervousness. "Ah, yes. Water sounds nice. As for a tour, I would prefer to explore on my own, if that's alright?" Midoriya would allow a mock happy expression to form on his facial features, before he turned to Moonshadow.

He would slightly narrow his eyes as he stared back at the other male. He could clearly hear the low-growl coming from the older male's throat and he would warily glance at the knife on the ground. Midoriya would innocently stare up at Moonshadow, hoping to appear harmless to him in order to gain his trust "You see, sir, I was attacked on my way here and I fought back against my attacker. He managed to scar me though I left a few bites on his body. That's why there's blood on me. Could I possibly get some water to clean it off? Please?" Of course, he was obviously lying, though he hoped that neither of the two standing in front of him would see through his lies.

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - miss ririchiyo - 09-16-2018

"You poor, poor child.." Cleo's voice whimpered out softly, the black flat coated retriever moving closer to see the male with a better position. She dipped her head to Moonshadow and Runicflare, golden eyes ghosting around the situation. Call Cleo rude, but she was staring a bit too much at Moonshadow as he asked this.. Midoriya Izuku about why he had blood on him. The girl wasn't too interested in the blood, more as to what happened to the one who had attempted to hurt him.

/rushed fuck
tags :: updated 8/20:

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - ghostpact - 09-17-2018

The wolf hummed in response to the newcomer's claim, eyes narrowing as he raised his chin. If true, it seemed they would have a capable member able to defend. It was a better outcome than coming to a more injured creature's aid. Still, there was something about it he didn't like. But he could chalk it up to the fact that he was distrustful of where Midoriya came from and Runicflare wouldn't appreciate that, he was sure.

His ears twitched and he glanced at Cleopatra. He returned a reluctant dip of his head in greeting, quickly looking back to Midoriya. Hardly a poor child if he could fend off an attacker and still make it to their border, he thought.

"There is water in the river. If you can walk, you can get to it yourself," he finally said. He was not going to fetch anything for anyone, let alone the stranger. He hoped neither of his fellows would either.

His paw shifted slightly across the ground, touching the knife. A moment later, it disappeared from view, returning to its place in his tree-house back in camp. "Before you go on your way to clean up, however, I have questions. What did this attacker look like? Did you leave them alive?"

If they weren't dead yet, he would have another problem on his plate.

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - tristitia - 09-17-2018

And then her overprotective brother had come along. She loved him, but sometimes he was pushy. She supposed it was because he felt he had a job to do. Tch. Why couldn’t he be trusting? After his whole spiel, remarking that Midoriya could get his own water, Runic would raise her paw, and attempt to smack him upside his head. A low grow escaped the wolf, "Idiot! He’s been twi’in attacked, and you’re gonna wear him out twi-twi more! Stop being so rude, that’s not how we treat those from the light, twi!" The wolf hugged angrily, lashing her tail. Her odd eyes locked on her white-furred brother before she saw Cleo, well... more like heard her.

She smiled. Good, Cleo knew a bit about healing, at least. If Midoriya was injured, she could take care of him. She had to put her faith in Cleo. The half-and-half wolf nodded thankfully at the flat-coated retriever. "Thank Hylia you’re twi.. here."

Upon the cat’s request for water, the wolf left briefly, grabbing a basket and filling it with the glowing water. It was an easy task, she was used to such menial work by now. And then she brings it back, leaving it at Midoriya’s paws. "Twi... here. It’s fine that you twi — want to explore alone. This is the twi water." She tells him, offering a small smile.

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - Character Graveyard. - 09-17-2018

Questions no one can answer

Midoriya would continue to keep the fake innocent look on his facial features as Cleo approached, going on about him being a poor child. His plan was working, he had managed to trick two of them into thinking he was only a young, innocent child who had been attacked by a dangerous predator. In the previous world, he had often played the role of the innocent child who had been kidnapped by Villains and he would often lead Heroes to the rest of the League. It had worked out well a couple of times, but some Heroes were just too smart for that act and most of them didn't even follow him. He would blink and he would stare at Moonshadow as the older male questioned him about his "attacker". "He was a tall wolf, with a bright yellow pelt and he had blue eyes. He was too strong- I only managed to leave a few scratches and bites on him, that's all." Midoriya would release a soft huff, before he would turn back to Runicflare, noticing her smack Moon upside the head with one of her paws. Inside, he felt amused at that, but he couldn't show it on the outside, otherwise they might become suspicious of him even more.

"Thanks." He would say to Rune as she quickly left and returned with a basket full of water. He would quickly put one of his paws in the basket, before lifting it up and cleaning the fresh blood off his body. In a few seconds or so, he had finished and he would offer a nod of his head to the other three. "Well, if nobody has anything else to do here, I'll explore the territory now?"

Re: UNRAVEL / joining - ghostpact - 09-17-2018

"Hm. I will keep an out for him when I am out." If there really was a hostile nearby, even if they had only attacked someone he didn't particularly care about, it was a danger to his group and therefore his family. He couldn't let the threat slip by. Of course, a wolf would be too strong to a small cat, but he was confident in his own abilities if did ever come across the enemy. Still, if that were the case, he was curious as to how they didn't have a dying feline at their border.

With a flick of his ear, he opened his maw to say something more, but a heavy hit from the side jarred him to silence and he ducked his head. His ears flattened, lip curled up to reveal his sharp teeth as he moved to snap at the attacker. He wouldn't cause any real damage, just clicking his teeth together as his sister berated him. It was only a natural response, but he still was not happy with her words. He relaxed only slightly, eyes narrowed.

Be nice, he thought, don't scare away the newcomer. Except, he couldn't just stay complacent, the situation already dug under his skin. "If I were really to be rude, this one would not be allowed here. He looks perfectly fine to get to it himself, a quick walk there would not hurt him." There was more to be said, about how exactly Moonshadow thought they should treat those from the light, but it wasn't something to be said here. He shut his mouth quickly, glancing to Cleo again as Rune addressed her.

Before he could say much more, Runic left and returned shortly with the water. Of course, she would fetch it. So much for making people do things on their own around here. Sighing, he raised his head once again. "No. Go on with your exploration." He turned away, grunting a goodbye, and left.