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SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && pincher - Printable Version

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SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && pincher - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

//recap: owen asking pincher to go after monroe, pierce, and bucky. this will lead to delta and charlie killing two sunhavenners named persephone and ayu while over there. ^^ if pincher tells him no, owen will still go because he feels like the revenge is necessary.

Owen's body ached, it hurt, but he couldn't let such things be shown around his utahraptors. They were vicious, and obviously waited, watching patiently, to see a weakness in their Alpha. One day, he knew he'd have to put them straight properly, to injure them or swat them to the point they won't be able to fight back, to the point they submitted once more.

"Aye, boss?" Owen called out, his tail swishing out as he waited for the male to come out to see him or call him in. He didn't have much tolerance for anyone other than Pincher, Bakugou, and Lucifer. How strange it was.


Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && pincher - PINCHER - 09-17-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
There were days where it was hard to get on Pincher's nerves and then there were days where one sentence could cause him to snap at whoever had decided to speak to him. Like the ocean, he was unpredictable and changed with how he felt for anything as the bloodshot icy gaze of the ash gray jaguar was sitting behind his large desk, glaring down at typical paperwork of plans and ideas he had in store. He scribbled down some notes in his own writing, one that he only knew of as the male mumbled softly under his breath before hearing the voice of Owen outside of his door, causing his cold optics to snap up from where they were currently looking at. "The hell you want, Owen? Come in." Pincher ordered as he closed his notebook and reached out to grab a cigarette, resting it on the corner of his lips but did not light it.

Part of him could guess why Owen was desiring to speak to him privately. He knew the protective behavior of Owen around his raptors, the ones that held no ability to understand what they had done was something that others did not take lightly. Pincher didn't mind that they had attacked Sunhaveners because they were just fucking neutral group that he didn't give a fuck about, much too small to be a thorn in his side and they didn't really appear like a warbound extremeity like the Typhoon. Had it been Rosebloods, Pincher would've torn their throats for it but luckily that was not the case. He bit softly onto his ivory white cigarette while waiting for Owen to come in and speak whatever the matter he had to say, the muscular wildcat's eyes half-lidded and holding a deadly glint as always.

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && pincher - OWEN. - 09-17-2018

"Pardon me," Owen mumbled softly, stepping into the Captain's office before dipping his head in respect to the higher pirate. His sides heaved for space, his large body barely pushing through the door before the oversized german shepherd sat down to speak. He wanted a cigarette, but he would get one later. The tempting drawl of the unlit cig in his Captain's mouth made Owen's head tilt in mild interest.

While Owen cared for his home, cared for his shipmates, he didn't care for outsiders. Maybe one day he could dominate his girls correctly, have them follow him instead of them dragging him behind them while having fragile respect for him. But not now. He had time to span on that, but he had more important things to talk about with the felidae.

Sitting up straight, the ex-navyman opened his mouth to speak, his tone strict and as always when speaking to the Captain on business terms, military-like. Stern, blunt, but respectful. Owen didn't do too well with authority, not unless he respected the person. And Owen respected Pincher.

"I'd like permission to go after Sunhaven with my girls, captain. Monroe and Bucky have already harmed my raptors once. Delta and Charlie won't wait much longer to get their revenge." Owen spoke calmly, but his posture was stiff. Who knows what would happen if his promise of revenge to his girls went unheeded?