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practical jokes - Printable Version

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practical jokes - no more - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Ligma. The word had rolled from his tongue easily, riding upon a huff of breath barely containing traces of laughter, yet easy was it to tell something was wrong. Gentle was the touch of mirth, tones unmistakable as his joy overrode the composure he tried to keep to, barely veiled for what use was there when he knew not the gentle prodding of the one he spoke to. It had taken a few seconds, time slow to tick over, the trickle of surface thoughts sorted through easily enough though pained sought to settle upon dark features, never quite taking hold before he spoke himself.

What is ligma? A snort, laughter harder to hold as paw pressed to muzzle, true answer held back for there was no enjoyment in spoiling it too soon. The cheetah had made attempts to keep himself from speaking out of line, enough words passing through the barely sustained conversation to arise curiosity, a want to delve in this subject he spoke of as though it truly were something of import. A disease, he had called it a disease but had not elaborated further. It might simply have been lazy planning, just allowing it to begin and fester was enough, or it might simply have been the best course of action, the more simplistic approach enough to leave him wanting to learn more.

It had been with a dismissive wave he had silenced further words, uttering faint words to make Marcel leave him be, unsure on how to go about things. A day had passed him, hours dragging as though it held nothing better to do than torment him, the word lingering in his mind, swirling about it until it proved the focal point. It seemed not to matter what task he sought to accomplish, how minimal or extensive the work behind it, each falling away in minutes, attention diverted. Quickly he had gathered about himself various books, dry medical texts he had skimmed through, never truly reading but more glancing through each. The word was missing upon each and about his hut the books were left, piled rather badly, some stacks prepared to tumble over.

“Da fuck was 'e on about...” Claws skimmed the surface of the page, lingering over each line of ink, eyes following behind. With a snap the book was closed, annoyance drawn across dark features. He had grown tired of this ceaseless searching, seeking out that infernal word in each book that covered the walls of his hut, left behind a mess to speak of his progress. With this he had nothing left to look through and it left only one avenue, the faint hope he might not need to turn to such flickering out, a dying light left nothing more than embers.

Raising to his paws short, shuffling steps drew him towards the door, creaking softly beneath his push, permitting a flood of sunlight in. Moving out onto the sand he cast dark gaze about, seeking sign of life. “Fucker,” muttering beneath his breath Silus began to walk, a slow trek drawing him towards the tavern, knowing well the midday was one of the busiest times for the establishment. “Marcel! Get ya fuckin ass ova 'ere.”


Re: practical jokes - MARCELLUS - 09-23-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Only so long ago did Marcellus decide that his boredom would get the best of him and usually he would have more patience than that then to let his boredom take over, but he simply needed something to help him get through the day as he grew more and more bored and decided on a small walk through the territory. The limping King Cheetah had just happened to stumble upon Silus who in turn seemed enough gullible to entertain him. Though usually he wouldn't bother someone as busy as a Sage with nonsense, he was desperate to have some fun. Quietly the male would pad towards Silus and plop down, opening his mouth and explaining "ligma" as a new disease as he tried his best to keep his tone even though he couldn't help but raise his paw to let out a few giggle snorts here and there, trying to push them back as he would look down to the confused and then concerned Sage. His bright eyes trailed along the Sage's face as he tried to detect what Silus could possibly be feeling at his made up new deadly disease, eyes narrowing as he searched his quickly changing expressions as they seemed to flash just as quick as he could blink.

Deciding that he wouldn't want to get in trouble instead, Marcellus opened his mouth to utter another few course of words only to be shushed by a dismissive wave of the Sage's paw and a few muttered words under Silus' breath. He opened his jaws again to speak only to clamp them shut, simply nodding his head and getting to his paws to turn and walk off back towards his shack. Oh lord, what had he done? He had wanted to tell Silus that it was just a joke and ligma wasn't actually a real thing, but it seemed as if time was not in Marcellus' favor and thus he would have to suffer the consequences later. The king cheetah stopped in his tracks to toss his head over his shoulder and look towards Silus who had seemed to be lost in thought, expressions ranging from confusion to the scrunching of his face. Finally, the young Sage seemed to have moved from his spot and walked off the opposite direction of Marcellus. A feeling inside he could feel was dread, his eyes dropping as he felt a sense of fear at what would be done to him when Silus found out and amusement as he couldn't believe that Silus had actually come to believe those nonsense words.

He turned his head back and began to quickly make his way towards his shack where as time flew his paws would carry him quicker and quicker as he began to panic a little. "Why did I let Silus believe that? Oh no, oh no." His words carried a heavy tone of concern with them as his pawsteps went faster and faster until he nearly broke out into a run. As he began to practically run, he took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed himself down, chest heaving from his deep breaths and pants as they mixed together. His paws shifted heavily in the sand as he skidded himself to a stop, nearly toppling over his own paws because he had stopped so abruptly. "I.. I need a drink." With those few words the troubled male cleared his thoughts and began to make his way towards the tavern where he would push open the door and pad inside, settling down near the bar. "A water?" He requested, voice almost like a whisper as his thoughts became once more a bit troubled.

While he sat and waited for his water, his voice muttered low under his breath as he spoke to himself quietly, trying to block out the roaring conversations around him. His claws dug into the wood beneath his paws and his eyes flickered upwards to see the figure of the bartender, placing the glass of cold water in front of him and running off in a haste to serve someone else. Almost hesitantly, Marcellus leaned forward and began to lap the cold water as it streamed down his throat, the male running his tongue along his lips to get rid of any dripping water. At the sound of pawsteps behind him the king cheetah nearly turned around to investigate but instantly he froze at the familiar voice and he almost felt as though he had nearly shrunk sevenfold. His paws shuffled as at first he didn't answer the call, all conversation inside the taverns walls stopping completely as everyone looked at the angry Sage with curiosity, some eyes flickering over to him and some muttering under their breaths with chuckles. People could already easily make out that he was in huge trouble.

Clearing his throat, Marcellus hesitantly stood to his paws as his pawsteps were now the only thing to be heard inside the quiet tavern, his body turning to look at Silus with a fearful look before the Privateer simply tried to force it down and walk forwards to meet with the smaller and younger being. "Silus! Hello." His voice was almost cheerful as he tried to force himself into fake happiness of seeing the Sage, gulping heavy as his paws began to shuffle along the wooden floorboards. "I uh, didn't expect to see you here." He gave a nervous laugh as he looked down at him, his eyes dashing all along the room as they met faces that were amused and others full of confused shock. His eyes then found their way back to Silus which he would hesitate for a moment and allow the silence to flow in between the tavern before he finally cut through that thick silence like a knife, eyes dashing away from the angry looking Sage once more as he sat down on his haunches trying to act as if no one else was around to witness this embarrassing moment for the Privateer.

"So Silus, what brings you here?"