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voices in my head ✨ power discovery - Printable Version

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voices in my head ✨ power discovery - no more - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Bound together, strings tied into one, heavy a weight drawn across slumped shoulders. Within the dense mass of life it is unbroken, stretching until time seems  lacking, an after thought curling about the fringes, pushed aside for better was present to ponder over, the faint murmur of each breath barely scraping along it. Yet still do dark ears twitch and move, seeking amongst it all signs, straining to catch what silence so easily veils, preparing before another may approach unannounced.

Cast within the depths of shade he is idle, left lingering for but short seconds. Upon worn leather teeth shift, see better grasp only to slip away, faint curse escaping lips left raw, crimson mirrored upon the hilt he can only watch fall. Tongue flicks out, tasting the copper, faint sound of displeasure escaping the depth of his throat as he stoops to retrieve the dropped weapon. Less sword and more dagger, though within his grip it seems larger, blade curved in a fashion he is unfamiliar with, held by countless others. It was little more than a training weapon, edge dulled to minimise harm to oneself or others, but still nicks are present.

Uneasy is his grip, teeth closing about leather once more, tasting his own blood once more, dancing across his tongue and lodging within the back of his throat. Rising is a muffled sound, touched with anger as head whips around, surprise touching dark features as it slips once more. Faint is the whistle as it cuts through the air, cut off all too soon, ringing in his ears all that remained.

“Fuck...” Annoyed huff escapes with the single word, a paw rubbing at his forehead. Deep in the trunk of the tree the dagger sticks out, blade buried until bark can almost touch the hilt. He had come to the secluded segment of jungle to escape it all, the mutterings of voice foreign and yet strange for they seemed familiar in some ways, hushed murmurs encasing his own thoughts, hoping for a distraction. There seemed little hope in such, his weight dragging him down upon his hindquarters, annoyed sound escaping between clenched teeth.

[ telepathy & empathy are a bitch to handle so salty boy is whacking trees ]

Re: voices in my head ✨ power discovery - Luciferr - 09-16-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

Empathic abilities he was no stranger to, a few of his siblings and even his children displayed such greater intuition with it - telepathy was much the same.

it had wreaked havoc and misery upon them until they'd controlled it and honed it - Fen had taken to using it to subtly manipulate an army to his whim, Cali had used it in a more therapist approach given her innate nature to kindness and his own mother had often used it to sway the more aggressive masses to avoid bloodshed.

he'd used it before - whether to sense or to manipulate if it came down to it.

the dragon rumbled quietly - his own thoughts a hazy blanket at most times, wrapped away in a case of forever paranoia - for with his sire, any thought or emotion had been a weakness - but here he had let that down mostly, easing more and more as he grew comfortable with the lands.

he hid it well, but Lucifer was ever an unfathomable sadness and silent resignation with feather bright glimmers of sad-tinged happiness for the fleeting lives he lived with - an old cold black star whispering tragedies to the gloom.

"Are you alright Silus?" though likely not given the whacking trees, hm, he'd seen his daughter do this once when frustrated a spell had not gone her way.