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UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP -- open, stargazing - Printable Version

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UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP -- open, stargazing - london r. - 04-08-2018

London was a child of many interests, she had always been that way. She used to be obsessed with learning, wanting to know everything there was to know by asking a ton of questions. She supposed she should thank her mother for not having strangled her for all the curious inquisitions, being patient with her and answering the cascade of questions that always seemed to befall her. "What is that?" "What does this word mean?" "How does this work?" She'd been quite a handful. But the girl had matured a lot since then, probably because eventually she realized that, once her mother had died, no one would be there to answer every single one of her queries.

But that didn't mean she stopped asking questions. She just stopped verbalizing them and expecting answers from those around her. Instead she worked for it, she did her best to discover the answers on her own. Reading had quickly become one of her many passions, even before her mother's death. Books brought with them an infinite stream of knowledge, and she wished she could delve into that world of pages stained in ink. It seemed like the perfect home for the curious minded, but alas, she had other things to do. No more dictionaries and how to draw books, she wasn't achieving much of anything with that. She needed to learn skills to help her survive and to keep her entertained. She'd instead started reading books about hunting, fighting, and ukulele for beginners. She wouldn't let the best birthday present ever go to waste. Then, one day, another book had caught her attention Astronomy for beginners.

She became obsessed rather quickly, as she had with many of her other hobbies before. Studying celestial objects in the night sky was rather enjoyable, even if it did mess with her sleeping patterns. She had even obtained a telescope, one of the great things about having lived in a gas station, there were so many random but useful doohickeys. She had memorized a couple of constellations, most of the zodiac, and some others, to the point where she was even able to identify the most prominent stars by their names. Gazing through her telescope and recognizing the celestial bodies she saw was similar to greeting a good friend to the girl. Perhaps it might seem odd to others, but it was no different than falling in love with characters in a storybook.

One such twilight that she wasn't feeling too particularly tired, the girl had conjured up her apparatus. She hadn't strayed too far from the cave, seeing as she wanted to be on the safe side if she was ever spontaneously attacked again. It had only taken her a moment to get set up, and soon she could be found smiling as she stared into the telescope's lens. "Hey there Polaris, you seem awfully bright tonight." the girl would murmur quietly to herself, a giggle bubbling through her lips. London was hoping not to disturb any of the creatures nearby as she knew that there would likely be others still awake at this hour, but she always talked to the stars, making it difficult to remain completely silent. "And there's Arcturus."

Re: UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP -- open, stargazing - melantha - 04-09-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]the moon is just a sliver; the perfect night to view the stars as there is no light pollution reflecting off the satellite's surface. but melantha doesn't give a rat's ass about that. no, the only reason why she wanders from place to place is that her den does not feel like home. for the first time in months, mel is truly safe, and now sleep evades her. it's as if she simply can never win. mountain lions are naturally active in the nighttime, so her insomnia makes sense. but she's trying very hard to get herself on the same sleeping schedule at the rest of the clan which is mainly active during the daytime. since sleep is nigh impossible, she takes herself out on a walk. the cold air chills her somewhat, but it is not too terribly freezing. plus, it helps clear her head. it's nice to just the moment. the young wildcat approaches an area which contains several residential caves, intending to potentially seek out a new place to live. something that suited her better than her current quarters. as she passes by, she spots a solitary creature in the distance. curious as to why another person still lurks around after twilight, she creeps closer. the wind shifts, and a familiar scent reaches her olfactory senses: london.

from the time melantha first met london and jacob, she knew that they were too good to be true. no one can possibly be so kind and happy and good without having something off about them. thus far, the young wildcat has not found out jacob's secret, but the moment she happened upon london speaking to herself, she knew. the girl is crazy. the awkward thing is that mel is too close. she cannot just turn around and walk away without it seeming weird, but she already interrupted london talking to herself. oh maker, why does this have to happen to her? holding back an uncomfortable grimace, melantha turns her gaze to the telescope. "what is that?" she asks. it is a genuine question. she has never seen something like it before, as she grew up in a traditionalist home far from the influence of human technology. there was not even a road for hundreds of miles.

Re: UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP -- open, stargazing - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-09-2018

Books books and more books. Killua had never really considered himself to be that much of a bookworm unless he needed to know some information that would come from said book. The assassin didn't enjoy the act of reading as the next person because it bored him. He was more on the physical side when it came to wohat would stimulate his mind. Which probably came back to the way that he had been raised with the rest of his family. They were all violent animals, and he was no different in that regard either. Considering that the majority of his family had lived longer than him, it just meant that they had more time to hone their skills and more time to kill those that they came across. Although e did have to admit, there were a few highlights that Killua had when it came to reading books, as it was the only time that he wasn't being tortured by his older brother while he was growing up. Killua read several different types of books growing up, but most of them were biology textbooks. After all, he hadn't learned everything about most species by simply looking at them from experience. That wasn't how it worked with him. He had studied textbook after textbook and would be quizzed on the information in said textbooks. The quiz to the questions being directed toward him during his torture sessions. Which put a lot of pressure on him because it meant that he was going to have to remember while being put under physical stress. Not a different task all things considered, but he got the hang of it once he was able to bear the pain. Killua had been able to conjure up objects at this point, but he wasn't allowed to read books that weren't dealing with the Zoldyck business. So he was stuck reading the books that bored him to no end. While he read, it was a time for him to turn his mind off a limit bit as he just read over the pages and memorized the diagrams. It was lucky that he did end up reading those books because he had to retain everything to prepare himself right before he was stationed in the clans. He had never really had any other hobbies, again he wasn't allowed to have any while he was growing up. Unless someone counted stuffing his face with candy every couple of seconds to try and keep something positive in his life while everything else was going on. The wildcat simply killed, then went back to the mansion to learn more and what he could improve on. He knew that whatever he did was never going to be perfect. Especially since it wasn't a concern in his mind to really do any jobs or tasks for clients right now. He didn't want to go down that path anymore, and would eventually get rusty. Probably not get rusty while he was in the clans as there was bound to fight here and there over time. He just had to keep everything in mind that he couldn't afford to let his guard down still while his brother was still on the table. The tiger taking his damn sweet time in order to try and make an appearance. It pissed Killua off because he hated waiting in anticipation for something to happen. Thanks to what had happened recently, he was more nervous than he had ever been. There was no way he was in any state or condition to try and fight off his stronger brother. Not until he mastered the elemental powers that he hadn't used for over a month now. The assassin still had a lot to learn, and he was willing to risk everything to keep away from his family, even those that lived in the clans. He just didn't care anymore. But they didn't deserve to die because of him. Were the creatures he had killed even clanners? There was a chance that they were, or that they just knew each other and were taking a stroll just outside of the clan territory to see what was going on. They could have been curious. Killua had been furious and afraid of himself once he came out of the trance that he had been in.

He knew exactly what he had just done, and how easy it had been for his brother to take control of his body. How easy it had been for him to turn on his switch to take the lives of those that didn't deserve it. What if it had been a Snowbounder? What would have done then? He wasn't sure, as he probably would have still made it seem he wasn't the enemy then. Considering what his brother had done to him, he anticipated that the other would end up showing up. How could someone gain that much control over him and not be in the nearby area?! It made no sense to him. Right now Killua was nervous even being around others, especially those that had come across the horrible and bloody scene. Although it hadn't been that bad as there were only slit throats that bled into the snow with the mixture of his own blood. Killua had a bandage around his torso to hide his stitch job where he had used the leopard's claws to inflict wounds on himself. Then he had to stitch up his left shoulder where he gave himself another self-inflicted wound. The white bandages almost blended in perfectly with him, so it would be hard to even see the bandages at a quick glance. Ever since yesterday, Killua hadn't managed to get himself any sleep. Which wasn't good as he was nearing his limit on the number of days he could go without sleeping at all. Having been sleep deprived since he was a kitten he usually was used to it. But not with all the running thoughts and voices in his head he wasn't. The assassin was making his way silently through the snow, his eyes taking in any animals that were moving in the darkness. The serval was then able to pick out two figures out in the distance, and he flicked one of his ears. He couldn't sleep, but what were others doing up? Killua began to silently make his way over and appeared to the left of the slowly gathering group. London. Melantha. London hadn't been there on the scene where he had murdered two creatures so there was a chance that she didn't know. He had made it look like an accident after all and that's what most of them believed. Melantha, on the other hand, had been at the scene, and he debated whether or not to make his presence known to the rest of them. Would she call him out if he acted like nothing had ever happened? Might as well risk it, as it would clear his mind maybe. He appeared out from some of the trees and sat himself down, starring at the telescope that London had. The stars huh? He had no idea that she was interested in something like that stars. "Telescope huh? You would probably like the Ascendants though. They have a telescope that could see planets." Killua offered calmly as he shifted his paws in the snow. He seemed slightly nervous when he spoke, and despite that he had a small grin spread across his facial features.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP -- open, stargazing - london r. - 04-09-2018

London had thought she had remained quiet enough not to bother anyone, but it seemed that she had failed. Well, that was fine, the clouded leopard didn't mind company. Maybe she could even teach Melantha a thing or two about astronomy, if she was interested that is. It seemed as though the other girl was regarding her with hesitance, something that London did not quite understand. Had she done something weird, was there something wrong? It seemed that she had forgotten not all creatures had human influences in their lives prior to joining Snowbound. "Hello." the albino would greet, a smile upon her features. The feline hoped to seem inviting, as she did not wish to isolate herself from her clan. Even if there was a sliver of a chance that Melantha was reluctant to approach her, she would ignore that for the moment, though she did hope to figure that out eventually.

Her sapphire luminaries would go wide at the question, realizing that that might be the cause for the reluctance. Maybe the other girl had thought that London was being attacked again or something of that nature? How sweet! Even though she had been here for a little while now, the girl still was not used to the camaraderie and companionship that came from residing within a group. It was pleasant, but that did not change the fact that she was completely oblivious to the mountain lion believed her sanity to be lacking. "Oh, this is a telescope! It magnifies what you see when you peek through this little hole right here, pretty useful when looking at the stars." the girl would explain, her voice still rather soft as she didn't wish to disturb anyone else.

But it seemed her attempt was fruitless, as soon even Killua had joined the two. She wondered if he was here to defend her from the oh so terrifying human object as well, but by his words it seemed as though he actually knew what she was doing. But then why had he come over? The girl supposed it did not really matter, but she was curious. "Good evening." she would greet, shooting the slightly younger male a smile. The Ascendants, huh? She had only ever heard of them one, at the meeting, and even then Leigh had not revealed much about the other clans them. She supposed it would be nice to visit the place, since Killua recommended it. Though that might be more difficult said than done, as she did not know where exactly this place was. Following directions was simple enough, but the clouded leopard was far more worried about the journey back.