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PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - Printable Version

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PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - MARCELLUS - 09-15-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
What started out as pleasant and calm sunny day quickly turned later down the line, cloudy and dark. It slowly began to drizzle as Marcellus walked along the coastline on a small walk. His paws carried him at a slow pace, his eyes glancing out along the horizon as there was nothing but rain falling, the distance foggy. The sand beneath his paws slowly became more and more muddy and sticky, the wet soiled grains clinging to the fur on his paws as he could feel the mild drops of rain absorb into his pelt and slowly begin to weigh him down with the droplets.The king cheetah shook out his pelt to get rid of some of the rain that weighed him down, the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance but very mild. Marcellus began to pick up his pace as he was now in a hurry to get back to his hut, his paws kicking up the muddy sand as the sound of thunder grew louder and louder, lightning illuminating his pelt as he ran along the shoreline in a hurry to get back to his shack. His eyes narrowed as the limping male tried to run through the raindrops, the rain falling onto his face.

The rain quickly picked up and grew harsh, the winds blowing through the trees as lightning struck with the loudness of the rumbling of thunder. His eyes looked around and finally in view was his shack. By the time he saw it he was practically breaking into a bound, paws pounding against the ground as he broke through the rain and ran straight to the shelter of his shack, lying under the overhanging roof with a huff as his pelt was drenched. His pale eyes looked towards the ocean briefly to see the craziness of the waves, crashing loud against the shore and the tides getting higher. For a moment he could see a figure break out of the water before the waves had crashed and consumed the figure once more. "Just my imagination." He muttered to himself as he looked away from the water briefly and looking back up to reveal multiple figures leaving the water. His eyes widened and instantly he sprang to his paws, looking around frantically. What the hell? He began to back up as his eyes lied upon the multiple figures in front of him: crabs.

Thousands of them, maybe even millions of them. A warning yowl escaped his mouth as he looked around at the army of crabs as they walked up upon the shore, a few of them holding red flags in their claws as the army of them quickly approached his shack and eventually breached land. The male wasted no time in springing to his paws and turning to run towards the jungle where he would look back again to see that more crabs had breached the surface, his eyes widened in terror as he watched them go into his shack, most of them climbing and consuming the shack under their numbers. For a moment he wanted to stay and defend his shack but he knew that he was no more than outnumbered at the millions of crabs. Instantly the king cheetah turned once more and ran for what seemed like his life, thunder and lightning crackling in the background as the lightning illuminated the scene before him, screams of terror leaving the residents of the beach as the crabs had successfully taken over the shore, forcing residents from their home and soon the crabs making their way across the entire island.

It was a crab invasion.


Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - Luciferr - 09-16-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"annoying pests - GET OFF MY LAWN!"

a gout of flames black as pitch and edged in brightest white washed out of a cave entrance and scattered alonge the incline that melted into the sands - the smell of roasting seafood snacks lingered in the air as the charred casualties against the massive beast stacked up.

if anything - at lesat Luci's home was a safe refuge, for none but the bravest - or stupidest - crabs tried and failed to get in.

many were roasted to oblivion this day.


Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - EXODUS-- - 09-16-2018

≡ -- crabs were dangerous. crabs were a threat; despicable creatures with beady, stalk like eyes and a hide as red as the devil. she knew of their risk the monent those despictable creatures made way to harm her heavenly sister with fiendish pincers of crimson, and the resounding scream from the encounter could be heard from miles.  sent her running. it became clear from that moment that they were to be a force obliterated from the face of the earth. exodus would not hesitate to face them down with no small amount of bared teeth and wicked, impish fued fueled by pettiness and her alpha's seething urge for revenge.

it was an ironic thing for them to truly look upon crabs as a source of mortal danger. there were beasts that roamed this merciless earth; from gods that breathed their very, shared air down to predators who could lay ruin to them with a single swipe of blood thirsted claws. yet for all of the venandi's naivety, those monsters of unerring destruction were ignored and viewed through prideful eyes as little more than prey too big to be taken down for the time being. anyone who was not of their pack in their twisted little ideologies were to be sustenance for their bellies. sheep to be slaughtered another day.

this, however, was something else entirely.

they were like a carmine mass, rising and encroaching upon the shores of the home exodus coveted. they swarmed like a rising tide. a river of blood beating against the sandy beach and scuttling forth on cursed little legs. trespassers. intruders. invaders. absolutely and utterly frightening.

exodus was always a dauntless gal from birth. she knew of no fear-- not since her moderately coddled upbringing. she knew not of her limits, shielded from true danger and given room to grow and explore as she pleased. ultimately, her cockiness would be her downfall.

and yet exodus's tenacious, persistent stubborn pride was nowhere to be found today.

exodus, daughter of the god of void, took a single look upon the encroaching river of crabs, and all the grandiose promptly drained flush from her body in one cold, fell swoop.

all there was left now was to run.

muscles rippled underneath a body glossed in feathers as she made a prompt, speedy dash towards the closest place she would get to a safehaven.

lucifer's cave.

rolling thunder screamed overhead in a flash of bright light, illuminating the sky. the wind whipped at her tiny body-- sent her plumage whipping this way and that as talons sunk into the warm soil beneath of  now wet grains of sand with a squelch.

it was not far from baracudda's bay. the bunched muscles in her limbs sent a flurry of sust into the air, chest heaving and expanding as her lungs inflated. she could see the sharp, jagged outcrop of cliffs jutting into the sky near the coastline. once she was upon the cave, she ungracefully tumbled in. a mess of unpreened feathers and rustled bristling prunes that had inflated upon the threat's arrival.

she came just in time for supper it was. the charred scent of crab filled the air, and exodus quickly gained her composure, nostrila flexing with curiosity and hunger.

there was mother-- sable hide nearly indistinguishable from the inky darkness of the cave's belly. scampered forward until she pressed against a massive side, made sure she could feel the steady purr of a stirring chest and the familiar warmth and comfort of mother.

'mother,' she chittered quietly in the ancient tone known to her feral species. an inherited tongue. seeking solace in their guardian. mother was poerful. mother was stron. she would deal with the threat easily; exodus knew it, yet she worried for her siblings. would they fare againt the threat? or would they join her in fleeing from what seemed to be an apocalypse? 'they're everywhere...'

Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

"LUCIFER THEY'RE COMING FOR REVENGE!" Owen growled out loud, talking about the crabs which had been eaten or killed when the raptors had all been together and challenging the crabs. Well, challenging wasn't the right word for Delta. She was just eating them whole.

The german shepherd had swore he had thrown too many knives already, cutting through the middle of a few crabs cleanly. He didn't like crabs, he didn't like seafood at all, actually. "DELTA! CHARLIE!" Owen called out to his utahraptor's through a familiar broadcasting call, a loud howl of their names. He hated crabs, got he hated them.


Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - Character Graveyard. - 09-16-2018

Crabs. Why did it have to be crabs out of all creatures? Sure, there was even worse creatures, but Kirishima didn't like the idea of a shit ton of crabs roaming the island and forcing everybody from their homes. He had been casually walking along, looking up at the skies as it lightly drizzled rain upon the earth. He liked the taste of rain on his tongue. It was soothing, though it felt a little awkward with the piercing in his tongue. Nothing he couldn't handle though. The young male suddenly felt a pair of pincers snapping away at his front paws, so he looked down. A lot of crabs had swarmed around him quickly, snapping at his legs. He would activate his earth elementals, dragging any nearby rocks to protect his legs and he would make his way, towards wherever there wasn't any crabs.

Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-16-2018

Crabs were a normal part of The Typhoon, considering they lived on a tropical island. After all, crabs made their home on the beach. But then again, they usually kept to the water and never really strayed far into camp during the day. However, when the rain came, that was a different story and they emerged all at once, seemingly drawn out from the pouring rain. Caesar's ears pricked at the sound of Marcellus's warning call and the demon poked his head out from his room, greeted by a grab who somehow managed to climb onto the window seal.

Caesar let out a yowl of alarm as barely dodged it snapping at his face, his fur puffing out. "What the hell!" He spat, lashing his tail. He let out a hiss at the creature, using his paw to swiftly knock it off of his window seal, not bothering to check for others. Which would come to bite him in the ass, as he would soon discover as he exited the ship the high positions made their home on. The rain pelted his fur, almost immediately drenching him and leaving his fur clinging to his bones. As the demon scanned the camp, he realized that it wasn't just his room that had been infected with one grab; it was the entire camp.

"What the fuck..." Caesar breathed, flattening his ears as he watched the critters shuffle along, disgust and anger written all over his face. The demon's attention quickly snapped towards the direction of Lucifer, who had gotten so pissed off that he sent a flame at them, roasting them entirely. Raising his invisible eyebrows, Caesar realized that wasn't a bad idea. Unfortunately, not everybody had fire elementals and Caesar could only use it for so long. Oh well. The Officer thought to himself, flicking his tail as he lit himself on fire. Crabs scattered away from him in alarm, raising their claws up as they moved backwards from the flaming demon.

Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - the trash man - 09-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]in her life linux had seen a plethora of crabs, they were a dime a dozen in the typhoon's beachside abode. but this sighting? this group of crabs was probably more than linux had ever seen in her entire lifetime combined. there was just so many of them. where did they all come from? did they live underground? they were cute things, their weird walk and snappy claws endearing in their own way. but they were also such nasty creatures who loved to make a misery of typhoon member's lives by snapping at every appendage they could get their meaty claws on. linux shuddered at the all too familiar feeling of a tiny crab's pinchers snapping shut on her tail. horrible feeling.

cowering behind the taller figure of caesar, linux's dusty pink hues peered out from behind the officer cautiously as the kitten's eyes darted from crab to crab. no way was the child going to let any of them near her, unless they wanted a good whacking. "are they revolting? what do they want? they can take whatever they want, just leave us alone!" so absorbed by the fleet of multicoloured crabs all dancing in front of the alabaster child, linux hadn't spared a thought for the ones that were emerging from behind her. "what the-!" jumping erratically with a tail expanding at the speed of light, linux was like a weighted toy as her back end of her came crashing to the ground with a baby crab stuck to linux's white bushy tail. aggressive the thing was for a young crab. "get off! get off! get off!" frantically the child did a little distressed jive to try and get the crab off of her tail.

Re: PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE — crab invasion - FELIKS - 09-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]With a life as adventurous as his, there were very few creatures anymore that caused alarm within the hybrid. Most of them were the exact same as cats and dogs in personality, they just happened to look different, but even with that uncanny ability to be unphased by new things the crabpocalypse was certainly... offputting. Tingles went up his feathered legs and around his neck as if the bitter crustaceans were crawling all over his body as he saw them start to attack his clanmates, yet everytime he looked back the bastards were no where to be found. Ashen beak firmly clacking together in discomfort, Feliks suddenly mad a dash towards his cabin, pushing the door open with a great force. It creaked on its hinges, unable to provide much protection from the army due to the hole at the bottom corner of it, yet the male didn't seem too fussed with that. Fuck the home, fuck the group, he was gonna save something else before it got ripped apart by vicious pincers. He yanked Daryl off of its place on his nesting area, holding the plush cat like a baby despite the desperation behind his actions. Feliks quickly rushed back out, slamming the door shut and quickly flapping his wings. They were getting closer, and the concern of getting pinched to death caused the gryphon to break out into a quick flight. He landed atop his own roof, hind legs scrambling up the uneven surface before eventually he found a place to balance his weight.

Some crabs could climb right? That meant he wasn't entirely safe, but hopefully they'd know to get the grounded targets before attempting to assault a being with flight. Carefully he placed Daryl underneath a front foot, talons creating a cage like protection over his possession. "If this was what the people of Egypt felt when they were invaded by frogs and locusts... I dunno if the Pharaoh got what he deserved," he mused to himself, emerald gaze fixated on the carnage. At least their was no plague or boils to be had from crabs, only a spoiled day and potential casualties. There sure were a shit ton of them though, Feliks couldn't help but wonder how a clanmate had managed to vex the insentient sea dwellers that much. If only his powers were working at the moment, damn being in a weakened state, damn it to hell. "Well you guys are on your own here, I'm innocent for once," he huffed, wondering if they would take his apathy seriously. He'd help if he absolutely needed to, but honestly it just seemed better to wait this out. Once the main horde had gone, the stragglers waiting in the home would be easy to pick off. Killing so many crabs here would be a waste of food, who knew how it'd effect the Island's ecosystem? "Either climb and hope to Moses they don't follow you, or run the fuck away," he suggested to those who displayed their own exasperation more liberally.