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ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - Printable Version

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ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - rhosmari - 09-15-2018

Livid would be an understatement about how he felt right now. He was not a happy camper and he was here to figure out why the hell they let this thing come into his group's territory and kill one of his members. He still felt the need to kill it and frankly if it made a move toward any of the ones he had brought with him today he wouldn't hesitate. If it was here. Who knew where the raptor was currently if they didn't keep an eye on the creature. The Helion sighed deeply in a mild amount of frustration as he came forward from the mainland this time since Pierce and Buckingham couldn't cross by water like he could. His eyes of pearls blazed with lingering anger as he settled upon the sands of the Typhoon's beach, eyes resting on nothing in particular. Surely Pincher would hear him out about this rather souring turn of events. He had his plate full already with the mess that the Ascendants had going on and he didn't want another one with the Typhoon. The shark mutant glanced at his own group mates for a short moment before he focused back on what was going on at the current moment. Alright, they could handle this in a civilized manner and something had to be done. Rather it as keep the thing here away from Sunhaven or kill it. He didn't care but he had no wishes for his own to be scared to come out of their own damn homes or roam about their territory for that mattered scared out of their minds that they would be randomly attacked.

[member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - OWEN. - 09-15-2018


Powerful were his utahraptors, raw and pure power filled their legs and tails and jaws. It was enrapturing how they could destroy things in packs, but it was also tragic. They were feral, had no sense of right from wrong, especially when shown fear or aggression. He didn't control them, he could only hope they listened to him based on the amount of respect they had for him.

The german shepherd had caught wind of the now familiar smell of Sunhaven on their borders, and his fur bristled angrily. Were they back to accuse his children again? Swiftly, he made his way over, clicking his tongue.

"Business here, sirs?" Owen asked calmly, an eyebrow cocked.


Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - PINCHER - 09-15-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
It took a lot for someone to convince Pincher to care for anything that was not part of his focus. If you were not on his good side, he wouldn't care. One could die and the demigod wouldn't bat an eye if it was not someone he cared for or had made a deal of protecting and ensuring safety. Meaning his family, crew, and allies. Anyone outside that circle was fresh meat for him and his group to slaughter, no matter what. It was how things were and frankly, Pincher was not going to change that and he would stick to his morals, if he did, he would have a weakass spine for not sticking to what he believed in. He held simple rules to make sure nothing turned to shit but anyone that wasn't under his eye and attention were just as insignificant as specks of dusts in his perspective.

The male was under the water when the Sunhaveners arrived, his muscular form had shapeshifted into his dragon one to swim more effinietly through the powerful currents, his finned limbs churning the water softly before deciding to submerge, his horned skull breaking the crystalline reef's surface as he stepped out onto the shore with his jaws clamped around a large net filled with writhing fish. He was ready to turn towards the tavern's to hang the fish for smoking when his forked tongue poked out to catch the scent of Sunhaven once again. His glowing gaze rolled with slight annoyance, wondering what they wanted now. They weren't allies and Pincher doubted that Monroe was interested in forming a positive relationship between them so the temptation to chase them off was growing. The jet-black dragon simply let the net be hung by a tree by some arriving npcs before stalking towards the outline of figures. He followed in shortly after Owen, noticing the slightly angered appearance of the canine. Oh? Had trouble bubbled up? The lumbering beast craned his neck down to be able to see them fine as the winged leviathan rumbled "What are you doing here with your little buddies, Monroe?" Pincher quirked a fictional eyebrow as the dragon rolled it's tattooed shoulders as he waited for a response.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - rhosmari - 09-15-2018

He was trying to keep his composure, keep himself here under civil pretenses and not make a bleeding wound fester. But how could one forgive murder? It was something that was hard pressed to be done by anyone and he felt the revulsion growing in his gullet. Yet he remained where he sat just waiting for someone to come and greet them. After all he didn't see why further problems had to come from this. They could simple part ways after coming to an agreement. The Helion held no ill will with the Typhoon and they had been on his list of groups to visit about alliances. Frankly, he just wanted this to be over, wanted the issues with the Ascendants to be over. His thoughts drifted until a awfully familiar voice spoke up into his ears and he fixated his gaze upon the canine that had come to aid the murderous beast. It did nothing to quell the leader's anger and he couldn't help the glare that filtered through pearl colored eyes. In fact he didn't even answer him and there was hardly any need when Pincher showed up, in a larger body than he remembered. The shark feline lifted his head up a bit more to eye the tattooed creature. Gaze roaming over the body before he huffed out a breath. Alright. "We have a problem. Ya crewmate over here allowed for one of his beasts tae come on our land and kill one of our members. He ain't apologetic about it neither and claimed that if we didn't want to be eaten we should walk in pairs. But that is our land and I ain't about tae have my group mates scared tae walk freely there. So I'd appreciate if ya could keep ya overgrown lizards on ya own turf."

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - buckingham barnes - 09-16-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Oh, Bucky was quite livid regarding what happened in their territory with the utahraptor. First off, he was pissed that the beast trespassed(whether or not it knows borderlines, it has a nose!) and snacked on their clanmate! Two, Owen made it seemed like they were at fault for what happened, insisting that they need to watch their backs for the future and to try not to 'piss it off'. Complete bullshit, Bucky shouldn't feel worried about patrolling his own territory, and nor should any other Sunhaven members. When the maine coon watched Owen enter the scene, the male had to hold back a scoff at the canine's question. It felt like the canine was acting like he didn't have a single clue on why he, Monroe, and Pierce are here. As if the incident never happened, the male drew his ears back to his skull in suspicion.

Bucky looked over at Pincher for a moment, assuming they're the leader of the Typhoon, considering how they addressed Monroe. Bucky nodded in agreement with Monroe's words, glancing at the shark feline for a moment. Bucky doesn't really know Pincher, he has no idea what the male is like as a leader, or how difficult this might be to convince him to control the raptor. Bucky assumed that Pincher must know the Utahraptor, little does he know there are more than one, lives here, and must be keeping it away from members somehow. If he can keep the raptor controlled in Typhoon territory, then they should be able to keep it from wandering off into other territories and reeking havoc. Bucky also wondered what Owen was going to say in their defense, he'll be pissed if the canine acts like Delta was innocent again.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
She didn't have any regrets, really. Wait, actually, she had one. To not have gone after the tiger. He didn't have enough meat on him, and it was a bit too tough for her tastes. The pale green utahraptor stalked forward, letting out a chitter of greeting to Owen, and as soon as her eyes settled on the Sunhaveners, easily recognizing them as the ones who disrupted her meal, an aggressive purring could be heard as her tail lashed once, before she lifted her head and tail, sharp claws stretching out in a display of dominance.

She wasn't a fan of being contained in one place. It was only natural for the creature after being raised in captivity for so long, and being intelligent enough to know there was more, that was just out of her reach. Being raised to someday be a park attraction, and then to be used as weapons, wasn't something that Delta would've agreed with, had she had a say in the matter. Now? She was free to do what she pleased here, with her pack, and she would put up a fight before being contained again.
© madi

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - rhosmari - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The raptor knew little to nothing about the situation. Having come to the island at a different time to reunite with Alpha and her sister Delta, she was behind in what was and what wasn't. Thickly muscled legs moved forward a low growl leaving the throat of the large reptilian like creature as she came forward. There was no sense of right or wrong when it came to the feral hunter who was made to be a weapon to be used and controlled by others. Since she had been born in captivity, the last one to be born, she had been controlled. Made to learn and to obey. But things had shifted and now she and her sisters were free. They were free to do what they wanted and the younger sister craved and took advantage of that freedom. Large claws dug into the ground, dew claw tapping against the ground in a display of anticipation as she moved forward, sickle like claws on her forearms flexing just slightly. Delta was still and yet Charlie did not feel the reason to stall. The idea of food played in her mind and she angled herself, walking along the side of one of the creatures.

It was one that had a lot of fur, and appendage of silver that glinted in the sunlight. It attracted her attention and she allowed her jaws to part on sudden scream that lifted up into the air. Excitement buzzed off the youngest and despite her wound she was ready to take them. Hunt? Her vocalized babble broke out from throat as she turned to look at Delta and then to Alpha as she tilted her head just slightly. Her thick tail waved in the air and was held up high, gaze narrowing just a bit. The raptor balanced herself, weight on the balls of her large feet as she readied herself to race off after these smaller prey creatures. Her nostrils flared as she waited.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

"I'm not sure we've properly met. Name's Owen, these are my children, Delta and Charlie. Now then, is there a reason why you're here to complain? I've already explained. If you want my girls punished, you're not getting that. They're feral creatures, and you walking up to Delta acting aggressive while she had food- it doesn't matter what it was- and you expect her not to attack?" Owen snapped back, fangs bared towards the maine coon that had arrived. While Monroe wasn't seeing things in a feral animal's aspect, Owen was also being bias against his own children.

Pincher's arrival wasn't dismissed with a rude growl, in fact, Owen actually dipped his head slightly to the dragon. A sign of respect from the german shepherd yet to be seen by many. Then, Delta and Charlie arrived, and Owen chittered out his own greeting to the two. It was obvious that Owen himself was pissed. After all, Monroe had tied Delta down after literally pissing her off. What did he expect her to do- apologize? "Pack hold." Owen babbled to his girls, golden eyes turning back to nod his head in greeting, his own tail lashing angrily behind him. He was pissed, and it was directed towards the group in front of him. Maybe it was to rile up his girls on purpose, to get them to intimidate the Sunhaven members enough so they won't fuck with the Typhoon. Owen saw this as an opportunity to prove himself and the girls to Pincher. He wasn't weak, and neither were his girls. This was their home, too.

"Eyes on me. Move." Came the strict, dominant command from the Alpha himself. If Pincher told him to stand down, he would, but right now, Owen only saw this group as a threat to his own pack. With his command, Owen began to shift his body to the left more, away from Pincher and closer to a more open side, but only a few steps.


Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Delta was not usually like her more brash younger sister, but she had a score to settle with Monroe. She shifted a bit, listening to Owen's orders, and turned to Charlie, letting out a quacking sound, something that strongly suggested orders were being given, tail whipping back and forth in agitation and anger as she looked to Monroe and Buckingham, and after a few moments of not moving, she shot forward, aiming to hit [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member] with her muscular tail, in order to knock him away from her prey, and attempting to dig her claws into [member=1806]MONROE[/member]  with a feral screech.

What had the order to Charlie been? 'Attack.' One word was all her younger sister needed.

She was out for blood, for what these creatures had done to her, and wouldn't be giving up so easily, especially now that she was aware Monroe had these powers, and keeping a close eye on him.

Usually, Delta was one of the raptors who listened to Owen, and less rebellious than the others. Maybe it had been her time away from the pack, or the fact that she had been called off this creature once before, or even because she had lost respect for him, even if it was just a bit, or all three, but she chose to ignore the orders, preferring to attack.
© madi

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - buckingham barnes - 09-16-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Before Owen began to annoyingly explain himself for a second time, not only ddi the same raptor from before show up, a second raptor arrived too. The male's body tensed up as the utahraptors got close, metal claws beginning to dig into the ground. If one of them lunged for him, there'd be little chances of him being able to fight back. While he's a highly trained assassin, or well former, he can't compete compared to huge giant lizards! He looked back over at Owen, eyes gleaming furiously as he listened to the canine snap, Owen baring his fangs specifically at him. If that's suppose to scare him, Owen better do a better job- if there's any need for an attack right now, Owen would be a perfect target. While the canine is slightly bigger, it's better than a dinosaur. "If they're your children, shouldn't you keep them under fucking control-" Bucky began to reply to Owen, but he was cut off. Why? Oh, no big deal, Bucky didn't see Delta's long, muscular tail coming straight towards him.

With a surprised yelp, the maine coon went flying through the air. It was like Delta's tail was the bat, and Bucky was the baseball- there wasn't anyway he wouldn't be thrown off to the side from it. The male landed roughly on the ground a couple feet away, metal claws digging into the ground to stop him from sliding. Well, that hurt like shit- he's definitely going to have some bruises later. But that wasn't a concern on Bucky's mind- the raptors were. His ears pricked up as he heard Delta's feral screech, the former assassin quickly scrambling onto his paws. The utahraptor was heading straight for Monroe, with their claws outstretched. "Get away from him, you piece of shit!" The former assassin yowled with a dangerously low, threatening voice- fury burning in his eyes. Without another word, the maine coon would attempt to lunge forward, attempting to land on [member=2301]- DELTA -[/member]'s back, hoping to dig his metal claws into her rough skin.