Beasts of Beyond
joiner [★] start of time - Printable Version

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joiner [★] start of time - suvi. - 09-15-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Opposed to the roaring winds and rushing waves of the middle of the ocean, the shore was calm.  Safe.  The young dire wolf, still just a little pup, struggled to rise to her paws.  Shattered wooden planks had washed aside her.  The only remains of where she had came from.  Only the trace of a testament to the harsh journey the child had unwillingly partaken.  The ones who had trapped her on that contraption - a boat - were no where to be found.  Lost at sea, perhaps.  Or long gone.  Made no difference now.

Suvi let out a soft whine.  Her ears flicked sharply back against her skull as she wobbled onto the sun-baked sand.  Her twin brothers were far away now, along with the eldest and her sister.  They'd always been there to defend her.  Guide her.  Lead her.  Alone, uncertaintiy flashed in her warm eyes.  Afraid.  Weak.

She takes slow steps forward, then lays in the sand, facing the sea.  Her head on her paws.  Ears pinned.  Waiting.  Maybe her family had followed her somehow.  They wouldn't let anyone take her without a fight.  Without pursuit.  So she just had to wait.  She wasn't hurt.  Just a little lost.  It'd be fine.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: joiner [★] start of time - Grey - 09-15-2018

There are many reasons for creatures to appear along the tracks or shoes of The Typhoon. Sometimes it is intentional, shown by the way they so naively ring the bell and trigger the usual vexation of many crewmates. He's never understood the point of that second bell, the one that triggered the ebony-scaled reptiles to rise and launch at whoever irritated them. It was a test of idiocy but even Bakugou has come to an understanding that many animals in this world simply harboured a shit tonne of dumb luck. Another reason for appearing on the island was to be running. Many cowards found themselves in their rainforest or beach, bleeding or starving - looking like a beast that has dragged itself out of hell. They were the ones who brought Bakugou dilemmas and discomfort. If it were up to him, he would leave them but The Typhoon consists more of simply Bakugou's opinions. They were a collection of many minds and souls, all with a different set of morals and beliefs. Most of their values and attitudes clashed with the reaver so, more often than not, the male finds himself acting out of character for the sake of convenience.

The ragdoll himself had been lost when he joined The Typhoon. He was lost in more ways than one. Lost because he found himself traversing an unknown universe, lost because his mind was always brooding about elsewhere, lost because he had literally lost everything he once stood for. This is how he feels when he sees a small figure laying in the sand, staring pitifully into the ocean. There's a beauty to the loneliness that envelops her image, a beauty that leads to a sense of sentiment and hopelessness. Surely the reaver can relate to this, the sadness that entraps his mind into confines that stung to try and escape from. But the male is unable to focus on others. He's caught up in his own pains and tiresome problems. To be honest, he's gotten used to this constant chaos that imparts itself upon his body. The feeling of his atoms and neurons raging war against each other has become normalised within his mind, but he can't so it doesn't hurt like a bitch.

"Oi, what are you doin' 'ere?" the reaver calls out, approaching the child with little enthusiasm. His walking is stiff and rigid, as if the male were wrapped in bandage after bandage between his limbs. His eyes lay fixated on the girl for a moment, trying to examine her features for any injuries and wondering if the canine's state can leave him any cues as to why she is here. All he senses is an aura of fear. It radiates towards him like a moth toward a lantern, fluttering and clouding his vision. She looks...tired, but Bakugou refuses to give in to the feeling of sympathy.

Re: joiner [★] start of time - raziel - 09-15-2018

Raziel had crashed into the Typhoon. Quite literally.  A situation the faerie blamed one of his younger brothers for. For he would not put it past Seamus to arrange an unfortunate event to bestow upon him.  For such an event - similar in nature - to occur to his children, however, was unexpected.  Unfortunately, that was the situation, if the small figure in the sand was whom he thought she was.  Fur golden in the sunlight.  The unmistakable sight of a dire wolf, unusually small in stature regardless of young age.

He faltered in the sand.  Sea-green eyes wide in recognition and wariness.  He quickly took in the pieces of wood, the child's patient yet fearful demeanor.  Why did she simply lay on the beach?  Was she wait... Oh.  Suvi, the youngest, the smallest, was no doubt waiting for her siblings to appear over that blue horizon.  Her twin brothers.  Lonân.  Conrí.  His eldest children; Art and Lilja.  For a moment, the small feline waited too.  Nothing but the deep ocean and the blue sky.

His brows creased in concern and as he moved, the rusty-spotted cat quietly shifted, allowed his form to morph into something larger.  Dire wolves were massive creatures full grown.  At least, compared to other wolves, but, although Raziel had been born the smallest of felines, he was not uncomfortable with the change.  Besides, he knew Suvi would recognize him better this way.  That was the important part.

"Suvi? A leanbhCad a tharla?" He glanced at Bakugou curiously, but quickly his attention returns to the girl in question.  Gently, he aims to nose her, worried.  He searches for signs of injury or pain, but there seems none.  How on earth did you get here?

Re: joiner [★] start of time - suvi. - 09-16-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
While the pup knew language, or some, she did not speak any.  Her ears perked up sharply, before flicking back down, head snapping to attention.  Unfamiliar face.  Tense gait.  Her eyes dart.  Fight or flight?  She does not want to move.  If she moved, how would she find her way back?  How would her siblings find her?  The feline was not that big, but Suvi was no combatant.  She had no interest in a fight.  Another whine threatens to build in her throat, panic squeezing her chest.

Suvi? Her head turns once more, fully attentive at the sound of her name.  Brothers?  Sister?  No.  It was a voice she had not heard in some time.  The musical Gaelic floating through her ears.  Da.  She's on her feet a second later, practically barreling into the other canine's chest.

Silently, she gazes back towards the ocean, teeth catching her lip.  Her father had gone away some moons ago.  Business.  Promises to visit.  They'd gone on with their lives, patiently.  Was that the next step here?  She had never been separated from her brothers and sister.  Only her father.  Now he was the only family at her side.

She bats a paw in the air, directed towards the wooden planks, frowning.  Her head shook, hoping he accepted her uncertainty in answer.  The ones who had taken her from home had been strangers.  Unknown.  She was not even sure they were Fae.  Then the boat rides... Suvi had been bewildered and too frightened to understand.  No one had harmed her at least, but they had made it clear she was not a simple guest.

No one had ever laid it out for her that Raziel had a target on his back, which in turn, extended to his children.  Warily, she pressed closer to her father's side, glancing in between him and the feline.  She did notice the scents that hung to their pelts were similiar.  Perhaps that meant the stranger was a friend, an ally then.  Even so, the possibility of being seperated from her father kept her rooted to his side, tail nearly tucked in.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: joiner [★] start of time - Kian. - 09-16-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Father was a term well-applied to the rusty spotted cat.  Since the day Keona was born.  Even before then, Kian had always been a fatherly man.  Constantly fretful of those under his care.  Watchful.  Guiding.  He'd had a crew to look after, and before that, a squadron.  Uncle was not.  It was of course, literally applicaple just as father was, but he had not been long associated with it, nor dwelled on it often.  Raziel had always been a faraway figure, and his children even moreso.

Imagine his surprise when one of them showed their face on Typhoon sand.  It had to be one of his Raziel's daughters.  One of the triplets no less, given her young age.  He flicked his tail, surprise raising his brow as he approached, watching his elder brother shift into the shape of a massive wolf.  A fit to their family name.  The girl too, was a wolf.  Perhaps she was not familiar with her father in his birth form.

Kian halted beside Bakugou, deciding to keep his distance.  She seemed a bit shy.  Afraid even.  "Dia dhuit, Suvi," he offered quietly from beside the other feline.  "We're not going to hurt you.  I'm your uncle, Kian and this is Bakugou, a crewmate."  He fixed his eyes on his brother, tail flicking.  Suvi had, it appeared, arrived in a very similiar way to Raziel, if he remembered correctly, and he did not take that as a good sign.  For a second he considered his twin, but he had a hard time believing Seamus would target Suvi of all of Raziel's children.  Perhaps someone else who wanted to challenge Raziel.  Bad choice.  "You're safe here."
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: joiner [★] start of time - raziel - 09-17-2018

Raziel blinked, seeming almost in a daze as the child glued herself to him.  Suvi had always been quiet.  He'd almost forgotten she had never used words before, nor now, it would seem.  He flicked his ear, studying her mannerisms and anxious expressions intently. He made a note to get to the bottom of this soon as possible and to find a way to send a message to the rest of his children.  A warning to stay safe and an explanation Suvi was okay.  Not an ideal situation, but this was the plan that would have to do for now.  Raziel nodded to himself before smiling gently in affirmation to his brother's words.  "That's right."

"I'm here and the crew will protect you." No one is going to take you from me.  He put a paw on her shoulder, his eyes calm and bright.  "How about we get you settled, then we can send a message to your siblings, okay?"

Re: joiner [★] start of time - Character Graveyard. - 09-17-2018

When Kirishima had came across the Typhoon's island, it had been intentional. He had left Snowbound, despite feeling at home there with a few others from the old world. He didn't blame any of them, if they felt angry at him for leaving, or if they happened to feel betrayed. Though, he missed them from time-to-time, he knew that he belonged in the Typhoon. It suited him more and he felt more at home here then he had felt in Snowbound.

Upon seeing a small group of his crewmates gathered in one area, the Striker had decided to approach and he would casually stroll up on the other side of Bakugou, silently glancing at the young dire wolf with a curious expression in his crimson-eyes.

Re: joiner [★] start of time - Luciferr - 09-18-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

Not long after the young striker and his protege, Lucifer's shadow did travel, the beast a living embodiment of it with an idle curiosity for just whom had washed up upon their shores once more - but much like Kiri he was content only to observe the trio, Kian knew them - family then.

idly he wondered if any of his might end up washing up on these shores at one point.