Beasts of Beyond
TAKE PILLS - open; return - Printable Version

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TAKE PILLS - open; return - EROS - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Being left behind was something he had expected. Something that he had understood as his own problem. If he couldn't keep up then there was no reason for him to stay with the group. So he had been left behind to huddle up on his own in the old ruins of a place he had known so well. His body was still broken, scars not even haven formed yet and it was a painful process. One that broke open hidden doors and things he had long since tried to push back and keep away from himself. Now there was a hunger that was burying itself deep in his gut and he felt it. A straining that pulled at the fragility of his mind. It took him days, maybe even a week before he actively forced himself to leave what he knew and to attempt to find where the Pitt members had gone. He remembered Esklav speaking of a newer place, somewhere out in the desert and he moved with shaky paws and blood dripping down his sides. What mattered was that he found them and he found those that were his superiors. He trudged through desert sands, sharpened teeth pressing against his tongue and hushed breath leaving his throat.

Where we they? He was so hungry.... His eyes of pink marble narrowed a bit as he took his time making his way forward only for him to lose track of time. Of what he was doing. Perhaps that was a dangerous sign  for once he had reached the fortress his muzzle held blood upon it. Where the blood had come from he didn't know but his tongue licked at the remnants of what could only have been a meal. Just a meal. Not a creature, just food. His gaze roamed over the place before he made his way inside, uncaring of the looks he received as he was home.

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - COSMIIX - 09-16-2018

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - ; albion - 09-16-2018

oh yeah, benny felt he had forgotten something... well valkyr seemed alive though. a bit bloody but alive! that was pretty good for a once-slave, right? benny glanced toward quill as he approached val first, then followed behind to look over the creature's bloodied form. well he definitely was a fighter to survive.

"there's some cactus plants we split apart earlier today still around the ramparts." the fox stated, gaze turning away from the pair and over his shoulder. hopefully they weren't stingy pricks and drank everything in them, but one could truly only hope out here.

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - EROS - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Heated gaze lifted up toward the sound of a voice, more so the sound of pawsteps first. But soon enough the sound of a familiar tone reached his long ears. There was hardly any focus in his gaze as he looked at Quill, almost as if he couldn't see him and for a moment he just stood there, staring at the other canine. His head slowly tilted to the side and he allowed his tongue to slowly spread across sharp teeth behind closed lips. Thirsty? Yes, he was rather thirsty and the ache had returned to his body. His hunger, his thirst was never a burning sensation at the back of his throat but a pain that increased the more he waited, the more he took his time with getting his next drink. It would drive him to the point of losing his own consciousness if he didn't at least get a bit of blood into his system. A low huff made liquor stained lips part for just a moment and then he moved forward, eyes focused on Quill. He could hear it so clearly, the thumping of a healthy heart and the movement of blood just underneath fur and skin. "I am thirsty... It's nice of you to offer..."

He spoke in such a gentle tone but his focus was broken by another voice. Speaking of cactus. The idea of drinking from that was met with vile disgust that crinkled up the former slaves facial features. He shook his head before he glanced back to Quill. Canine blood was exceptionally sweet and he couldn't pass up the opportunity. If there was no other he would have made due with Benny perhaps. But Quill. Thick paws moved forward still and he was so close to Quill now that it was possible that the other could feel his breathing and smell the blood on his breath. "I don't want any cactus. I want....Quill."

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - COSMIIX - 09-16-2018

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - guts - 09-16-2018

Cosette was hot. Her body was made for higher temperatures, but not this bad. The oasis had offered at least some shade, and now they were mostly out in the open, leaving those who went outside to their own devices. At least they had the old fortress to shield them. Even so, she hated it. She wanted to go back, though it was for multiple reasons. She never said it out-loud, but it was probably obvious in the way she acted.

As she was aimlessly wandering through the aged building, she came across Quill and Benny, her eyes quickly settling on Valkyr. She had been wondering where he went off to. But when she came closer, standing between the males, she noticed the dark liquid staining his muzzle. Her breath caught in her throat then, eyes the size of dinner plates. She shook it off quickly, reassuring herself it was probably just from some prey he had caught--what he would have caught in this wasteland, she wasn't completely sure. It was just wishful thinking on her part.

"Wh-what do you mean?" the female asks hesitantly, frightened by what he might have meant. She's tense as the sha closes in towards Quill, relaxing only when he steps back and urges him to stop messing around. She really hoped it was just some symptom of the heat.

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - TSUYU. - 09-16-2018

The weak were left behind, broken, beaten. She wasn't weak, Tsuyu refused to believe so, and acted on such thoughts. She made every attempt to establish the fact that she wasn't weak, wasn't fragile. She could kill whoever she wanted now, though. She would make the Pitt's name feared even more now, especially now that she was a verified member of the Pitt. No longer a slave, no longer bound by the invisible chain of a domineering presence.

Stryker. Where had that man gone? She hadn't seen him around enough, maybe she should go outside more.

In a habitat like this, where water was few, it was hard for Tsuyu to use her water manipulation. It was hard to keep her paws from cracking, for her webbed paws making up for the lack of water by self-lubricating themselves. It took a toll on her body, but she managed to work through it with the spare amount of water the cactuses gave her.

Her relationship with Valkyr was one built on mutual dislike, and hatred on her end. She didn't like the sha creature, and when she walked over, she made it obvious by the quick, soon fading look of disgust in her eyes. The weak died, the weak always died. Why wasn't this fool dead yet, with the wounds he had?

"If the cactus' aren't enough, I can get some water from the Typhoon or Tanglewood. Just give me the word." Tsuyu croaked out, hopping over to stand beside Cosette. Tsu dipped her head to Benny as he turned, a sign of greeting and- maybe- respect. She had only shown respect to the Boss, Stryker, and Shigaraki. After all, she was apart of Shigaraki's group. He was her superior in that way.


Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - EROS - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Stop joking around? He wasn't joking and his gaze was steadfast, holding the smallest measure of confusion in it. He had said what he meant and when Quill stepped back from him a muted groan parted his lips. With him went the sound of his beautiful heartbeat and the rush of his blood pumping through his veins. Oh why couldn't he have it now? He could make him give it to him. The thought passed quickly through his mind and he felt appalled by it and the simple fact that he would even think to use his mental powers on a friend made him sick to his stomach. He forced himself to sit down, tail thumping against the baked ground as he took in a deep breath. But that was a bad idea, everything smelled sweet, like candy and he had to hold his breath for just a moment. It was getting bad and he lowered his gaze down to his paws. Cosette came up next and asked him what he meant. Was it not obvious? Did he want to be seen as a monster? A part of his mind didn't care whom knew of his situation but another was terrified. He couldn't tell them of his actual relapse for blood, his want to cannibalize other canines. Licking his muzzle he attempted to clean the blood off and his eyes widened a bit, pupils turning into slits. "I'm fine. I don't need to be checked out. It's okay."

He tilted his head a bit for a moment and then Tsuyu appeared. He allowed his muzzle to curl in disdain, no longer hiding his dislike of the frog. They were on the same terms anyway and he flicked his eyes to her. "I don't want anything from you. You'd taste vile anyway." He was sure of it as he rose to his paws and focused more on Quill. He'd feed him personally. The idea was like music to his ears and he glanced to Cosette for a moment, eyes of pink marble still holding vertical pupils as he sighed lightly. "I'm just hungry, that's all." It wasn't the exact clearest answer and he moved forward toward Quill, attempting to press his muzzle almost endearingly against the throat of the other canine, just to get a smell.

Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - TSUYU. - 09-16-2018

Tsuyu snorted at the male's tone towards her, and she merely settled down to watch with an amused look in her eyes. She was a mutation, her blood was poisonous, it wasn't a good idea to feed from her anyways. Well, she could always lie and say it wasn't, but if he was a vampire, he'd be able to tell, probably.

"Get a room, you two. Ribbit." Tsuyu croaked, rolling her neck idly. She didn't care if Valkyr got a lover or a food source. He could go die for all she cared, in all honesty. Equal terms. Bullshit. She refused to believe they were on equal terms, and she'd make it a point to rob him of everything he's cared for and will care for.

It was a mental promise she made to herself. She would ruin this male utterly, completely.

"He's just being a thirsty idiot, Cosette. Don't mind him." Tsuyu tried to calm the girl who seemed to be a bit nervous by the sight in front of her.


Re: TAKE PILLS - open; return - EscapedReality - 09-16-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
Perhaps this was not a place for Essie, the young wolf walked over interested in the situation, picking up bits and pieces and picking up on the again hostile situation between Tsuyu and Valkyr. Something dark and buried in hatred ran between the both of them, and Essie wasn't that much of a idiot to put two and two together, so he sat tilting his head listening and watching.

If they want his input, they can clearly drag him into the converstation.  He was not taking any sides, just here for reasons.  Er that would clearly change, just given the body language that he was clearly studying from Valkyr.  At least from what he could see from the vampiric sha creature, that he was holdling himself from doing something uncalled for. Something that might end in a situation that he might not be able to get himself out of.

"hmm. I don't think thirsty idiot would define the situation." he softly murmured