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i'll never be your chosen one . ament's bio . wip - Printable Version

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i'll never be your chosen one . ament's bio . wip - AMUNET - 09-15-2018

rage settles deep in your bones and rattles war cries every time you move . you are a god in mortal skin . a blessing unto this earth by the realms above , where the ancestors walk and you dare not think . but they made a mistake . . .

these mortals think you savage .

these gods gave you a mind , missing all the right parts to fully grasp it .

you're left gasping between unsteady claws .

until that patience wears thin ,  until rage is all you have left. 

the thing is-

nothing washes away entirely. Old wounds scar the body; the mind. You are lost looking at plucked feathers and shaking talons.

the thing is -

somedays, the blood does not bother you, and you can hunt without flinching - without waiting for the voice's croon of aprroval, can ignore the static rising with your anger until it consmes you.


There are times it matters, times it is all you know-

so you shake, and you cry, and you drown yourself in the static - because sometimes, the hurt you know, is better than trying to pretend you're better than before.

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 09-17-2018

Name: Ament Venadi
nickname: moonface

Physical age: 15 moons (months)
Creation date: july 30, 2018
Ageing scheme: one moon every real life month (16th)

Sex: male
Gender: Male

Son to-
- NPC x NPC // Part of the vanadi pack
- Adopted by luciferus Grimm
- First generation
Pack mate to-
- Exodus - Virgo - Deval - Adara
- has adopted [member=6881]aurum.[/member] of the tanglewood
- Lived in the Typhoon

- Ament will remain feral and hold no supernatural powers
- can read and interpret body language and will act accordingly
- has no understanding of common tongue
- Tolerant of strangers / non-pack
- [i]follows no orders beside those given to him by his sisters or mother. unless under a thrall

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 11-11-2018


+ | adaptable ; introspective ; protective ; loyal
0 | mute ; passive ; inquisitive ; tolerant ; cautious
- | reckless ; fickle ; violent ; possessive ; relentless

tv tropes | anti-hero ; blood knight ; Holy is not safe ; knight templar ; anti-christ ; rage Breaking point ; not evil, just misunderstood ; aloof ally ; hazy feel turn ; chaotic evil ; wild card ; it amused me ; Once was [a pack-mate] ; Not Even [sentient] ;

Ament is not kind, there is no place between his dna and his sense of loyalty for mercy. He is curious, relentless so. He would like to understand what dna has not given him. To the point of instigating their company around himself. He is however, angry more often than not, frustrated easily and almost without reason to most. His curiosity for other, more intelligent creatures in clans can quickly run dry when he feels the distinction between interesting to prey or threat.

Since his escape from the pitt, and under Ninazu's thrall. Ament has become a lot more cautious. Since his detachment with his pack, a lot more relentless and wrathful. close proximity to him as a stranger is a very terminal decision, and usually keeps his distance even in the presence of others; including most of his pack. Certain behaviors ament displays are a result of his trauma; the lack of preening, the excessive hunting, and the heightened aggression towards strangers not of a clan. 

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 11-11-2018

700lb feathered utahraptor // Health ; 100
Ament is a feathered raptor, with heavy plumage along his softer underbelly and at the top of his head; forming a crest that raises and lowers depending on his mood. His smaller arms are hidden behind small flightless wings, hiding the dark black talons that curve and hook into any prey. He has the unique ability to stand on all four of his limbs without major discomfort, but prefers to obviously walk on his hind feet institutionally. 

soft, russet feathers give way to the underlining muscle of an apex predator. Ament's plummage is a brilliant brown, with white spots woven on his upper back and along his soot-colored face, highlighting the vivid shades of blue in his eyes. he has black spotting along the bends of his knees and along his tail in stripes.

3 feet long, he is the adept height of a lion, or a few inches taller. He hunts based on size, and together with his pack he can take down most animals in the clans, alone he can take down anything his size or smaller with little difficultly. Ament's plumage is a vibrant brown, with pale cream undertones. His pattern is distinct through the pure white flecks along his back and across his face; offset of the deep black that encases his skull.

image reference:

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 11-11-2018

agressive behavior
biting; will do so for several reasons, though ament mostly will do it less aggressively and more to see your reaction.
tail fanning; fanning tail feathers or fluffing up body feathers is a clear sign of aggression by showing a raptor's strength and vitality.
ruffling feathers; can also be seen as a way to relieve tension, a clear sign of "letting go" of their aggression or dropping it- very unlikely unless commanded to do so.
growling; Clear sign of aggression, sounds similar to another animal growl.
Crest; lays down flat
tapping feet; challenging demeanor, also tapping larger dew claws. Shows strength.
bobbing; bobbing his head or standing higher on his haunches- seeming taller- is another challenging gesture. Showing off his vulnerable neck and belly in an attempt to provoke the enemy into lunging.
huffing; rarely done in any real aggression, is a beginning/ warning that he doesn't want to be bothered or messed with. More of a show of attitude than anything

Happy / content behavior
crest; is very obviously there, not standing straight up but slightly downwards.
Purring; low and rumble like can be a sign of content, sounds more like a motor and less like individual clicks.
chattering; low chattering is like a sleepy mumble. Shows he is content and also a way he explains not getting up in his own way. will make this sound when looking at something that interests him.
tail wagging; Shows excitement, ready to move, ready to play. about to bound forward or explode into movement. Eager.
preening; only done around people perceived as the pack, a clear sign of trust when he preens near you. Feel honored.
nipping, chichi'ing; Lightly biting, gnawing, or playfully nibbling someone else is an act of trying to preen someone else. Done whether you have fur or feathers, and whether you like it or not.

attention grabbing behavior
clicking jaw / snapping teeth Greeting or acknowledgement. Can also be used as a warning when done in succession of defending a kill or land.
chattering loud chattering can be an attempt to grab someone's attention.
hopping; lightly jumping in the air

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 11-11-2018


exxus ; glass animals / natural ; imagine dragons / lions roar ; the hush sound / the drawl ; of the night ; Bastille  / me and mine ; the brother's blight / in fact ; gregory and the hawk / putting the dog to sleep ; the antlers / Bernadette ; imax / Hungover In The City Of Dust ; Autoheart / Out of Control ; Tim McMorris / have a seat misery ; Shayfer James

Re: CATCH A TIGER BY IT'S TOE - Ament's Storage - AMUNET - 11-11-2018

7.30.18 ; eggs discovered
8.2.18 ; attempted attack on eggs
8.4.18 ; eggs hatch ,  named by bakugo
9.14.18 ; travel to rosebloods
10.23.18 ; return to the typhoon
12.27.18 ; captured and enslaved into the pitt
3.15.19 ; found alive, prowling along the border of Tanglewood
3.17.19 ; takes refuge within tanglewood
6. 6. 19 ; leaves the tanglewood ,  wonders the clans for home or sight of pack
7. 23. 19 ; found around the borders of the elypsm
8. 8. 19 ; returns to tanglewood, without his pack
8. 31. 19 ; befriends aurum
10. 8. 19 ; visits the typhoon
11. 2. 19 ; leaves the typhoon, makes passage into loner lands to look for for pack

Re: i'll never be your chosen one . ament's bio . wip - AMUNET - 08-20-2019

Nicknames ;; nicknames are something earned through association from ament and a lot of heavy interaction, since ament does not much understand language commonly spoken and is less inclined to verbalism than ever before he will probably never call them by these; this does not necessarily mean that there has to be a good interaction . though it is very rare that ament will given anyone a specific title he dubs them .
[member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] : void mother ; cold, void pitch : Lucifer grimm is the adopted mother of the venadi and holds the title of the void mother due to his cold but always loving and gentle care
[member=1684]VIRGO[/member]: Starbound ; the alpha , the leader : Amnt holds his sister in in the highest reguard , as a natural born leader, virgo is his alpha and his sister - his guiding star
[member=1649]EXODUS ⚔[/member]: Marrowtone ; the beta , the backbone : The backbone of the group, despite virgo's leadership exo plays an important part as the second in charge of the group and above him. Bones are the only things that remain of a body after they are done with it,  and exodus is strong willed and resolute, but ultimately she supports the pack and wants nothing but for it to succeed
[member=6881]aurum.[/member] : aurum ; golden, the warm sun: ament holds aurum as he holds his comfort, savagly, protectivly. they hold his rapid heart in a way that ament knew nothing of : a kidness after such tourtourus life, without his pack, without the voice. aurum was there for him, and maybe he didn't understand, maybe he was not needed, but ament grasped hold of the other, followed the other, as he did his sisters. aurum is the first to join ament's pack since his sisters. the only to hold position in ament's life beyond them and his mother.

more later