Beasts of Beyond
HEY THERE DELILAH | open, wt // decorating camp !! - Printable Version

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HEY THERE DELILAH | open, wt // decorating camp !! - PIERCE - 04-08-2018

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Ivy had asked Pierce to make some decorations for camp, so that was exactly what he was doing. It was April- spring, then, right? So they should try to brighten things up a bit, maybe literally, since this place was kind of dark. Since this was pretty much his only job right now, he was taking it quite seriously, having set up a table in the middle of the camp that was covered in paper lanterns and paints. It wasn't a very vast array of decorations, but the caves would look really nice when they were finished with it. After organizing everything a bit, the tom called, [color=#F5CA72]"Uh, hey guys! My weekly task was to decorate this place, and since it's a little, um, dark and... lacking color - it's still nice, though! -, I figured we might as well do something really nice for it. So I have these, ah, little blank paper lanterns, and I thought we could paint our own little things on them and hang them around the cave. Then things would be a little brighter, and it'd add a lot of color to the camp."" Would anyone even be interested? He hoped so - just standing here and talking to nothing would be kind of embarrassing.


Re: HEY THERE DELILAH | open, wt // decorating camp !! - london r. - 04-08-2018

Decorating was something London rather enjoyed. She had always loved messing with streamers and confetti back at the gas station, making sure that her family celebrated every holiday on the calendar, even if they hadn't always known what the holiday was about. Perhaps it had been a little repetitive, but it was their own unique little tradition. Even when her brothers had gotten sick, they'd still celebrate together, although things weren't quite as lively. Eventually, it was just London and her mother. Then, it was just the young clouded leopard, all by herself. She had tried her best to keep the tradition going, but eventually even she was unable to keep a smile upon her face when everything hurt.

But this would be nothing like that. This wasn't one of her silly traditions, this was the clan decorating for the purpose of making things look more pleasant. And seeing as she had previous experience with this sort of thing, London supposed it couldn't hurt to go and help. "That's a lovely idea, I'd love to help!" the British sounding voice of the soft spoken girl would chime, a soft smile upon her features. She did her best not to think of how much her family would have liked this, knowing that it would only get her down. Instead, she tried to figure out what she would draw on her lantern. Maybe she could put something astronomy related on there, like her favorite constellation or something, but for that she would have to figure out what her favorite one was. 

Re: HEY THERE DELILAH | open, wt // decorating camp !! - Leigh - 04-08-2018

Decorating with lanterns sounded like a wonderful idea! It was true they needed some more light, and Pierce's idea was spot on in his opinion. And as bad at arts and crafts as he was, it was still fun to mess around with paints and glitters and stuff. "Nah nah this place looks like a snooze fest for sure. Can I decorate one too?" Leigh asked as he trotted over and offered warm looks towards Pierce and London. It was an exciting picture; tons of custom lanterns hanging around camp. He could only wait patiently and hope more people came to join in.


Re: HEY THERE DELILAH | open, wt // decorating camp !! - cry - 04-08-2018

Cry tilted her head. Black paper? Why black paper? Wouldn't ink and color show up easier on white paper? ... was that how color worked?? She spent a large majority of her life blind from the idea of color (heh...). So she honestly had no idea. Hey. Maybe she was, and probably is, the crazy one. What does she know? Nothing! Hah! She knows nothing! She's just a lost, trapped little birdy with no key out of this god forsaken cage!!

She blinked... maybe she needed to calm down.

Syn would be so disappointed in her. She took a deep breath. Do it for him. For his memory. She exhaled. She slowly walked forward, snatching one of the blank lanterns for herself. She said nothing as she took a crayon into her beak and took a seat away from everyone else.

You want her to decorate a paper lanturn?? Fine. She'll play your game. And it will be the best damn lantern here
