Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; font-family: work sans; font-size: 8pt; color: black; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 3px; line-height: 1.5;"]—-  & God, this place was h u g e . It wasn't as ( massive ) as the space center, but it was still an impressive array of buildings and domes — all dedicated to studying the solar system and what laid beyond. Though humans no longer inhabited it, these ferals sure made good use of it. He was surprised at how much they were interested in learning about the stars. Bones could certainly appreciate that, and it made him feel grateful that he hadn't just stumbled upon a group of bloodthirsty savages. They were educated and organized; something that Bones could get behind.

The German Shepherd had taken to exploring the observatory for himself, considering he had never been inside one. He supposed that this would be one of the rare times in his life where he, an animal, would actually be allowed into an establishment built for humans. Humans thought that dogs like him were unintelligible, and incapable of comprehending such a concept — planets and stars and galaxies. In actuality, he hadn't paid much mind to it until he had been inrolled in the exploration program months ago. Their motto? "To boldly go where no one has gone before." He had been among the planets, gazing upon them in their massive glory. It hadn't lasted, however. All good things came to an end.

He dipped into what was called "the picture room", which was essentially a row of window panes peering into an open space. Bones blinked and walked the hall slowly, his eyes capturing the light flitting down into the structure. He swiveled his cranium to his right, in which there were several paintings and drawings hanging upon the wall. Some were of planets, some of comets. There were even pictures, in which Bones approached it and peered at them closely. There it was: the moon. Of course, a mere framed image could not capture the ( immense ) beauty and magnificance of the real thing.

Bones continued to stand there, his gaze roaming the wall of pictures, finding that—somewhere [sub]deep[/sub] down—something in his heart was missing. . . l o n g i n g.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - cyantist - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]It's so strange, this place. Caithe is a lurker at heart, she likes to watch and wait for something to come to her. That being said, once she has something so to speak, she has no issues with talking. But she watches for a couple of moments as this stranger observes a room that she also considers strange - she has no idea why they have pictures. Why there's the glass where people can look out, but they're not out there in the wild. She likes being out there.

She likes being with the Fae, but her patron tells her that she must be among her kind too. She needs to learn, adapt, become someone who can carry out her patron's wishes without issue. Apparently, she will never learn that if she stays with her patron.

"Do you like the pictures?" It seems like the most logical conclusion to her, seen as the strange canine is staring at them. He's a fully grown german shepherd, but she's already at least as big as him, and she has a lot of growing left to do. "Have you never seen the moon before?" That seems like another good place to go, because otherwise, why would he be looking at a picture of it? It seemed strange that he would never have seen the moon before, but the Fae live in a world where it can only be night or only be day. She knows the Court of Summer, where winter never comes.

He doesn't seem like a Fae though.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - MOONMADE - 09-15-2018

[size=9pt]It was true; the picture couldn't capture the immense beauty and magnificence of the real thing. So in walked the real thing.

Moon didn't spend much time in here. For whatever reason that was. He didn't know. Maybe he'd spent too much of his life outdoors, and now he was ruined for the alternative, hooked on the breeze against his fur and the scent of undergrowth in the air. But it wasn't that poetic. He just hadn't... had the time of day. Until now.

"Nah," says the general, slipping in quietly. His voice was low, aware of the atmosphere that seeped from the room and, for once, not eager to disturb it. He was tired. "Don't think we've met before." The lion slips up beside the german shepherd, who he hasn't interacted with but has heard word on the grapevine about. The grapevine meaning Har. Golden eyes are glassy when they lay on the canine, but there's nothing a sleepless night can do to disrupt Moon's typical bullshit. He's immune, at this point. "Bones, right? Moon." He greets, and then turns to the picture. "Named that big rock after me. Asked for the planet with the ring around it 'cause I love Beyonce. If you like it then you should have put a ring on it. But some guy called dibs. Joe Peter."

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - ★ HAZEL - 09-16-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
“Don’t listen to Moon, he needs his brain checked.”

Hazel’s soft voice murmured from below, easing her way into the room not long after Moon did. Eyes of gold heavy, the cocoa feline tried not to let her discomfort at the obvious size difference between her and the present party show. She could feel the earth pushing at the concrete floor, begging to break its confines — a cluster of gemstones undoubtedly waiting for her to emotions to spike and snap. Hazel willed it quiet, trying to separate her inner turmoil from the conversation above her head.

She recognized the German Shepherd from the border just the other day; he wasn’t particularly lenient or friendly towards children, as she found. He wasn’t hostile, just...preoccupied. He was alright, but if she caught him brushing off Harland again, she was going to address it. Luckily, at the moment, she found him agreeable.

The other girl there was a complete stranger to her; Hazel had no outward memory of seeing her in her life. Not that it came as a surprise — Hazel was in her room more often than not, and while her recent activity had increased, she was still absent from most social ongoings within the clan. Perhaps she had just missed this girl’s joining.

Craning her neck to look up at the picture that had captivated everyone, she tilted her head. “Isn’t the planet with the rings Saturn?” She directed her question at Moon, frowning with good nature. Moon’s moronic comments usually brought her some amount of amusement, and currently, they were the reason she automatically joined the group.


Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - BASTILLEPAW - 09-16-2018

"Hm. You know, I think Saturn might have been more fitting for Moon," he drawled idly as he was suddenly just there, evidently not too disturbed about abusing his teleportation when lazy enough to resort to it over walking. In truth, he was just fidgety with Hazel too far away, more and more struck with the festering conviction that he was on the verge of losing her. He couldn't place why or where the near obsessive worry had come from, but each day that passed without Margy or Suite he felt the tiny little teeth of worry dig deeper into his skin. So maybe he only teleported because he absolutely could not stand the additional minutes it would take him to join them otherwise; maybe that shuddering fear was prowling just a little too close to the surface that morning. Whatever.

"He certainly strikes me as the sort to try to eat his own children," he concluded, with a sluggishly amused smile, "Gotta keep Har away from him, maybe." The vaguely obscure reference didn't seem to bother him as being a bit nonsensical and not too funny; Bast simply entertained himself with harassing Moon, no matter how much of a reach was made. His attention flickered to the other two, however, and he noted that they were newcomers that he only vaguely recognized. Huh. Maybe he should step his socialization attempts. "I'm Bast, by the way."

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ ten years gone ﹙ open ﹚ - Grimm - 09-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Speak of the devil and upon your heels he will nip, laughter a bubble within his throat, caught for only seconds before those chilled hands find your throat.

There is nothing so sinister about the next to approach, though the tiny frame is given a covering of fur holding no colour beyond the pitch of darkness, broken by the thin white line about the scar decorating the space above the collarbones. He is a quiet child, one prone to not allowing his voice to raise without prompt, and yet it does now. Through lips pressed into a line a hum rises, legs straightened as he takes each step, a little solider on his way down the line. Indeed he was a bit of a chatterbox when the mood struck, Moon one of the few prone to taking the brunt of such, quiet moments when sleep was slow to take the child, muttering of the days proceedings.

“Bones!” Quiet squeak broke through the stream of his tune, smile easy as it curled about dark lips. Though the bright sheen of golden eyes touched upon each present, all but one amongst their number met within prior moments, it was the canine in question he lingered upon. Though he had seemed brutish, brushing Har aside when it was deemed he was little more than a child, he found some like for the other, if only for the fact he had grown curious as to where Bones had come from.

Skidding some the child reached out, an attempt to hook his forelegs about one of Bones' own, tilting his head back to offer a wide grin towards him. “Hello! Ho...How are.. you?” Disjointed and broken, rasping voice crackling as he struggled to give voice to each separate word, he made an attempt to form his question in a way hopefully pleasing to the German Shepard.