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YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - Printable Version

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YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - EXODUS-- - 09-15-2018

≡ -- unrest and dissent burbled beneath their feathered skin. there were impulses that couldn't be quenched.

the island of typhoon had been their territory perceived territory, for their short lives. anything within their eyesight was bound to be seen as something to conquer. everything. all of it, was for their gain. at least within exodus’s gaze, who ran high on primitive pride and a half baked sense of entitlement for her and her pack of three.

their home had grown small. too underwhelming for these growing children of ichor and instinct, who’s DNA had been coded with the need to expand and dominate which cloyed and overwhelmed their fine tune senses. being a perfect predator meant scoping out the competition and expanding their innate knowledge of the lands; knowing what awaited them; and being wholly prepared for it, ready to meet the challenge head on in a rush of adrenaline and pure guts.

they brought only their jaws and teeth. they were at the age of capability to provide for themselves as necessary, yet they were still a far cry from the unerring killing machines nature had designed them to be. they came; spoilt rotten, yet for the first time without the protection of lucifer, the void and their mother. to be away from the guarding wings of the great dragon god of the void would be a test of hardiness, strength and undying will in order to prove themselves as worthy to walk the earth with power.

it did not take them long to find the railroad leading away from typhoon; hard metal dug into the pads of their feet, trailing over wet, splintered wood and small enough to travel abreast over the road to the unknown where great things were sure to await them.


the children arrived at the metaphorical gates of roseblood’s territory. the clan was the closest to typhoon in relation to area, and the walk had been lengthy and something of a test upon their endurance. it was nothing they could not handle however; exodus’s legs still ached pleasantly from the journey, and a sharp maw tilted back to inhale the air and the fresh scents with this new world offered to them. a world traversed by gods and beings far stronger than they, and marked by a pleasantly new smell. there was a jungle nearby; not unlike typhoon’s own. fresh and abundant, brimful of plump, new prey they have yet to grace with budding teeth savor the sweet blood of. her body shivered; a mere tremor of vibrating mass. a raw moment of unbridled, untempered excitement at the glory to await them. feathers snapped open, puffed and her ribcage expanding with each greedy inhale of air. waiting with anticipation for the order of the alpha, their glorious one.

exodus felt ready to conquer the world.

// [member=1827]AMENT .[/member] [member=1684]VIRGO[/member] the raptors have just arrived onto roseblood’s new territory. (please feel free to correct me on any mistakes in rb’s territory in the future) they have just traveled from the typhoon to here, and will be staying for a couple of days as they explore. their stay will not be permanent Smile please wait until at least one of the other respond

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - Luciferr - 09-15-2018


Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - AMUNET - 09-15-2018

Already in their own home competition strikes, another group of larger chattering preditor's has moved in- enough to stir a need for competition- enough to interest his sister's- or so he thought. But it was only ament's interest that they seemed to catch- and hearing Exodius' own loud call for her siblings had him running- only to find her already stalking ahead into the tracks- leaving Ament to either follow or let her go out alone. He followed- takeing the opertunity as it were to see if there were more than just the sands and the jungle of the typhoon. Even amung comfort's- ament is quick to streatch the boundary of their claimed lands.

The group like patchwork move and the faithful brother follows closely behind his sister's. Aggressive and dominate they both are- ament is preoccupied with the journey- with the surroundings. Content with the pack, his own volatile nature is dormant around them: together he feels no need to strive for leading. Even without Luciferus's gentle presence, he is comforted by his sister's. Already he can tell this place is different- the trees are so much different and there is little foliage compared the density of the jungle. It is dryer here- colder too. Ament stretches his neck out to try and glean a movement from the tree's, dark eye's alert in attempting to catch another prey or predator skirt by.

Ament does not look towards his siblings for guidance, like this, they are all alike. Instincts turning different ways as they all react differently. He remains quiet and vigilant when the group stills inside the border. He will wait for Virgo's lead and follow it faithfully, but he dare not explore without them for the barest moments. The forest is dark and his sister's feathers are both bright and attention gathering where his are dark natural browns that blend better into this setting. He may not lead them all but he is fiercely protective of them both as they are of him. He will not leave them here.
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - sephiroth - 09-16-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The fresh smells of the new territory was foreign to Sephiroth, but refreshing.  The air was cleaner and easier to breathe, and light was easier to find.  The brief time he spent in the Typhoon during a party was quite the breather compared to the former gloomy territory of his home.  It would be worth exploring the new land to figure out where thigs would go and what would be where for the clan, and it was one of those small exploration trips that led the silvery lion to where he was.

The lion would taste the air and pick up the scent of the Typhoon that had just crossed his mind, and his pale paws carried him towards the familiar smell.  His path brought him to the dinosaur pack, an invisible brow raised up as he caught sight of the creatures.  Beasts like these weren’t surprising anymore, but more than one in the same place was new.  Pack creatures, he assumed they were.

”You’re here from the Typhoon?”  Sephiroth would inquire as he approached the small group from the thicker foliage of the new Rosebloods territory, his sharp eyes settled on the pack.  He stood tall, his wounds starting to heal from the fire that consumed their previous land and giving off quite the presence with all his sharp silver glory.  The lion’s chin would lift and he looked down at the utahraptors, his whiskers quietly twitching.  ”Do you have business here?”  He hadn’t encountered these Typhooners before now, so the questions were legitimate in his head.

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - VIRGO - 09-17-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]A queen she is when she so gloriously strides from behind her siblings, using her brethren as personal body guards. She cares not particularly for the road they take, paying attention only to herself. The sensation of breathing gives her comfort. The way her chest rises and falls with her expanding rib cage, collapsing when air wheezes out through her agape maw and flared nostrils. At seven months, the feral girl has a beautiful face. Her clean, alabaster feathers dress her skin, like the robes fit for a king. They are accentuated with touches of gold, glistening in the sunlight. She shakes her royal plumage, refusing to allow herself to be dirtied by the landscape they so daringly explore. As far as she is concerned, the venandi will be a force to be reckoned with. Fearless, fearless because they know no pain. They are undefeated in the hunt, ungrateful to the secret manipulations of other members who keep them safe. She doesn't know of the protection bestowed upon their very birth, the deep love mother held for them. One thing Virgo knows for sure was that she was a queen, destined to hold the universe between her very claws - eyes filled with wonder, flickering earthly tones that know only minerals, gems and treasure.

She smells a stranger, crest rising in anticipation of whoever this threat may be. By the smell of it, a soft-flesh. For a while now the barbaric girl has noticed the approaching scent line, marked by those she knows not of. The Typhoon has always had such a familiar salted smell and her feet are sore from the walk, sore because she is used to flicking her toes between sand and kicking a cloud of grains behind her. 'Halt', she chitters in an ancient unknowable tongue, clicking words whilst careful eyes scan the area, narrowed and ready to attack. Her claw taps the ground, reverberating gently along the ground. A voice. She turns immediately towards the large feline, tail fanning in aggression to the male. She does not understand the gibberish the other speaks. It must be the same language as those island-dwelling creatures, the one mother understood and sometimes translated. Her mind is flying through calculations, weighing the possibilities of fighting this male. They have never fought a creature of that size but she is sure that with their size, by now, that they will be able to take him. But just because she can fancy herself over what they can do doesn't mean she should do it. She understands that part at least.

'Ignore him,' Virgo decides at last. He is not worth the kill. She does not have the taste for unnecessary murders just yet, all she cares about is the hunt and the lion will produce wasted meat. Although, with their size by now, they should be able to take down large prey, she is uninterested in testing this method against a soft-flesh who bears claws. Her eyes, still darting to examine the figure, finally retract and pull away. She's seen his canines, noticed the inborn weapons he bears. It will be a waste of their time, the utahraptor convinces herself rather egotistically. Virgo fixes her posture and continues to walk through Roseblood territory in a high-and-mighty air. It should be clear by now that she is the alpha, their beloved and respected alpha of their little pack. 'Scout for food. I hunger for a nice meal.' Leave it to Virgo to show the ultimate rudeness to a poor male doing his job. Although it is in their nature, unable to understand the language of modernised creatures and feral in nature, Virgo's attitude is particularly unkind. She shows no affection to strangers, unable to decipher what is right and wrong due to her lack of an inbred conscience. The reptile simply holds no morals.

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - Luciferr - 09-17-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
shadow and flame follows out behind Sephiroth - a posture familiar to the little ones before them but alien in its own way, claws to big, to thick yet dextrous and a head shape bearing traces of another lineage with teeth far more inclined to break bones owing to a diverging ancestral species lineage hybridised into a new singular species strain - indoraptor - parts taken fro two top predators f their own ranking leagues smashed and refined into one beast of frightening strength and speed.

9 feet of scales painted the colours of a dark fire catch the light in their new territory, the sands outside the canyon and copsed tree forest a harsher gaze on most - but he found himself suited fine.

oddly it's like looking at smaller feathered visions of himself - but they lack his darker scales or his lurid orange.

Talyn's molten eyes glance between the three - he wonders if he knew them from forgotten past lives but no they'd be too young, but memory twitches at their language, it sounds familiar - parts like a muscle memory, enough that he knows it to be language not just growling and chirping or simple movement.

he shifts on his claws, thick sickle claws tapping on his feet as war looks between the small ones then to sephiroth "I don't think they understand you" is his observation - though they seem to know its language themselves, had the typhoonians showed them that much?

he rumbles in his chest, distorted in a way - he is not a true raptor after all - but he postures stiffly all the same as an accompaniment "why are you here?" in rougher terms but an honest query from the shadow fire scaled beast that always carries the faint scent of burnt cinders and ash - he knows the typhoon are allies, thus he is less suspicious considering the aid given also.

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - AMUNET - 09-17-2018

hidden scroll! //
Cocky little beasts, a doteing mother made for a wicked additude, and already ament can see it. He is not fooled to think he is different, pampered results in entitlement. His own insticts are already high strung, the insistent explore - explore explore. He has followed his sister's here, has done good by them and already he feels the need to stretch his own legs. Wraith straining under fragile rattleing frame, tail feathers fann out, and a low purr clicks in the back of his throat. Bright blue eyes intensely eyeing the preditor down. Virgo is right in the regard, other preditors make small meals, but nothing amounts to the satisfaction. The bubbling excitement of warm blood and the rush of getting hurt in turn. The chance to hurt and be equally hurt, kill and just as easily be killed in turn.

But virgo says no, and like an instant- the aggression fades. The thrill of hunting something bigger than himself with his sisters fades easily when his alpha - one of his siblings decides against it. It is not worth the risk anyway, obvious that the other is a curiosity instead of prey-. One of the smarter ones that does not bow to fear when the trio treds near. To him predator and prey- blur together . to him, there is little difference. Only time. Time to get bigger- with a parent like luciferus, the void mother has a shadow bigger enough for all of them. They do not have scales, and their plumage is not pitch as he- but they have time. The utharaptors will earn their wings, just as they will earn everything else this world has to offer. Sickle claws tap- tap- tap- tap- in rapid succession, a little thrill in his tone as he- shifts his focus, as the forest surrenders another predator for them to see.

And by the void is it large. This- this is the trancedance that he spoke of. The metamorphosis. Dark pitch and fire brimmed eyes stare down at impossibly smaller duplicates. And ament stills in respect. Another one like them, but he speaks like mother to the curiosities and translates the lion's words with ease. But his mother is off, his crest is gone and ament first question to the other is not a responce but another, instant- frayed like the little sense that his savage body can contain.

ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.

Re: YOU KNOW WE'RE TRAVELING // visitors - EXODUS-- - 09-17-2018

≡ -- exodus stalked after the queen wreathed in ivory. where her movements were brisk, the alpha’s movements were regal. each step sure as she knew where she wanted to go and how she should get there. crowned in glory and destined to lead them, exodus kept her eyes trained and hugged onto the self proclaimed queen’s back. her eyes glimmered fiercely like polished like riverstones-- a subtle, unrealized hint of longing and want for what virgo possessed roiling tumultuously within her gut.

and she remained blissfully ignorant of it.

it was clear as the sky’s blue skin, her glorification of her sister. though her ways were simplistic and her mind was uncomplicated in the way of untamed creatures, yet she was no less capable of only some of the more advanced emotions that were often denied to the feral beasts of this world. it clashed with the logic of her instinct, though she was not ruled by it. perhaps her evolutionary capacities for this weakness would be her very downfall.

both of her and her siblings were a lethal beauty. small were they, but ready for greatness nonetheless.

they were dauntless. without fear. never tasted the bitter, crushing loss of defeat against an opponent greater than they, and all the foolish for it. guarded and shielded from the incomprehensible reality of failure.

the reaction to her alpha’s command was instantaneous, and virgo’s graceful, poised tone barred no room for argument.

exodus faithfully heeded to her swift bark with willing ease. movements rolled to a rigid pause, posture ramrod and stiff. befitting of a guard dog stance; attentive and unmovable much akin to the likeness of a rock. it was within their nature to favor absolute discipline and obedience. compliance to their superior, the one to guide and lead them to victory absolute, unparalleled ensured efficiency and teamwork as a pack unit.

she, along with virgo, tasted the air for a hint of threat. the miniscule crest of feathers resting upon the crown of her skull flickered upwards in tested anticipation.

a lion; of far greater weight and girth of they. his teeth were like miniscule ivory spears, and their head was adorned in an array of magnificent fur; a corona of majesty.

yet for all the display of the mighty, she was undaunted-- never was. instead she was consumed by the power to explore and expand their pack’s territory and their power. conquering and conquering for glory. but despite it all-- she longed for a challenge. some inner part of the beast wanted the hardship, the struggle of hardship and the sweat and blood that came with utter dominion and supremacy of life. a kingdom with no effort was no kingdom at all, to her. though she felt as if she were entitled to all the world in her bold little heart, she longed for the effort that came with life, to prove their undisputed established superiority.

the lion babbled in unfamiliar tongue. words ungraceful and clumsy to her ears. ad always, she did not understand. could not comprehend. sometimes mother would translate these alien-like creatures inferior speech to them. but mother was not here. not now. they were on their own, and a primitive, bestial sense pride swelled in her feathered breast.

at virgo’s urge to push forward and find her sustenance, exodus was quick to dismiss the greeting animal from her mind. ignored shamelessly.

but there was another presented to them. she smelt him long before she met his massive vessel. he smelt of smoke and charred ash. of fire and the spoils of war, and the overwhelming aura of a celestial deity. he towered over them all, and just like mother, his mere presence made her pause with reverent consideration.

it was not uncommon for the pack to go forth, vehemently ignoring any other creatures as if they were nothing but mere dirt beneath her feet, the ants that they stepped upon.
but he was power. swathed in devastating muscle and honed flesh. he possessed power of lethal capability. power that could challenge the livelihood of the pack’s self-proclaimed authority. teeming beneath toned, hardened flesh. and she could feel it. taste it. she took in the awe inspiring sight of savage claws as long as the length of her own body, belonging to a monster that towered far above her.

exodus had only met one being like that before, and that was mother.

exodus could not comprehend how one could speak their tongue; mother had not told them of this. mother only spoke their language. there was their ancient warble, and then the gibberish of the modern creatures around them.

the world, so immense and new to exodus, is always constantly challenging her expectations for things. barely a paw into a new world, and already there is one able to tell apart their ancient language from the mindless chirps so many seem to think their tongue to be.

a body tenses, heart catching lightly in their throat and body singing with jittery anticipation at this unnatural discovery. this is wrong in all of the strangest of ways they know their simplistic mind to comprehend.

"why are you here?"

the gal casts a gaze towards virgo for divine guidance.

“alpha?” the question danced on her tongue and left in a brief click of jaws, lowered in a privy whisper reserved only for the other. even as her quills lifted, bristling their hostility and unease, exodus did recognize of the similarities of the two species dancing among the indoraptor’s blood.

“they speak our tongue. friend or foe?”