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I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - Printable Version

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I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - HISOKA - 04-08-2018

& ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
Histoka was not a kind or generous man; Rather, quite the opposite really. At least, he never saw a reason to be kind to someone before unless they were being exceedingly loud- to which the answer was murder. Being a hunter had helped exclude him from the punishment of the law before. He saw no reason it wouldn't again. But clans were finicky, The point of a clan was to protect each other; If someone went around murdering people well- it wouldn't be very efficient of a clan, would it?

The Kitsune, however, wasn't interested in rules. He followed his own path. Found his own way in life and rather enjoyed the spoils of said life so far. Rules were put in place for a reason. To give such power to whatever higher system in society there was. To give the weak cowards some semblance of safety. He was not weak and rather, quite the contrary. Histoka was not as willing as others to give his freedom - his power - His control away to something as simple as clan law.

Loyalty was like hope, sentimental and useless in regards to all, if not most people. He did not tend to follow loyalty, rather his own curiosity. Respect was more concrete, will by fear to obey and comply- was much more solid. So why was he here?

The air was fresh, and for once he was grateful for his thick coat. The red-tipped fur making him an easy to see along the border. Three tails flickering behind him white- if not for the dash of crimson that tipped them, like an artist's brush tipped in his own life. Histoka smiled softly at his own impish thoughts. Golden eyes watching the border as he settled in the snow, tails curling along his paws.

He hoped he didn't have to wait too long to be admitted in. It was such a drag- this part. No real creativity when joiners come always "Name and business". Hopefully, whoever greeted him would at least provide a little interesting. If not- he could always kill them and come by another time.

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - PIERCE - 04-08-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
Unlike Histoka, Pierce had always been very careful about following the rules. Of course, there were times where they couldn't be obeyed, but most of the time, they were there for  a reason. There to keep you, or someone else, safe. The only time Pierce could remember actually breaking any rules was when he'd gone out of his way to find Riddlersgame when he was in another clan (though, what rules had he really been breaking? He couldn't recall any that said he couldn't go to enemy clans, he was just advised not to. And then, of course, there had been another incident, but he had no recollection of that. The point was, though, unless you absolutely had to, Pierce didn't see what the point in disobeying any rules were. Go somewhere that didn't have any if you wanted to ignore them so badly, he thought.

The serval had been wandering the territory, red scarf wrapped tight around his throat, when he spotted Histoka's unfamiliar form, a bright smile immediately finding its way to his maw. Despite the strangeness of this place, greeting newcomers was something he had always been good at, and something he was very familiar with. Quick to approach the vulpine, Pierce offered him a friendly wave as he came to stand before him. [color=#F5CA72]"Hey there!"
he greeted warmly, his tail wagging slightly behind him. "I'm Pierce Parker, and you're in Snowbound-
what can I do for you, my friend?"


Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - HISOKA - 04-08-2018

& ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
It wasn't like Histoka went around breaking rules just for the hell of it. But he was a kitsune of... needs. Killing was a part of him as much as his paws were, as much as the power that thrummed through his form. He wasn't about to let some silly conditioned construct as morals keep him from that. The only occasion that Histoka would go out of his way to break one without that need- was to intentionally piss someone off. Or to test the limits of someone else's temper.

The red scarf was not the thing that gave pierce away, in the snow, but it was a close thing. The kitsune offered the other a amused glance as he smoke. Golden eyes sparking with unknown intent. Pierce Parker? Well, it rolled of the tongue for sure. He didn't look very strong at all- but still friendly, if a little boring. He met the kitsune's expectation, if just a little bit. The smile on Histoka's face wasn't entirely felt, and he felt something like disappointment bubble in his gut. Because he was a man of his word when it suited him. Which meant, no bloodshed yet.

"Name's Histoka, you've got a pretty nice place here Pierce." There was a slight accent to his voice that was hard to detect. "Snowbound right? Seems interesting enough." Snowbound ahs been his goal at the very least. The ice, the snow. It was a good place to spend his next few years or so, at least until he got his next tail. Hisoka eyed the other again, mulling over his own thoughts and their own response to what he said so far.

"You wouldn't mind if i join, hmm? Seems pretty friendly so far."

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-08-2018

Guilt. An emotion that he hadn't felt in a very very long time. The only time he had actually felt guilt was when he had made one of his first friends by the means of a husky puppy. He had found the husky puppy while he was out and about outside of the mansion for once in a very long time. He didn't know why the husky puppy was there, but he was allowed to adopt the puppy into the Zoldyck family. Although in reality, the rest of the family just considered the husky puppy to be a pet and nothing else. They wouldn't consider the likes of a random dog as part of their elite bloodline. Killua didn't know this having been only a kitten and all. After he done all the different types of training with his brother, he would just go and play with what he considered to be a friend. Looking back, that's what he should have called the dog. But he didn't know what the term friend meant because he had never been taught the term up until that point. Eventually, he was able to teach the puppy to say his name and a couple other words. It was probably the most fun month he had ever had. As usual with the Zoldyck family though, there was no such thing as fun and there was only such thing as work. The assassin knew this far too well now and figured out why they had made himi do it. He had been called into his father's chambers, where it was there that he was instructed to kill his friend. The only friend that he had come close to and could complain about the training without the other trying to justify what his family was doing. He couldn't talk to the butlers about how he felt because they would just rat him out to the rest of his family. He couldn't have that happen or he would get punished as per usual. It was either he was going to have to kill his friend, or Illumi was going to do it. Considering the track record of his older brother, he doubted that he would give the other quick death. He distinctively remembered the blood that had seeped through his paws. Killua didn't know what had happened the other day. He had just wanted to go on a walk to clear his head a bit, and maybe pass out from exhaustion if he was lucky. There was too much damn stuff going on right now, and he needed to be alone for a while. Which had been why he was keeping his distance away from others. He didn't expect that he would kill two innocent animals because of it. He felt guilty that he had decided to take their lives even after they had begged to be sparred. Killua had been taught not to give to those that begged for any sort of forgiveness. He slaughtered them. Just like every other kill he had ended up making. Only a couple of the members ended up discovering him on he scene. The rest of them probably just heard from others what he had done. He had marked it as being self-defense, giving himself wounds here and there and scrapes. Which he had decided that he was going to heal himself instead of worry about others trying to treat him. Maybe if Amorette was around he would let her treat his wounds, but she was a robot and there was very little she could do with something like that. He had stitched himself up and stitched the long claw marks that ran down his right side. It seemed a familiar treating method, and he covered the middle portion of his body with white bandages. White bandages that practically blended into his slightly long fur despite them being there. He had to stitch up the area around his shoulders where he had dragged his claws around that area. It was good that they didn't inspect the wounds closer because if they had, it would have meant that the wound was created by a tool, the cut too clean to have belonged to the likes of a claw which would have left a rigid mark. The wounds he had given himself didn't feel any sort of pain, so he was free to do whatever the hell he wanted.

He was more cautious being around others though, as he had been lucky that a Snowbounder hadn't come across his path just like the leopard and wolf had done just yesterday. His pelt was still slightly stained pink, despite his best efforts to wash the blood off anyway. The color more centered around his paws and shoulder, as that had been where his own blood had dripped down. He wondered how many of those that lived here going to fear what he was capable of doing. Either way, he was technically their deputy, so if they asked him questions he could just say he needed to handle clan politics. As usual. The albino serval seemed to have gotten back into his rhythm, kinda. He was leaping from tree to tree like he usually did, his elemental air keeping his silent and keeping his scent hidden. He did seem a bit more anxious than the previous days leading up the murder he had committed. He was more frustrated with himself that he hadn't been able to stop himself when he was emotionally compromised. He couldn't talk to anyone about what he had done. He would get thrown out after all if they figured out he was a Zoldyck, or just an assassin. The healing albino serval could hear a voice in the distance, one that was familiar. He and Pierce hadn't interacted all that much even if he did remember where he had first met the other tom. If they were to stand side by side, they would be drastically different. Killua made sure to approach the scene slightly behind the creature that was standing on the border. There was a kitsune with red ticked fur. An interesting appearance and the other was already bigger than him. However, that wasn't what the concern with the Snowseeker. The vibe that the other gave off was increasingly familiar. It was the vibe that he gave off, a killer. His lips curled themselves slightly into a soundless snarl as he laid himself on the branch directly above and behind Hisoka. His metal claws sinking in and out of the branch he was laying on. The other wanted to join. Just great. "You're basically allowed to do whatever the hell you want. Snowbound basically accepts everyone. Which is ridiculous if you ask me." Killua never wasted a chance to criticize the way that the clans ran themselves. His sapphire blue optics narrowed at the kitsune, having a feeling the other knew that he would be let in regardless. "Where did you come from?" Killua questioned the kitsune, not bothering to introduce himself to Hisoka. Names carried power after all.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - HISOKA - 04-09-2018

& ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
If the Kitsune was jumpy then he had no doubt killua would be dead at his feet. Which was lucky for them both that he was so finely controlled if a little finicky. No, Hisoka ran a tight ship, each action controlled to the fine edge of efficiency. Too much experience on the battlefield, even if his body never showed it. Too much simply too much. The newcomer twisted his head slightly, tails moving for a better view as his golden eyes landed on the cold stare of the deputy. So this was illumi's little brother then, spitfire that one.

Red-tinged the other's fur and he longed for a whiff of the ichor of his enemies. He imagined that the tinge of fear flavored the life-blood that stained the domestic's form before they died. Sweet intoxicidy blendable with the flavor of ice that the snowbound seemed to carry. However, as fate would have it no such thing was allowed. The young Zoldych too paranoid and far too mean to allow a sliver of a scent to slip through the careful wind he weaved around him. Such a pity, it would have smelled just like home for once.

The half covered snarl on the other's face made his eyes twinkle with amusement. Teeth flashing in their own subtle challenge to the other. An attempt to get under the other's skin. Killu was so very different from the rest of the lot, a different breed in comparison. Raised, molded to kill. Potential practically drowned his senses just in the presence of the individual- and Hisoka felt his own excitement edge dangerously at the thought of how much more power the other could draw.

Ice dripped between those gangs, the snowseaker none-too-pleased at the threat that he posed. Obviously assessing him as powerful- maybe even realizing a little how much threat that he held in that moment, Peirce's presence a possible hostage if things got too heated too quickly for the kitsune's likeing. His eyes tracked the first stranger to greet him even as Killua spoke.

"What good news for me, if anything else." The kitsune replied, tongue peeking out between pointed teeth. A teasing lilt to his voice edged with the spike of danger that he always carried around like a cloak. "Though, I am curious what earned me your ire so quickly. Enough to not trust me with your name." Kil's question going ignored for now as Hosoka went on his little way, avoiding the topic just to get the other to tick if only for a little bit longer. "It is not common courtesy to ask a question without offering information yourself. At least Peirce was trying to seem friendly."

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-10-2018

The Zoldycks had only ever specialized in one thing, and that was taking the lives of others. When children grew up in a group that had a specific teaching and weren't allowed to explore the world around them, it meant that they wouldn't end up knowing better. How else would they? Children were supposed to have faith in their parents after all, and it was that faith that could ultimately end up corrupting a child if they were too willing to do what their parents told them to do. Luckily, each child went through a rebellious stage sooner or later when it came to their parents. Killua was lucky that his rebellious nature had been there with him from the very beginning. The assassin was able to figure out what his family was trying to do to him and how much they were trying to control his actions over and over again. There were several months that had passed during his life though that he was believing the lies that they constantly fed him. The brainwashing that they had done certianly worked, and because of that he was dealing with the side effects currently. Killua had no choice but to figure out everything himself because there was no one he was willing to ask for help. He was too damn stubborn to let something like that happen after all. Killua grew up thinking that taking the lives of others was perfectly okay. Especially when he looked up to his older brother Illumi. He had no reaosn to try and question what he told him until he went on a job for the first time, and was able to see the world for it truly was. A world that wasn't like the world that his brother and mother had explained to him. Keeping him locked up on that damn mansion where the locals could walk up to the massive gate to the entrance of the mountain to figure out what it would be like to see a Zoldyck member in the flesh and the blood. No one knew what a Zoldyck member even looked like however, and that's how it made it easier for them to slink around without being noticed. Killua was tired of constantly being fed the same information over and over again. He knew what his brother didn't want, and that was for him to be successful in his goal that he was searching for. He just wanted to make friends and live out his own life in different kinds of adventure instead of being stuck in one place. No matter how much he tried to get the emotions away from him thouh, they would always be dormant waiting for him to wake up the familiar feelings again. They could disappear for all he cared, but a portion of him knew that maybe in the future he was going to need that feeling once again. Killua couldn't let his feelings control him, but what could he do when his feelings controlled the way his body moved without him actually reacting to the situation? He was in a standstill of what to do right now after murdering two innocent creatures. And compared to the clanners, Killua believed himself to be entirely different than them. The only training that they got was fighting against the other clans that they got into wars with. They never bothered to try and train their powers by themselves probably on the account that clanners got too lonely too quickly. Killua wasn't like that, and constantly on the lookout to better himself in battle. He already had enough strength to take on clanners, he just needed the strength to take on his brother. Because of his personality, he wasn't going to be as nice and kind like the rest of the clanners he was residing with. He still didn't feel at home in a place like this no matter how kind they were to him.

Certainly, if the other's objective had been to piss off the wildcat, Hisoka had done just that with the cocky way that he had looked at him. Begging him to make the first move, but Killua wasn't an idiot. He would much rather wait for his opponent to come after him instead. He flexed his claws in the branch and kept the same facial feature spread across his face. This bastard. The other was probably mocking him in his head. Killua knew that the other was probably strong, but he could practically feel the excitement radiating off the other's body. That made him even more dangerous than he had originally thought. This was the kind of guy that was going to have fun ripping other's apart, and he couldn't have that happen. His gaze looked at the way that Hisoka was looking at Pierce, and even if he didn't exactly like the serval he wasn't going to let the other die. Killua would leap to a branch that was opposite of him, making no sound as he did so. This way he was looking directly at Hisoka instead of being slightly behind him. If he had to get Pierce out of the way, he was directly above the other Snowbounder. He would have to use his teleportation considering how close they were to each other. He was in a bad spot. He still had his own stiff injuries to take into account for. Killua clenched his jaws at the other finally responded to what he said. Maybe he shouldn't have said that he was practically allowed to do anything. That would give the guy the wrong idea after all, but it would also mean that Killua would get a chance to beat the crap out of the guy. If he could. The voice in the back of the assassin's head remaining silent during this entire exchange between the two battle-torn animals. "I know malice when I see it Baka~. I'm not blind." Killua growled toward the other, not caring if he was being rude or not toward the other. Killua had been around his family long enough to realize when someone was somewhat close to their own skill and their own occupation. The manner that the other held himself in had been the manner that Killua had held himself in. Complete confidence and no fear in those that lived in this place. "Like I care. I'm not like the rest of them. I'll see how you are once you live here and then maybe I'll give you my name." It wasn't a bargaining chip. Killua knew that. Everyone here knew his name at the moment, and if he were to ask anyone, they would openly tell his name to the other. Would the other fight him though to try and listen to his name? Killua could feel the uneasy and anxiety rising through his body, causing the short tip of his white tail to fidget behind him.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - HISOKA - 04-10-2018

& ᴛʜᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴜɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ
hisoka watched killua bob between the trees with a practiced grace that made his eyes gleam. Dangerous, small as he was and still very dangerous. Of course he expected nothing else from someone trained so young- hisoka has heard his story one too many times. The older brother insistent that he knew if he ever spotting the younger assassin he knew the importance of the heir. Brought back alive, or not at all. Dreadfully boring, but illumi had never specified a payment and hisoka has not offered his services. It was a silent agreement between them, that he was to be monitored. So hisoka would do that, and illumi would have to settle after all~ hisoka did not give away his playthings so easily.

Playthings was probably too light of a word, interest maybe was better. If less insulting. No, hisoka felt the edge of something dangerous skitter across his own emotions, and very carefully turned his attention elsewhere. It would do him no good to get excited now, no one to really challenge - no one he could kill without consequence. So he would have to settle with being "in the dark" for a while.

"malice? I think you color me with the wrong color here. You're the one acting hostile. If anything.

/hella rushed oof 

Re: I'll keep them still; O, Joining(?) - jacob w.c. - 04-11-2018

Rules were a slippery thing for Jacob. His family certainly didn't have a history of following them but he'd tried to be better. He'd been arrested once but that'd been Jersey's fault, mostly, and he'd been so angry. That was minor, though. He hadn't hurt anyone when that happened and he'd really only wanted to punch Jersey in the face, which wasn't too bad. He'd had worse incidents, like when he had the man that aided in hurting his family. He hadn't really done anything, just pushed him down and yelled a lot but he'd wanted to do more. He could still remember the anger, how much he wanted to hurt him. He'd done worse things in his nightmares and sometimes he wondered if that made him a bad person. Those people had done terrible things but so had his family. If he could justify those feelings, even those actions, what right did he have to hate the people that'd torn his life apart? They'd only been trying to make things right. He could tell himself it was different but he knew it wasn't. He tried not to dwell on it often. The good thing was he'd never done any of it, his paws were clean of any blood and that man escaped with a few scratches but nothing more than what was necessary to keep him away from Jersey. He'd left the city just a few days later.

Now, though, his mind was clear as he wandered the snowy plains. He knew it wasn't safe to go out on his own, not with his legs in the condition they were, but he couldn't help it. He craved the fresh air. It was like once he left the city, he couldn't get enough of it. Here there was nothing but quiet and peace. It was beautiful. So he walked through it, despite the fear of collapsing and being left here to freeze. His eyes and ears soon caught unfamiliar figures and voices and he made his way towards the group, quickly identifying his clanmates before his eyes turned to Hisoka. He could tell that Killua seemed to be upset but that wasn't exactly anything new. The boy didn't seem to be very agreeable towards most people, though Jacob had never had any problems with him. "Uh, hello. 'M Jacob. Sorry, I didn' quite get whatever ya'll were talkin' 'bout a bit ago but I assume you're here ta' join? Would ya' like me ta' show ya' where the camp is so ya' can get outta' the cold n' get somethin' ta' eat or drink," he offered.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━