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TINKLE TAILOR SOLDIER SPY // gift - Printable Version

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TINKLE TAILOR SOLDIER SPY // gift - EXODUS-- - 09-15-2018

≡ -- [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] <33333

for exodus, family was everything. her species craved for companionship. for unity. to be without the pack was to be unthinkable.

she had no care in her tiny, primitive heart for the other anomalous organisms of this world that she believed existed for her and her siblings alone, graced by their sole presence and destined to be conquered by her ilk. she would spare them no thought. should any of them step out of line or bear ill will towards her kin, there was no hesitance in her brutish soul to urge them into ruin with the power of wicked, glinting teeth and claws alone, as she was biologically programmed to do.

the baby fat had yet to flee her growing vessel. despite this, she was every inch growing into the lethal beauty her kind was meant to be. she was encapsulated in a young and wild savagery, and her heart sung of the urge for skin cracking beneath her teeth. though she was still foolish and young, she was beginning to grow out of the ways of softness. she no longer held most of her playfulness and curiosity that had been the core foundation of her personality in her previous moons, and the spare time she had outside of the company of her family was spent hunting and sharpening her skills akin to a honed, tapered blade.
compulsion, innate and inborn flooded her very bones and commanded her. it whispered lovingly into her ears, guided her legs so that she might perfect the sound of silence and the stalking movements that prey would not know of until it was far too late.

hunting was a skill. a timeless and invaluable one that demanded the utmost concentration and patience.

the shadows of the foliage overhead dappled her tiny form, framing her in the sunlight’s fingers that managed to slip through. a mix of light and dark. perfect balance.

the vegetation was velvety underfoot. her talons were light. glancing. fleeting against the earth. her sickle claw, held taut and poised against her ankle, flexed in anticipation.

it was a mouse deer, thoughtlessly feeding upon the mulch that littered the jungle’s floor. it’s short, sharp little teeth cracked against the brittle skin of the dead leaves, ushering forth dull shards of crumpled, placid fronds. exodus tracked the movements of her target, blood roaring in her ears. this was what she was made for, yet it took all of her strength to force the roaring, raging, pulsing animalistic instinct within her to a subtle, bubbling calm. she needed to concentrate in order to make the lunge that would put this plump, walking feast within her jaws that ached for blood. but it was not for her. it was for mother.

muscles tense. then flex. she leaps, soaring into the air for a fitful moment before the deer mouse senses danger and springs. she nearly misses it, sickle claw raised and then swinging down, lashing like the whistle of a hatchet in a desperate fit to snag the prey beast’s haunch, find flesh and shred skin like a knife slicing through butter.
there was the sticky, warm sensation of crimson dripping from her prey’s hide. wounded, but not yet defeated, the mouse deer slagged to one side. nimble limbs fidgeted in an attempt to bolt upright again. those efforts were ceased with and exodus’s alabaster teeth glared down with a fiendish, grizzly grin.
an effortless snap of jaws closing shut. developing muscles in her jaws and neck working to bring a savage end to her catch.  it brought the feeble capture’s skull crushing satisfyingly against the roof of her tongue. the youthful gal grinded her jaws with fervor and unbridled, unfathomable glee.

there were few things greater than a successful hunt and fulfilling her body’s purpose. she and her siblings were meant to be raised on gristle and bone and viscera; and to conquer with her natural weapons alone. thus was the truth of her world, and the closest thing her little heart could comprehend to true joy and satisfaction.

mother would be so happy


it did not take her long to sniff out mother. there were few she aimed to please besides the alpha and herself. waddling steps brought her forth to where she knew the dragon of starless night sky and all consuming sableness to be.

should she find her mother, she'd place the offering towards the god king's feet. an eager, wagging tail betrayed her true feelings. the plump body was obviously not enough to feed lucifer's massive vessel in it's entirety, yet she presented her catch proudly regardless.

the deer mouse had been flayed from throat to hip, flay split and stretched out to reveal the ribcage and tendons benesth, down to the mass of it's miniscule, red pulpy heart. to the babe, the heart was the richest part of a catch. not only because was it meaty, but because it had no slight of blood and nutrition, and it was within her thoughts that lucifer would appreciate such a gift.

Re: TINKLE TAILOR SOLDIER SPY // gift - Luciferr - 09-15-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

Lucifer had been ensconced in his cavernous cave for the night for once - the greater black behemoth for once not working himself through the whole of the night patrolling but instead simply lightly napping - for he resisted true sleep, worried anything distressing might creep from his subconscious once more.

so it was when small tapping feet caught his senses - claws against the stone that he knew so well and could zero in on from distances away - did the shadow king stir, silver-white eye opening whee the red never closed and glowing in the gloom.

the iron scent of blood crept to his nostrils as he shifted from his curled position, head bending down to inspect the prize set before him.

ah, his fearless children were growing up - becoming accomplished hunters already it seemed.

Lucifer crooned, head bending to ruffle the feathers lightly on Exodus' head in praise before bending to take up the snack in his jaws - small yes and an appetiser to the days meals no doubt but he appreciated the gesture all the same.

ever did it warm him, his children gifts and lucifer moved back to croon his approval again - he had the very best of children no doubt, small and feathered as they were - his fearless daughters and son were a credit to themselves.